Vera Lengsfeld

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Vera Lengsfeld at a reading in 2015

Vera Lengsfeld (born May 4, 1952 in Sondershausen ) is a German publicist and former politician (initially Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , then CDU ). She was active as a civil rights activist in the GDR from 1981 , was expelled from the SED in 1983 and spied on by her then husband Knud Wollenberger on behalf of the MfS . In 1990 she belonged to the first freely elected People's Chamber in the GDR . From 1990 to 2005 she was a member of the German Bundestag , until 1996 for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, then for the CDU . After leaving parliament, she became increasingly involved in the structures of the New Right and is now part of the Alternative for Germany party . Lengsfeld is a member of the Union of Values .

Youth and Studies

Vera Lengsfeld, married Wollenberger (1990)

Lengsfeld spent her first years in Sondershausen and was mostly looked after by her grandmother in the first years of life. Lengsfeld's father was a major in the Ministry for State Security in the military defense service and her mother was a teacher. In 1958 she moved with her parents to Berlin-Lichtenberg. From the third grade she attended a special school for Russian in Berlin-Karlshorst. In 1966 her youth consecration took place. After graduating from secondary school in Berlin-Mitte , which she attended from the ninth grade, Lengsfeld began studying the history of the labor movement at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig in 1970 and studied philosophy at the Humboldt University from 1972 Berlin .

In 1975 she joined the SED . After party proceedings for "scientific unreliability" she was transferred to the Scientific Information Center of the Academy of Sciences . There she worked as a research assistant from 1975 to 1979.

Political activity

Resistance as a GDR civil rights activist

From 1981 Lengsfeld was active in various opposition groups. In autumn 1981 she co-founded the Pankow Peace Circle . Because of these activities, she was banned from working and went to the Neues Leben publishing house , where she worked as an editor until 1983. Because of her public protests against the establishment of SS-20s in the GDR, she was expelled from the SED in 1983. From 1985 she worked as a beekeeper and translator and began studying theology at the Sprachenkonvikt Berlin . Her husband Knud Wollenberger also worked as a beekeeper. She was active in the Gegenstimmen group and in 1986 she moderated the first human rights seminar in the Protestant community in Berlin-Friedrichsfelde. In 1987 she co-founded the Church from Below . In addition, she frequented the environmental library in the parish hall of the Zionskirche and took part in protests here. Her commitment included the organization of numerous major events for the peace and environmental movement in the GDR. She was a member of the continuation committee for the delegates' meeting of peace circle members, which met annually under the title Concrete for Peace .

In January 1988 she was arrested on the way to the Liebknecht-Luxemburg demonstration in East Berlin . After her pre-trial detention in the central pre-trial detention center in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen of the MfS , she was sentenced to six months in prison by the Lichtenberg district court for “attempted rioting”. Her lawyer Wolfgang Schnur (then an unofficial employee of the MfS) got her to agree to her deportation to western countries instead of serving her imprisonment. Instead, she went to Cambridge , Great Britain , for just under two years , where she studied Philosophy of Religion at St. John's College and completed a master’s degree. She returned to the GDR for private reasons on November 9, 1989, the day the Berlin Wall came down. Vera Wollenberger's file contains the names of 49 Stasi IMs.

Commitment to Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen

In the course of the Peaceful Revolution , the civil rights activist joined the Green Party in the GDR , was elected to the People's Chamber of the GDR on March 18, 1990 and was deputy chairwoman of the Committee on Disarmament and Defense until its dissolution on October 2, 1990 . She also worked as a representative of the Green Party in the working group New Constitution of the GDR of the round table with. However, this draft constitution was not dealt with by the People's Chamber. She was elected in the Berlin constituency and was one of the members of the Bundestag who were sent from the People's Chamber on October 3, 1990 .

In the first general elections in reunified Germany in December 1990 was Lengsfeld that the name Wollenberger had assumed since her marriage to the poet Knud Wollenberger in 1980, for the list Association Alliance 90 / Green - citizens movements (. B90 / Gr) in the electoral area East Member of the German Bundestag .

In a parliamentary debate on the Second Gulf War in 1991, she expressed her criticism of the entry into the war by demonstratively remaining silent for a minute during her speaking time until her Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth withdrew, accompanied by shouts from the CDU / CSU parliamentary group such as “Circus! "," It should be examined! "

After Bündnis 90 and the Greens merged to form a new party in 1993, Lengsfeld was re-elected to the Bundestag in the 1994 general election.

In June 1996 Lengsfeld was involved in founding the Berliner Bürgerbüro e. V. , an association to deal with the consequential damage caused by the SED dictatorship.

Engagement in the CDU

In protest against a future red-red-green coalition she feared , a coalition of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen together with the PDS and a “cuddling course” or “open pandering” to them, she joined forces with other civil rights activists like Günter Nooke and Ehrhart Neubert joined the CDU on December 17, 1996. Lengsfeld's allegations were rejected by leading Greens. With her change of party at the time, she disappointed other members of the Greens, such as civil rights activist Marianne Birthler , who saw the East German civil rights movement at the time of reunification better with the Greens. Lengsfeld switched to the CDU / CSU parliamentary group and, despite being requested to do so, did not give up her current mandate, which she had received from the list of the Green Party.

In the elections to the 14th German Bundestag on September 27, 1998 , she was elected via the CDU state list in Thuringia and in the election to the 15th German Bundestag on September 22, 2002, it was re-elected via the same list. Her autobiography was published in the same year.

In 2003, Lengsfeld described Martin Hohmann's expulsion from the CDU in the new right-wing Junge Freiheit as a “staged hunt” after he had given a speech criticized as anti-Semitic . In this context, Lengsfeld saw the risk of restricting freedom of expression, even if the speech was "inappropriate and superfluous". In the opinion of the taz, "as a result [she] turned more and more away from Angela Merkel's CDU". The political scientist Wolfgang Gessenharter assessed the interview with reference to the annual report of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution from 2003 as an example of an "erosion of the demarcation" of conservative people compared to the network of the New Right .

In 2005 she was defeated in her Thuringian constituency in the line-up for the direct candidacy for the Bundestag , whereupon she declared that she was no longer available as a candidate on the list . Her time as a member of the German Bundestag ended with the constitution for the 16th electoral term on October 18, 2005.

Lengsfeld ran again for the CDU in the Bundestag constituency of Berlin-Friedrichshain - Kreuzberg - Prenzlauer Berg Ost for the 2009 Bundestag elections . Stir her election poster that Lengsfeld and the CDU chairman made Angela Merkel deep decollete with the slogan "We have more to offer" shows. For Dirk Kurbjuweit , the poster was an example of a “trend towards self-clowning” prevailing in politics. It is difficult to find “something even more stupid” than this poster in the federal election campaign. Lengsfeld clearly missed the desired direct mandate with 11.6% of the first votes cast. It was the worst of all CDU direct candidates nationwide.

For the 2010 federal presidential election , Lengsfeld campaigned for Joachim Gauck to be elected within the CDU .

In July 2012 she was elected as the state chairman of the Association of Victims of Stalinism (VOS) Berlin-Brandenburg.

Turning to the New Right

Lengsfeld was, next to Klaus Peter Krause and Beatrix von Storch , in March 2013 on the board of the 2015 disbanded, by the CDU-affiliated Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung as " Apo from the right" and "from above", on the repatriation of the state and the reduction of social benefits aimed at citizens' conventions .

With a contribution published on March 20, 2013 on the axis of the good , Lengsfeld wanted to protect the AfD "for the sake of fairness against dubious allegations of alleged legal bias". After the AfD had also named Lengsfeld as a supporter on its website in May 2013, it declared that this had happened without its knowledge and had the party remove its name.

Before the 2017 federal election , she wrote on her website that there were attacks on the AfD that were unworthy of democracy. A planned appearance by Lengsfeld with the AfD chairwoman Frauke Petry in a sports hall in the city of Pirna was initially prohibited for reasons of usage rights and security, whereupon Lengsfeld and Petry appeared in an event that was declared a "sports festival".

In connection with the refugee crisis in Germany , Lengsfeld initiated the “ Joint Declaration 2018 ” in March 2018 , in which it says: “We are increasingly puzzled as to how Germany is being damaged by illegal mass immigration. We show solidarity with those who peacefully demonstrate that the rule of law will be restored at the borders of our country. ”The NZZ quoted Lengsfeld's statement“ The fear of it is still in the bones of those addicted to power ”, as Lengsfeld“ in all seriousness ”of Germany Comparing topicality with the late phase of the GDR, whose political class disappeared overnight. On October 8, 2018, the petitioners Lengsfeld and Henryk M. Broder were heard in front of the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag , at which representatives of the Federal Government and members of all parties represented in the Bundestag were invited.

In April 2018, the Frankfurter Rundschau counted Lengsfeld “[a] llen vor” among the “part of the former GDR dissidents” who “today openly sympathized with the AfD and its positions” and “swung to the far right”.

In May 2018, Lengsfeld appeared as a speaker at the Pegida -near rally for freedom of expression and against the NetzDG in Cologne with 80 participants from the right-wing spectrum. Lengsfeld slapped a counter-demonstrator in the face because, according to her testimony, he had insulted her as a "Nazi bitch" during her speech. In the same month Lengsfeld took part alongside Thilo Sarrazin , Jörg Meuthen and others as a speaker at the “New Hambach Festival” organized by Max Otte . She attacked the Chancellor Angela Merkel and saw Germany on the way to the dictatorship of convictions, comparable to the final phase of the GDR.

On her homepage Lengsfeld published an appeal by Angelika Barbe for the second “Women's March to the Chancellery” organized by the AfD on June 9, 2018. Before the event began, Lengsfeld was there, but did not take part.

In August 2018, according to a report by the taz , Lengsfeld denied that there had been "attacks by Nazis" during the xenophobic riots in Chemnitz . In doing so, she referred to an article by Alexander Wendt , according to whose information the General Public Prosecutor's Office in Saxony had stated on request that, according to all the material available, there had been no hunt in Chemnitz.

In addition to the pseudonym "Hanno Vollenweider", Vera Lengsfeld, as a board member of the "Association of Free Media" founded in October 2018, was responsible for a free newspaper "Der Wahlhelfer - Arguments für responsible Citizens", which was distributed in high circulation in October 2019 during a state election There is suspicion of illegal party support for the AfD. The extremism researcher Matthias Quent sued the newspaper because of a false allegation by Lengsfeld, whereupon distribution was prohibited in an injunction.

Lengsfeld publishes regularly in right-wing conservative and new-right media (" Axis des Guten ", " Junge Freiheit "). She was nominated by the AfD as a representative of civil society to be appointed by the Bundestag on the board of trustees of the German Institute for Human Rights . She was not elected because all other parliamentary groups voted against her in May 2020.

Membership in the Union of Values

In August 2020 it became known that Lengsfeld is a member of the Union of Values. Membership received widespread media attention, as officials and state chairmen had left several times due to Lengsfeld's commitment to the Union of Values. For example, the former Thuringian state chairman Christian Sitter feared that the association "under Lengsfeld could open up more to cooperation with the AfD." Lengsfeld had previously announced with other signatories of a letter that they would form the future state board for Thuringia and stand for election.

COVID-19 pandemic

In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic , Lengsfeld called on March 28, 2020 via the short message service Twitter to sign a petition for the immediate lifting of all countermeasures, as the measures would restrict “civil liberties” and the pandemic “far less dangerous than other flu waves ”. In June 2020, she spoke to an audience of 700 at a demonstration under the motto "The mask must go".

Climate policy

Lengsfeld is counted by Spiegel to the “Who's Who” of the German climate change denial scene and is one of the signatories of , an appeal written by the New Right and climate change deniers that is directed against climate protection policy. She had previously spoken at an event by EIKE , an association that rejects and denies the scientific consensus on man-made global warming, and published her position in the Sächsische Zeitung .

Journalistic activity

Lengsfeld is the author of several books. Since she was not elected to the Bundestag in 2005, she has been working as a freelance journalist. She is the columnist of the weblogs The Axis of the Good and the AfD -near Internet newspaper Die Freie Welt . Lengsfeld also writes peculiarly free for the publications related to the New Right and the Preussische Allgemeine Zeitung as well as for the CSU organ Bayernkurier . She also publishes articles on Journalistenwatch , a platform of the New Right . Lengsfeld also writes regularly for the debate magazine The European .

In 2019, Lengsfeld got involved in connection with the state elections in Thuringia for a magazine Der Wahlhelfer - Arguments for responsible citizens, published under the unclear legal form and name of the Vereinigung der Freie Medien e. V. (i. Gr.) (= In foundation). The sheet contains contributions by right-wing authors who have been striking for years due to their proximity to the AfD . Along with Lengsfeld "Hanno Vollenweider" (pseudonym) is listed on the board, as well as the several times for sedition sentenced blogger Michael Stürzenberger . Lengsfeld and Vollenweider are listed as the publisher and responsible in terms of press law . When asked about this by the editorial team of the ARD magazine Kontraste for the broadcast on October 24, 2019, Lengsfeld denied knowing that the name Hanno Vollenweider was a pseudonym of the person behind it, but admitted this in writing a day later at the Kontraste editorial team. According to Kontraste, however , a "fantasy name in the imprint" contradicts press law, a person responsible may only be listed under a real name . In relation to the Contrasts accusation “[d] a are people in this association who have been convicted of sedition several times”, Lengsfeld claimed: “No, that's a lie in Wikipedia. It is on Wikipedia, but he has never been convicted. Assures me anyway he. "However, that was loud contrasts incorrect because Stürzenberger in a guest appearance shown in Pegida in Graz partly because of the statement" Every Muslim is a potential terrorist! "Res judicata for incitement was convicted.


Lengsfeld has three children and was initially married to the journalist Sebastian Kleinschmidt , son of Karl Kleinschmidt . After divorcing their first marriage, she married the poet Knud Wollenberger in 1980 and also took his name, but learned in 1991 from the documents of the Ministry for State Security that her husband had spied on her as IM Donald . She filed for divorce and resumed her maiden name. She forgave him after ten years when he apologized to her.

In the documentary film Stasi children - My father was with the MfS , Lengsfeld stated that at the age of 17 she found out by chance that her father was a full-time officer in foreign espionage at the Ministry for State Security.

Her son Philipp Lengsfeld was born in autumn 1988 due to his refusal to a. Criticism of military parades and lined right-wing to take back in the GDR, in the context of Ossietzky affair of the Berlin East Carl-von-Ossietzky-Oberschule relegated . He is a physicist and was a member of the Bundestag ( CDU ) from 2013 to 2017 .




Web links

Commons : Vera Lengsfeld  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Philipp Lengsfeld: My grandpa, the Stasi officer in Berliner Zeitung , July 4, 2020
  2. a b c d e f Christoph Dieckmann: Vera Lengsfeld - Wound for Life . In: Die Zeit , No. 18/2012.
  3. ^ V. Lengsfeld, foreword, in: Jörg Koch, Bismarckdenkmäler und Bismarckgedenken am Oberrhein. Marble, stone and bronze speaks. Ubstadt-Weiher u. a. 2015. p. 5.
  4. ^ For a free country with free people: Opposition and resistance in biographies and photos , Robert Havemann Society, Foundation for the processing of the SED dictatorship (Germany), 2006, ISBN 978-3-938857-02-1 , p. 147 ( on GoogleBooks ).
  5. Vera Lengsfeld . Person lexicon on, a joint project of the Robert Havemann Society and the Federal Agency for Civic Education , accessed on July 22, 2018.
  6. ^ Group against votes , accessed on July 21, 2010.
  7. Eckhard Jesse : A revolution and its consequences. 14 civil rights activists take stock. Christoph Links Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-86153-223-9 , p. 287 f. and p. 321 .
  8. 3rd session of the German Bundestag in the 12th electoral period on January 17, 1991 (PDF; 611 kB).
  9. Vera Lengsfeld: A woman who likes to offend . Time online ; Retrieved April 3, 2016.
  10. ^ Website of the Citizens' Office .
  11. Civil rights activists leave alliance greens . In: Berliner Zeitung . December 17, 1996; Stefan Reker: East Germany: New Home . In focus . No. 52/1996.
  12. Vera Lengsfeld defends Hohmann . Spiegel Online , December 19, 2003.
  13. Andreas Fanizadeh: Vera Lengsfeld in the "Tagesthemen": Right Easter Bunny In: from April 2, 2018.
  14. Wolfgang Gessenharter, Thomas Pfeiffer (ed.): The New Right - a Danger for Democracy? VS, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-8100-4162-9 .
  15. Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach: Vera Lengsfeld competes for the CDU in Kreuzberg . In: Der Tagesspiegel . October 23, 2008.
  16. Thorsten Denkler: CDU: Lengsfeld like Merkel - The political décolleté . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 10, 2009.
  17. Scolding for Vera Lengsfeld: Frauen-Union criticizes bosom-stressed election campaign . In: Spiegel Online , August 11, 2009.
  18. ^ Lutz Kinkel: CDU: The craziest election poster . In: . August 11, 2009.
  19. Dirk Kurbjuweit : The drama politics . In: Der Spiegel . No. 34 , 2009, p. 126 ( online ).
  20. Election information 2009 .
  21. Presidential election CDU politician Lengsfeld advertises Gauck. In: Welt Online , June 15, 2010.
  22. Vera Lengsfeld heads the VOS Berlin-Brandenburg. In: Welt Online , July 4, 2012.
  23. Dietmar Neuerer: Conservative, liberal, right - where is the AfD headed? In: Handelsblatt , June 28, 2013.
  24. ^ The Board of Directors, Citizens' Convention ( Memento from May 4, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  25. ^ Georg Meck: Conservative Platform - The Citizens' Convention is at an end . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . August 8, 2015, ISSN  0174-4909 .
  26. Dietmar Neuerer: CDU politician Lengsfeld supports the AfD , Handelsblatt , May 24, 2013.
  27. AfD support from Lengsfeld causes a stir in the Berlin CDU regional association , Pfalz-Express , May 24, 2013.
  28. Vera Lengsfeld speaks at the AfD Citizens' Forum. In: , September 14, 2017.
  29. ^ Matthias Meisner: The AfD and the freedom of the press. House ban for “Tagesspiegel” when Petry and Lengsfeld appear In: Der Tagesspiegel , September 18, 2017.
  30. Silvio Kuhnert, Uwe Hofmann: AfD boss Frauke Petry came to Pirna in a gymnastics dress . Dresdner Latest News , September 21, 2017.
  31. Tellkamp signs the declaration . In: SZ-Online . March 17, 2017 ( [accessed March 17, 2018]). see. on the wording of the Joint Declaration 2018 Tellkamp signed Declaration ( Memento of March 16, 2018 in the Internet Archive )
  32. Andreas Montag: New National Front: “Joint Declaration” by artists and intellectuals. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung , March 19, 2018.
  33. ^ Castle with funny (title of the print edition, page 5) - A celebration for the division of Germany. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , May 7, 2018.
  34. ^ Public meeting of the Petitions Committee. (PDF; 163.25 kB) In: Press release German Bundestag. Retrieved October 8, 2018 .
  35. Refugee policy: "Declaration 2018" wants public hearing . Welt Online , May 17, 2018; accessed on February 20, 2019.
  36. This is how the federal government counters the “borders tight” petition. Retrieved February 20, 2019 .
  37. Markus Decker: GDR civil rights activists on the right astray: Some of the former GDR dissidents today openly sympathize with the AfD and its positions. In: Frankfurter Rundschau , May 31, 2018.
  38. Police operation due to right mini-demo. In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , April 16, 2018.
  39. Politics Cologne: rallies at the Alter Markt: Vera Lengsfeld hits counter-demonstrators in the face. In: , April 14, 2018; Netz-DG-Protest Demonstration at the Alter Markt - "Cologne against the Right" as a counterpart. In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , April 14, 2018; Meeting on the Alter Markt: 300 participants in a demonstration against incitement from the right. In: Kölnische Rundschau , April 16, 2018.
  40. Holger Kreitling: "New Hambach Festival". Where the silent majority yells “Bravo” into the crowd , Die Welt , May 5, 2018.
  41. Max Felix Serrao: A Festival for the Division of Germany , Neue Zürcher Zeitung , May 6, 2018.
  42. AfD organizes second “Women's March” , Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg , June 9, 2018.
  43. ^ Erik Peter: Participation in demos in Chemnitz: Berlin Nazis in Sachsenland. In: Die Tageszeitung: taz , August 29, 2018. See Vera Lengsfeld: No hunts in Chemnitz! In: , September 2, 2018.
  44. Silvio Duwe, Markus Pohl: Hidden campaign support for AfD Thuringia , ARD / Kontraste , October 24, 2019.
  45. Axel Hemmerling, Ludwig Kendzia: AfD-related “election workers” may no longer be distributed , MDR Thuringia , October 24, 2019.
  46. Vera Lengsfeld: In the resistance against the "Gesinnungsdiktatur" , by Philipp Bovermann Süddeutsche Zeitung July 13, 2019
  47. Vera Lengsfeld: AfD candidate failed due to election to human rights committee. Die Zeit , May 7, 2020, accessed on May 19, 2020 .
  48. ^ Süddeutsche Zeitung: Head of the Thuringian Union of Values ​​leaves the CDU current. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  49. Vera Lengsfeld wants to lead the right wing of the Thuringian CDU. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  50. Union of values: Other top members throw down in frustration. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  51. Corona pandemic: Less dangerous than the flu? , March 29, 2020, accessed on March 29, 2020 .
  52. "The mask must go" ,, June 2, 2020
  53. ^ Union of Values ​​and the New Right. Coalition of Climate Change Deniers . In: Spiegel Online , January 25, 2020. Accessed February 3, 2020.
  54. Man disturbs the redemption of the climate . ( Memento from September 5, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Sächsische Zeitung, July 8, 2019.
  55. Contributions by Vera Lengsfeld to The Axis of the Good .
  56. Vera Lengsfeld . ( Memento from January 17, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  57. ^ André F. Lichtschlag: Authors - Vera Lengsfeld . Retrieved December 27, 2012 .
  58. Journalists Watch . Zeit Online , July 18, 2019.
  59. Vera Lengsfeld, Author at The European. In: The European. Retrieved July 5, 2020 (American English).
  60. ^ Jonas Mueller-Töwe, Sarah Thust, Jan-Henrik Wiebe: letter box company right authors. Dubious magazine is campaigning in Thuringia. In:, October 15, 2019, accessed on October 25, 2019.
  61. Concealed campaign support for AfD Thuringia. Topic contribution in the ARD program Kontraste on October 24, 2019 (imprint of the magazine Der Wahlhelfer shown in the video at 00:47 minutes), accessed on October 25, 2019.
  62. Detlef Kühn: Review: Non-fiction book: Many defeats . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , August 19, 2002.
  63. Christoph Dieckmann : Vera Lengsfeld: Wund fürs Leben . In: Die Zeit , No. 18/2012.
  64. Sebastian Haak: Film "Stasi children - My father was at the MfS" shown in Erfurt., April 29, 2013, accessed on June 18, 2013 .
  65. Frank Neubert: MDR TV: Stasi children - My father was with the MfS. (No longer available online.), February 19, 2013, archived from the original on May 16, 2013 ; Retrieved June 18, 2013 .
  66. ^ Wiebke Hollersen: The story of two students who became enemies of the state twenty years ago in the GDR: The expulsion . In: Berliner Zeitung , September 30, 2009.
  67. ^ Events at the Berlin Ossietzky School , accessed on July 21, 2010.