Horst-Joachim Lüdecke

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Horst-Joachim Lüdecke (2013)

Horst-Joachim Lüdecke (born March 19, 1943 in Berlin ) is a German physicist for fluid mechanics and professor emeritus at the Saarland University of Technology and Economics (HTW). He is an actor in the organized climate denial scene in Germany, which rejects the scientific state of affairs of man-made global warming . Lüdecke has published non-fiction books in the field of climate and energy and acts as press spokesman for the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE), an association that claims to be a climate research institute and denies man-made climate change.

life and work

Lüdecke studied physics and then did research in the field of nuclear physics . Several years of activity in industry followed. At BASF Ludwigshafen he created one of the first German pressure surge programs , published numerous specialist papers on stationary and unsteady pipe flow and chemical technology and worked on numerical computer models for the flow processes in pipelines and supply pipe networks .

In 1975 he became professor for computer science and operations research at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences . He was a member of the pressure surge problems working committee of the DVGW ( German Association for Gas and Water ) and works on the DVGW set of rules W 303 Dynamic pressure changes in water supply systems . In 1992 he published the textbook flow calculation for pipe systems as a co-author . In 2005 he was appointed to the doctoral committee of the Technical University of Dresden (department of civil engineering) as an external reviewer .

According to his own account, he has been concerned with the climate since retiring. He published the books CO 2 and Climate Protection and Energy and Climate . He is an active member and press spokesman of EIKE , an association that denies human-made global warming.

Lüdecke is an AfD member and has been invited several times by the party as an expert. In 2018 he submitted, among other things, an expert opinion on the printed matter 1711/28 of the Düsseldorf state parliament and declared there “the only motive for his opinion is the scientific truth. Influencing on the part of commercial companies or other institutions, such as NGO 's [sic] etc. is excluded ”.

In 2009 Lüdecke published an opinion piece on the topic in the newspaper Die Welt , in 2018 an article in the AfD-related blog Die Freie Welt and also in 2018 an article in The Axis of the Good .

Contributions to climate change


Mean temperature from six Central European measurement series (black), Lüdeckes temperature reconstruction from this (red) and his projection of the northern hemisphere temperatures (dashed blue); for comparison, actual temperature profile in the northern hemisphere (NASA GISS) (bottom right, dark red, shifted downwards)

Lüdecke has been dealing with climate issues since his retirement, and according to his own statements, he has worked independently in climate research. In his publications he fundamentally criticizes the summaries of the scientific knowledge on human-made global warming published by the IPCC .

Global warming due to human- related increase in CO 2 has not yet been proven. The IPCC climate models were not based on empirical data, but on hypothetical assumptions. The influence of the man-made increase in CO 2 on the temperature is marginal and drowned in the "noise of the climate curves". Since the end of the 1990s, global temperatures have decreased again (alleged warming pause ). In fact, in 1998 the global temperature was exceptionally high due to a pronounced El Niño and then decreased for a few years, but has exceeded the 1998 value for several years and continues to rise. Lüdecke describes the scientific consensus on man-made global warming as a myth: The “climate skeptics” among the scientists surpass the “climate alarmists” in “number and scientific reputation”. Scientific criticism of the IPCC theses is suppressed. Lüdecke writes of several "scandals" in connection with the IPCC, which had to do with data manipulation and false statements.

In 2010 he claimed that there was no scientific evidence that carbon dioxide had a warming effect on the climate ( greenhouse effect ). Therefore, a materials researcher, a radiologist and an electronics specialist could also sit on the EIKE advisory board and no climate researchers would be needed there.

In a work that was published in the journal Energy and Environment , Lüdecke comes to the conclusion that temperature reconstructions obtained at two locations over the past 2000 years fluctuated more rapidly than global temperatures in the 20th century. According to the editor in charge, Energy and Environment specifically encouraged climate-skeptical authors to submit publications and was considered unreliable in science. The review process of the journal was described as unusual.

Lüdecke also published in the International Journal of Modern Physics that global warming in the 20th century was predominantly of natural origin. On the other hand, since the 1980s at the latest, there has been broad agreement in climatology that the majority of the observed warming is due to human (anthropogenic) influences. The International Journal of Modern Physics has been criticized for not being a specialist journal for climate science. In 2012, for example, the magazine published a climate-skeptical paper that was criticized for being based on unphysical and fundamentally wrong assumptions.

In his work from 2013, Lüdecke examined Multi-periodic climate dynamics: spectral analysis of long-term instrumental and proxy temperature records the Central European temperature profile over the last 250 years. He found that the temperature curve was subject to periodic fluctuations and attributed this to the internal dynamics of the climate system. Based on a Fourier analysis , Lüdecke sees recurring patterns, in particular a 64-year periodicity. By projecting these patterns into the future, he believes he can predict a “near drop in temperature”. His projection, which Lüdecke regards as representative of the entire northern hemisphere, shows a temperature drop of around 1 ° C between 2000 and 2025. The reviewers of this paper saw interesting aspects, but both highlighted strong concerns about the conclusions reached by Lüdecke. The editor of the journal in which the work was published agreed with this analysis and noted that essential points of the work would have to be revised before the conclusions reached by Lüdecke could be justified.

Use of predatory journals

In 2016, Lüdecke published a work in the fake journal Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International . In 2018, journalists from the Süddeutsche Zeitung, who examined the quality of this magazine and its review process, succeeded in placing a nonsense article written by a computer program in it. The journal's alleged reviewers suggested few changes, then accepted the article. Both the publisher and Lüdecke deny that the magazine is a fake journal. Lüdecke emphasizes that the peer review was "very tidy" and also highlighted the handling as "unusually polite, fair, factual and nice". Jochem Marotzke , Director at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology , on the other hand, stated that “just to publish such a work in this journal would mean a ban by the Max Planck Institute for any scientist”. When asked specifically about the Lüdecke paper, he explained that it did not meet “the very lowest scientific standards”. This publication , which appeared in a robbery journal , is explicitly advertised as peer-reviewed on the EIKE website . Previously, the work was already submitted to the scientific journal Earth System Dynamics , but fell through the review process. It was criticized that the model presented in the work was too simple and flawed, the work did not provide any new knowledge and the results could not be published.

Together with Carl-Otto Weiss, Lüdecke published the paper Harmonic Analysis of Worldwide Temperature Proxies for 2000 Years at Bentham Open in mid-2017 . The work was criticized by Skeptical Science for serious deficiencies in content. Bentham Open, the platform on which the paper was published, has been criticized for its poor review. In the past, Bentham also accepted a nonsense paper computer-generated by SCIgen .


Lüdeckes book CO 2 and climate protection. Facts, errors, politics (ClimateGate) has been sharply criticized by scientists. The Swiss climatologist Urs Neu wrote a detailed review, who sees “few facts and many errors”. The physicist Werner Aeschbach-Hertig rejected Lüdecke's theses on behalf of the Institute for Environmental Physics at the University of Heidelberg and criticized in the context “that the public in the debate about climate change and suitable countermeasures is repeatedly caused by extreme, factually untenable and physical laws contradicting viewpoints being misled ”.

The NZZ am Sonntag calls Lüdecke a "well-known climate denier" who is so controversial as EIKE's press spokesman that Heidelberg University publicly distanced itself from him because Lüdecke - who never worked at Heidelberg University - was a citizen of Heidelberg be associated with her.

Outside of climate research, the book also met with approval: Andreas Unterberger , board member of the economically liberal Friedrich A. v. Hayek Institute , recommended the book in the Wiener Zeitung as “must read for all those who deal with the UN reports that politics have declared dogma”. Further approving reviews can be found in the physics journal of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) by Konrad Kleinknecht , in the journal "Ketzerbriefe" by Fritz Erik Hoevels . Hoevels is a psychoanalyst, publicist, translator, and head and activist of the Bund gegen Adaptation group, which is often referred to as a political sect .

Publications (selection)


  • with Hans B. Horlacher: Flow calculation for pipe systems . 3. Edition. expert-Verlag , Ehningen near Böblingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-8169-2858-4
  • CO 2 and climate protection. Facts, errors, politics (ClimateGate) . 3. Edition. Bouvier-Verlag , Bonn 2010, ISBN 978-3-416-03124-0 (first edition 2008)
  • Energy and climate. Opportunities, risks, myths . 4th revised edition. expert-Verlag, Tübingen 2020, ISBN 978-3816934851 (first edition 2013)
  • with Götz Ruprecht: Nuclear energy - the way into the future . Series of publications by the European Institute for Climate and Energy Vol. 7. TvR Medienverlag , Jena 2018, ISBN 978-3940431653


  • with W. Berthold, M. Heckle, A. Zieger: Simple investigation methods to avoid heat explosions in large containers . In: Chemical Engineer Technology . No. 47 , 1975, pp. 368-373 , doi : 10.1002 / cite.330470905 .
  • with Bernd Kothe: The pressure surge . In: KSB know-how . tape 1 . KSB AG, Hall 2013 ( ksb.com [PDF; 1000 kB ; accessed on December 10, 2013]).
  • with R. Link: A New Basic 1-Dimensional 1-Layer Model Obtains Excellent Agreement With The Observed Earth Temperature . In: International Journal of Modern Physics C . tape 22 , no. 5 , October 2011, p. 449-455 , doi : 10.1142 / S0129183111016361 (English).
  • Long-Term Instrumental And Reconstructed Temperature Records Contradict Anthropogenic Global Warming . In: Energy & Environment . tape 22 , no. 6 , September 2011, arxiv : 1110.1841v1 (English).
  • with R. Link and F.-K. Ewert: How Natural Is The Recent Centennial Warming? An Analysis Of 2240 Surface Temperature Records . In: International Journal of Modern Physics C . tape 22 , no. 10 , October 2011, p. 1139-1159 , doi : 10.1142 / S0129183111016798 (English).
  • with A. Hempelmann and CO Weiss: Multi-periodic climate dynamics: spectral analysis of long-term instrumental and proxy temperature records . In: Climate of the Past . tape 9 , 2013, p. 447–452 , doi : 10.5194 / cp-9-447-2013 (English, clim-past.net [PDF; 900 kB ]).
  • with C.-O. Weiss, X. Zhao, and X. Feng: Centennial cycles observed in temperature data from Antarctica to central Europe . In: Polar Research . tape 85 (2) , 2016, pp. 179–181 , doi : 10.2312 / polarforschung.85.2.179 (English).
  • with L. Laurenz and S. Lüning: Influence of solar activity on European rainfall . In: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics . tape 185 , 2019, pp. 29–42 , doi : 10.1016 / j.jastp.2019.01.012 (English).
  • with R. Cina, H. Dammschneider and S. Lüning: Decadal and multidecadal natural variability in European temperature. In: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics . 2020, doi : 10.1016 / j.jastp.2020.105294 (English).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Brüggemann : The media and the climate lie. False skepticism and real denial , in: Volker Lilienthal , Irene Neverla (eds.), "Lügenpresse": Anatomy of a political battle term . Cologne 2017, pp. 137–157, here pp. 143f.
  2. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke, Hans B. Horlacher: Flow calculation for pipe systems . 3. Edition. expert-Verlag, Ehningen near Böblingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-8169-2858-4 .
  3. ^ Horst-Joachim Lüdecke: Cooperation HTW - TU Dresden for specialist monographs. In: HTW-Online Edition 32. HTW Saarland, November 3, 2006, accessed on December 5, 2013 .
  4. ^ Anita Blasberg and Kerstin Kohlenberg : Climate change: The climate warriors. In: zeit.de . November 22, 2012, accessed April 11, 2016 .
  5. No trace of Antifa in the AfD lecture . In: Südwest Presse , April 20, 2017. Accessed August 29, 2019.
  6. Fabian Schmidt: Among climate change deniers: Where their arguments spread and they find supporters . In: Bento , May 3, 2019. Retrieved May 3, 2019.
  7. Expert opinion on printed matter 1711/28 of the Düsseldorf state parliament. In: State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia . April 4, 2018. Retrieved August 8, 2018 .
  8. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke: Don't underestimate the sun . In: The world . November 1, 2009 ( welt.de ).
  9. ↑ Everything you always wanted to know about CO2. In: The Free World . August 29, 2017. Retrieved August 8, 2018 .
  10. Small inspection on the air conditioning steamer. In: The axis of the good . July 6, 2018, accessed August 8, 2018 .
  11. GISS data: for the base period 1951–1980, smoothed and scaled over 15 years; Reconstruction and prognosis in Fig. 9 from H.-J. Lüdecke, A. Hempelmann, CO Weiss: Multi-periodic .climate dynamics: spectral analysis of long-term instrumental and proxy temperature records . In: Climate of the Past . tape 9 , 2013, p. 447–452 , doi : 10.5194 / cp-9-447-2013 (English, clim-past.net [PDF; 948 kB ]).
  12. The Climate Warriors . In: Die Zeit , November 22, 2012. Retrieved March 16, 2018.
  13. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke: Energy and Climate. Opportunities, risks, myths . expert-Verlag , Ehningen bei Böblingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-8169-3195-9 , p. 201 ff.
  14. "We don't need climate researchers" . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , March 31, 2010. Retrieved March 16, 2018.
  15. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke: Long-Term Instrumental And Reconstructed Temperature Records Contradict Anthropogenic Global Warming . In: Energy & Environment . tape 22 , no. 6 , September 2011, arxiv : 1110.1841v1 (English).
  16. Real Climate faces libel suit. In: The Guardian . February 25, 2011, accessed August 8, 2018 .
  17. The weird and wacky world of climate change denial. In: The Australian. June 22, 2011, accessed August 8, 2018 .
  18. H.-J. Lüdecke, R. Link, F.-K. Ewert: How Natural Is The Recent Centennial Warming? An Analysis Of 2240 Surface Temperature Records . In: International Journal of Modern Physics C . tape 22 , no. 10 , October 2011, p. 1139-1159 , doi : 10.1142 / S0129183111016798 (English).
  19. Ammann, Caspar M., Fortunat Joos, David S. Schimel, Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, Robert A. Tomas (2007): Solar influence on climate during the past millennium: Results from transient simulations with the NCAR Climate System Model. In: PNAS , Vol. 104, pp. 3713-3718, doi: 10.1073 / pnas.0605064103
  20. ^ Antonello Pasini, Umberto Triacca, Alessandro Attanasio: Evidence of recent causal decoupling between solar radiation and global temperature . In Environmental Research Letters Vol. 7, No. 3 July - September 2012, doi: 10.1088 / 1748-9326 / 7/3/034020 PDF
  21. Global warming can't be blamed on CFCs - another one bites the dust. In: The Guardian. April 18, 2014, accessed August 8, 2018 .
  22. H.-J. Lüdecke, A. Hempelmann, CO Weiss: Multi-periodic climate dynamics: spectral analysis of long-term instrumental and proxy temperature records . In: Climate of the Past . tape 9 , 2013, p. 447–452 , doi : 10.5194 / cp-9-447-2013 (English, clim-past.net [PDF; 948 kB ]).
  23. Climate of the past, Review: Multi-periodic climate dynamics: spectral analysis of long-term instrumental and proxy temperature records
  24. H.-J. Lüdecke, CO Weiss: Simple model for the anthropogenically forced CO2 cycle, tested on measured quantities . In: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International . 8, No. 4, 2016, pp. 1-12. doi : 10.9734 / JGEESI / 2016/30532 .
  25. Patrick Bauer, Till Krause, Katharina Kropshofer, Katrin Langhans and Lorenz Wagner: The sham business. Attack on science . In: SZ-Magazin , July 20, 2018. Retrieved July 20, 2018.
  26. Review: A simple model of the anthropogenically forced CO2 cycle. In: Earth System Dynamics. Accessed August 8, 2018 .
  27. ^ Horst-Joachim Lüdecke, Carl-Otto Weiss: Harmonic Analysis of Worldwide Temperature Proxies for 2000 Years . In: The Open Atmospheric Science Journal . 11, No. 1, June 30, 2017, p. 44. doi : 10.2174 / 1874282301711010044 .
  28. Ari Jokimäki: Flaws of Liidecke & Weiss. In: Skeptical Science. January 16, 2018, accessed August 3, 2018 .
  29. CRAP paper accepted by journal. In: New Scientist . June 11, 2009, accessed August 3, 2018 .
  30. Urs Neu: Facts and Errors. In: SciLogs, WissensLogs. Verlag Spektrum der Wissenschaft, July 23, 2008, accessed November 5, 2013 .
  31. Werner Aeschbach-Hertig: The anthropogenic contribution to climate change is reality. Heidelberg University, August 30, 2010, accessed December 10, 2013 .
  32. Carole Koch and Boas Ruh: The climate war: An international network of climate skeptics attacks researchers . In: NZZ on Sunday , March 9, 2019. Retrieved on March 11, 2019.
  33. Andreas Unterberger: The myth of global warming . In: Wiener Zeitung . May 2, 2008 ( htw-saarland.de [accessed December 5, 2013]).
  34. Konrad Kleinknecht: Review: Energy and Climate by Horst-Joachim Lüdecke . In: Physik-Journal . WILEY-VCH Verlag, September 30, 2013 ( pro-physik.de [accessed December 5, 2013]).
  35. Fritz Erik Hoevels: Is “Climate Change” a hoax? In: Heretic letters, message in a bottle for inappropriate thoughts . 182 (September / October). Ahriman-Verlag, 2013, ISSN  0930-0503 , p. 5-20 .