Beatrix von Storch

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Beatrix von Storch (2019)

Beatrix Amelie Ehrengard Eilika von Storch , born Duchess of Oldenburg (born  May 27, 1971 in Lübeck ), is a German politician ( AfD ) and has been the deputy national spokeswoman for her party since December 2019. Since October 2017, she has been one of five deputy chairmen of the AfD parliamentary group and a member of the Bundestag , which she entered in the 2017 federal election via the state list of the AfD Berlin . From 2014 to 2017 she was a member of the European Parliament and from April 2016 to 2017 a member of the right-wing populist anti-EU parliamentary group on Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD). From January 2016 to November 2017, she also acted without legitimation through a valid election as one of two state chairmen of the AfD Berlin ; since then she has been one of three deputy state chairmen. She belongs to the right- wing conservative party wing within the AfD. She is also one of five deputy chairmen and anti-Semitism commissioner of the AfD parliamentary group .

Together with her husband Sven von Storch , she is active in right-wing political networks , some of which she initiated and controlled herself ; she is considered a lobbyist .


Beatrix von Storch comes from the Oldenburg family . She is the eldest daughter of the civil engineer Huno Herzog von Oldenburg (* 1940) and his wife Felicitas (* 1941), b. Countess Schwerin von Krosigk . She is a granddaughter of the SA standard leader and last Hereditary Grand Duke Nikolaus von Oldenburg and of Johann Ludwig Graf Schwerin von Krosigk . The latter was Reich Finance Minister under the Reich Chancellors Papen and Schleicher from 1932 to 1933 and after Adolf Hitler came to power until the end of the Third Reich in 1945 . In 1949 he was sentenced to ten years imprisonment as a war criminal in the Wilhelmstrasse Trial . She grew up with her sister Sophie (* 1972) in the municipality of Kisdorf in the Segeberg district . She has been married to Sven von Storch since October 2010 .

education and profession

After graduating from high school in Kaltenkirchen in 1990 and training as a bank clerk in Hamburg, she studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and the University of Lausanne . She passed her first state examination in law in Heidelberg and her legal clerkship in Brandenburg . She has lived in Berlin since 1998 . After the second state examination in 2001, she was admitted to the bar and specialized in insolvency law . In 2008 she worked for the commercial law firm Voigt & Scheid Attorneys at Law and after its dissolution on January 1, 2009 in the law firm Voigt Salus . In 2011, according to a Tagesspiegel report , she gave up her work as an insolvency lawyer and lived on savings in order to be able to devote herself fully to her political activities.

Network activities and lobbying

Von Storch has been politically active since the mid-1990s. She uses associations and initiatives founded and managed by her and her husband Sven as a conservative network . These include in particular the Göttinger Kreis , the Zivile Koalition e. V. , the Bürgerkonvent and Internet presences and . In the public, she is perceived variously as a lobbyist .

Von Storch is the author of the magazine strangely free and a member of the Friedrich A. von Hayek Society , which, however, asked her to leave in early 2016.

"Göttinger Kreis" and "Alliance for the Rule of Law"

Von Storch is a co-founder of the Göttinger Kreis - Students for the Rule of Law Association. V. , which advocates reparation for the expulsions and expropriations caused by the land and industrial reform in the Soviet occupation zone . The association organized various events with Mikhail Gorbachev, among others . The Alliance for the Rule of Law , led by her, also calls for the land reform land to be returned to the previous owners.

Civil coalition

Von Storch was a co-founder in 2005 and has been the first chairwoman, spokesperson and secretary of the civil coalition e. V. According to a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, all seven founding members come from their own family, her husband Sven is the second chairman and treasurer. The association sees itself as an association of citizens who advocate more civil society engagement and represent their common interests vis-à-vis governments and parliaments. The network includes the blog Die Freie Welt , whose editor is her husband Sven and whose public relations work Beatrix von Storch is responsible for, as well as the Institute for Strategic Studies (ISSB) and the Alliance for the Rule of Law and Initiative Family Protection.

The Civil Coalition initiated and organized a class action of over 5000 citizens before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) against the purchase of government bonds of indebted EU countries by the European Central Bank (ECB).

The Handelsblatt described the civil coalition in 2012 as a protest company that feels committed to a conservative worldview.

According to an article published in Cicero , von Storch plays an important role "in the conservative camp outside the Union " on the civil coalition - with 14 employees (as of 2013) as the mainstay of the resistance it organized against the euro rescue course . You have "almost a hundred thousand" supporters. The family protection initiative, which, among other things, advocates childcare allowance and against gay marriage , is also affiliated . However, this information is repeatedly called into question. According to a report by the Tagesspiegel , the association consists exclusively of family members, the number of supporters is well below the specified mark of 100,000.

According to Andreas Kemper , the civil coalition is “the most politically effective Christian fundamentalist force in the AfD”.

Accusation of private use of donations

A week before the federal election in September 2013, Welt am Sonntag reported that it had documents, statements and affidavits that would allow private expenses for the von Storchs to be financed through donations from the Civil Coalition. V. would suggest. According to this, Sven von Storch withdrew 98,000 euros in cash in seven equal tranches from an association account in 2012 within a few weeks , for the whereabouts of which there is no evidence. In addition, several electricity bills for an apartment of the von Storchs and for "sculptures and garden items" were paid from the funds of the association, as well as the rent for an apartment on Kurfürstendamm . On a multi-week trip to Chile , Sven von Storch, who was born there, also withdrew 10,000 euros in cash. Fabian Leber commented in the Tagesspiegel: "The piquant thing about it is that, according to the extract from the association register, the board consists only of the Storch couple - she is the chairman and secretary, he is her deputy and auditor."

Beatrix von Storch explained her husband's cash withdrawal of 10,000 euros by saying that his bank card had not worked abroad. The loan had interest at four percent. Regarding the whereabouts of the 98,000 euros from 2012, she repeatedly stated that the money had been deposited in a safe deposit box due to the uncertainty in the financial markets and the euro crisis . This was certified by a Berlin notary on September 16, 2013: “All documents are available and will of course be properly and timely submitted to the responsible tax office .” She rejected all “allegations and assumptions” as “unfounded and unfounded” and spoke of one "Transparent defamation" based on the information provided by a former employee who was dismissed in early 2013. It is "significant" that this woman is an active FDP member. It is a "media campaign".

Citizens' Convention

Beatrix von Storch was among other things, together with Vera Lengsfeld, a board member of the non-partisan citizens' convention . The association was dissolved in May 2015. According to the association's statutes, the aim of the association was to “promote participation in the formation of the political will of the population through civic education” and to “improve the future viability of society in Germany and Europe”. Leading founding members were the Bonn political scientist Gerd Langguth and the social scientist and publicist Meinhard Miegel .


Von Storch was a brief member of the FDP in 2011 . In 2013 she was one of the 68 main illustrators of the election alternative 2013 and joined the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party founded in the same year . At the federal party conference of the AfD in July 2015 in Essen , von Storch was elected deputy federal spokeswoman (federal chairwoman). It received 86.7 percent of the votes cast. In January 2016, von Storch was elected chairwoman of the AfD Berlin by the Berlin state party conference . It received 189 votes, 54 against and 22 abstentions. After allegations of fraud because of double votes, notarial recounting and the finding of two party courts that von Storch was illegally in office, the board of directors was re-elected in November 2017. The court's request to inform party members of the invalid election was not followed by von Storch by September 2017. Since the federal party conference in Hanover in December 2017, von Storch is no longer the deputy federal spokeswoman, but an assessor in the fourteen- member federal executive committee .

Von Storch opposes an alleged “ sexualization of society”, advocates a conservative approach to gender roles and a traditional family image, and rejects same-sex marriage . According to her own statement, she was one of the organizers of the “Demo for All” in Stuttgart, directed against the 2015 education plan, and took part in the “ March for Life ” demonstration in Berlin in September 2014 by the movement against abortion and euthanasia . She rejects the “Mach's mit” campaign by the Federal Center for Health Education , which advertises the use of condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases with posters . Instead, according to Storch, there should be a public campaign for sexual abstinence .

Candidate for the federal election 2013

Von Storch ran for the 2013 federal election in second place on the Berlin state list and as a direct candidate for the Berlin-Mitte constituency ; she received 3.0% of the first votes .

During the election campaign, von Storch wrote an open letter to the Catholic Archbishop Robert Zollitsch , in which she turned against so-called gay marriage , presented a conservative view of the family and accused the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference of publicly warning against the AfD of abuse of office . Günther Lachmann condemned the archbishop's political influence around the world , but described Storch's open letter as unsuitable for benefiting politically from this "slip". The letter was presumptuous in its choice of words and a “doomed attempt to moralize a man of God.” Von Storch provided the opponents of her party with arguments that could “bring down” the AfD.

After the election, she employed the state chairman of the AfD Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Leif-Erik Holm , as an office manager in her Berlin office.

Candidate for the 2014 European elections

On January 25, 2014, von Storch was elected fourth on the list for the 2014 European elections at the federal party conference of the Alternative for Germany in Aschaffenburg with 142 out of 282 votes . According to a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung to the internal party grouping of Stork in this election Christians in the Alternative for Germany have been supported, in its policy statement u. a. calls for an abortion ban and a ban on euthanasia and rejects equality between same-sex partnerships . In the run-up to this nomination, von Storch had denounced the alleged power of a so-called gay lobby, according to reports by Spiegel and the taz .

Member of the European Parliament

Beatrix von Storch in the European Parliament (2014)

In the European elections in Germany in 2014 , she was elected as a candidate of the AfD for a member of the European Parliament . There she was a member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) and the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) as well as deputy in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON). She was also a member of the delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-CL) and the delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT). In 2014 she ran unsuccessfully for the post of deputy chairman of the women's committee. She was parliamentary director until May 2015 . With her election to the Bundestag in November 2017, von Storch handed over her membership in the European Parliament to Jörg Meuthen .

Comments on the refugee situation in 2016 - use of firearms against refugees

In the refugee debate , von Storch stated in a Facebook post at the end of January 2016 that people entering Germany via Austria had no right to asylum under Section 18, Paragraph 2 of the Asylum Act and should therefore be refused entry. With reference to § 11 of the law on direct coercion (UZwG) she concluded: "And if [s] you do not accept the HALT at the border, the enforcement officers in the border service can also use firearms against people." When asked, she wanted it too Do not exclude women and children. After criticism, she took children, but not women, from her demands; The use of firearms against children is "rightly not permitted". Her, as well as a similar statement by Frauke Petrys , were heavily criticized by politicians from all other parties, representatives of society and in the media public, and rejected by the police union .

In response to criticism from members of the AfD federal executive board, who objected to Petrys and Storch's statements as "tactical mistakes, as it were the disclosure of the right attitude at the wrong time," according to the Spiegel , von Storch told party friends that she had "screwed up" and Petry “Just want to help”. Her statement that the contribution was a “technical error” and that she “slipped” on her computer mouse caused scorn and ridicule on the Internet. On Facebook von Storch denied by saying that she had never said “the story with the mouse”, that it was “simply too stupid”.

According to constitutional lawyer Christoph Schönberger , the use of firearms by police officers at the border is “at best theoretically” conceivable. The use of firearms is disproportionate if an unarmed, non-aggressive person tries to get into the Federal Republic. The law has the constellation in mind that a person systematically evades control. This applies in particular to criminals or drug-related crime. The mere protection of the external border against the entry of a refugee is in no way sufficient to use firearms.

In May 2016, the Bild newspaper reported that von Storch was under police protection because of death threats against her .

Exclusion from the European party ECPM and change of faction

Von Storch in July 2014 belonged to Europe Party Political Movement European Christian (ECPM) as an individual member. According to a report by Reformatorisch Dagblad , the ECPM board of directors excluded von Storch from the party in March 2016, citing her statements on the use of firearms on the border against women and children as well as her contacts with the FPÖ as reasons for this .

An exclusion from the Group of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) came before von Storch by leaving. On April 8, 2016, she left the ECR group and joined the right-wing populist group on Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD).

Entry into the 19th German Bundestag

For the 2017 Bundestag election , Storch ran in the Bundestag electoral district of Berlin-Mitte , in which she reached fifth place among the direct candidates with 7.9% of the first votes, and moved into the 19th German Bundestag via the state list of the AfD Berlin .

On October 5, 2017, she was elected one of five deputy chairmen of the AfD parliamentary group.

Reports by the Cologne police and others on suspicion of sedition

On the occasion of the New Year's Eve celebrations 2017, the Cologne police wished all citizens a Happy New Year via Twitter . For this purpose, four tweets with identical content were published in German, English, French and Arabic (in that order). Beatrix von Storch commented under the tweet with an Arab New Year wish:

“What the hell is going on in this country? Why is an official police website from NRW tweeting in Arabic. Do you mean to appease the barbaric, Muslim, gang-raping hordes of men? "

- Beatrix von Storch : Twitter, January 1, 2018

The Cologne police then filed a criminal complaint against Beatrix von Storch on suspicion of sedition ( Section 130 of the Criminal Code [StGB]). The public prosecutor's office received “several hundred” further criminal charges against von Storch. Twitter deleted the tweet for violating the company's rules on hateful content. Thereupon she repeated her Twitter entry and put the content on Facebook with the addition that “with regard to Muslims, she only mean those for whom the state has set up shelter tents for women”. The AfD brought the blocking of the Twitter account in connection with the Network Enforcement Act , which came into full force on the same day. According to the legal scholar Matthias Jahn , the tweet did not meet the criminal offense of sedition. He argued that the lawyer and AfD MP was consciously moving to the limit of what is permissible. The Berlin Public Prosecutor closed the investigation in mid-February 2018. For the German scholar Heinrich Detering , von Storch inserted the term “ Muslim ” between “ barbaric ” and “group- raping ” “as naturally as if it belonged to the same field of terms ”.

defense of Constitution

Five quotes from Storchs were part of a statement by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) based on statements by 50 AfD functionaries in January 2019, stating that there were “indications of a policy of the AfD directed against the free democratic basic order ”. In particular, von Storch is quoted with depictions of an alleged connection between Islamic upbringing and increased propensity for violence, demands for “anti- Sharia legislation” and general surveillance of mosques, generalization of the non-integrability of Muslims in western societies and equations of the political system Federal Republic with developments in the Nazi state . The BfV sees in the quotations indications for violation of human dignity according to Art. 1 GG , religious freedom according to Art. 4 GG , demands for the alignment of trade or action of the constitutional protection not to law and order, but to political guidelines as well as such contempt of the political conditions that can be taken from evidence of efforts against the principle of democracy . A working group set up by the AfD under Roland Hartwig came to the conclusion eight months later that “8 clues from the office were listed in a comprehensible way”, including allegations against von Storch.

Political classification by political scientists and journalists

Von Storch is assigned to the right- wing conservative wing of the party. Oskar Niedermayer described her as an “ arch conservative ” in the AfD's inner-party spectrum in the area of ​​family and gender politics. David Bebnowski from the Göttingen Institute for Democracy Research describes von Storch as " reactionary ". She is “the radical force for radical Christian-conservative concerns” of the AfD, stands for “restorative demands” and is considered to be the “representative” of a “'classical' family model [s]”, “militant anti-communism” and “nationwide patriotism” ". Alexander Häusler attests that von Storch has a “nationalistic understanding of democracy”.

For Kathrin Haimerl, news editor at Sü , the AfD with the "ultra-conservative" Storch will be "able to connect to the extreme right of the political spectrum of opinion".


Legal dispute with the Berlin Schaubühne

On 15 December 2015, had the Berlin district court applications by Stork and Hedwig of Beverfoerdes from the Berlin schaubühne by injunction the use of portrait photos of them in the play FEAR of Falk Richter ban. “Richter's characters”, wrote Daniel Müller in DIE ZEIT , “have visions of horror in FEAR, fall into feverish nightmares, scream, grunt, suffer. In the background pictures of lazy-toothed, bloodthirsty zombies flicker across the stage, which are cross-cut with the portraits of Beate Zschäpe and [...] also of Beatrix von Storch and [...] Hedwig von Beverfoerde Invasion of human dignity and no serious personal injury . Equal treatment with mass murderers such as the right-wing terrorist Breivik or neo-Nazis does not result from the use of the images. As far as the personal rights of the applicants according to Art. 2 Para. 1 Basic Law are violated by the play - albeit not in a particularly serious way - the right to artistic freedom according to Art. 5 Para. 3 Basic Law stands in opposition. In the context of the weighing to be made, artistic freedom takes precedence.

Attack against VfL Osnabrück

In spring 2018, Beatrix von Storch attacked the third division soccer team VfL Osnabrück for a campaign “against the right ” with the words “Dear Honks from VfL Osnabrück, can you clarify something? Who or what exactly is 'right'? And when exactly do you stand up against ' Left '? ”The association replied with the words“ Thanks for the reaction, Beatrix von Storch, we seem to have hit a nerve. We take your insult and the content of your tweet as a compliment and feel confirmed in our position. ”According to the association,“ Against Right ”stands for a sign against all kinds of extremism, among other things . VfL Osnabrück also promised von Storch that a jersey would be sent to them if they were identified with the values.

Tweet on the occasion of the rampage in Münster on April 7, 2018

In a Twitter post, von Storch described the German perpetrator Jens R. of the rampage in Münster on April 7, 2018 as an “imitator of Islamic terror ”. Before that, before it was clear who was responsible for the crime, she tweeted the Merkel quote “ We can do it ” in capital letters with an angry emoticon, thus placing the crime in connection with refugee policy . Four people were killed and numerous others injured in the rampage. The general secretary of the CSU Markus Blume then asked von Storch to give up her parliamentary mandate. The AfD chairman Jörg Meuthen also criticized them. Four days later, von Storch apologized.


  • with Sven von Storch, Botho Graf zu Eulenburg: Göttinger Kreis - Students for the rule of law e. V. In: Bruno J. Sobotka (Ed.): Ban on reparation? The expropriations in the former Soviet zone between 1945 and 1949 . Hase & Koehler, Mainz 1998, ISBN 3-7758-1369-1 , pp. 610-613.


  • Helene Walterskirchen : aristocrats. Life between tradition and modernity. Ueberreuter, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-8000-3778-5 , pp. 121-130 (interview).
  • David Bebnowski: Beatrix von Storch: Restorative Networker . In: The alternative for Germany. Rise and social representation of a right-wing populist party . Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-08285-7 , pp. 25-27.

Web links

Commons : Beatrix von Storch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Ulrich Kraetzer: Berlin AfD leadership kept silent election fraud . In: Berliner Morgenpost . 2nd September 2017.
  2. Von Storch out - Berlin AfD loses double leadership. In: . 4th November 2017.
  3. State Board. In: AfD Berlin. Retrieved on August 12, 2019 (German).
  4. Beatrix von Storch: AfD-MEPs in the twilight. In: Handelsblatt , September 22, 2014
  5. Von Storch (AfD) on the Al-Kuds Day “Nothing but a call to violence” Beatrix von Storch in conversation with Christoph Heinemann, Deutschlandfunk May 31, 2019, audio version
  6. Dorthe Arendt: The duchess is now called von Storch. In: Ostholsteiner Anzeiger . October 25, 2010.
  7. ^ A b c Helene Walterskirchen: Aristocrats. Life between tradition and modernity . Ueberreuter, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-8000-3778-5 , p. 122.
  8. ^ The Oldenburg House and the Nazis: A Terrible Brown Family (December 5, 2016) ; accessed on July 14, 2019
  9. ^ Rasmus Buchsteiner: Luckes colorful troop for Brussels. The Duchess of Oldenburg is also a member of the European Parliament. In: NWZOnline . May 27, 2014.
  10. a b c Fabian Leber: Beatrix von Storch. Hardly conservative - and soon the most important woman in the AfD. In: Der Tagesspiegel , April 24, 2014.
  11. The House of Oldenburg and the Nazis: A Terrible Brown Family , taz, December 5, 2016
  12. NetzDG Harmful Fight Against Hate Online , Frankfurter Rundschau , January 5, 2018
  13. ^ Huno, Duke of Oldenburg. In:
  14. The Duchess is now called von Storch. In: Ostholsteiner Anzeiger . October 25, 2010.
  15. Sven von Storch in The Free World
  16. a b Helene Walterskirchen: Aristocrats. Life between tradition and modernity. Ueberreuter, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-8000-3778-5 , p. 125.
  17. Beatrix von Storch: About the person. ( Memento from September 10, 2013 in the web archive ) In: Retrieved September 10, 2012.
  18. ^ Thomas Claer: Der Deutsche Wirtschaftsanwalt 2009/2010. Handbook for companies. Lexxion, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-939804-02-4 , p. 622.
  19. Markus Lembeck: apart: insolvency administrators from Voigt & Scheid go their separate ways. In: , January 28, 2009.
  20. Helmut Dawal: Disko-Zelt: Insolvency proceedings against Musik-Zirkus-Köthen GmbH. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung , June 30, 2011.
  21. ^ Andreas Kemper: Right Euro Rebellion. Alternative for Germany and Zivile Koalition e. V. Münster 2013, pp. 91, 94, 95, 97.
  22. Dietmar Neuerer: Conservative, liberal, right - where is the AfD headed? In: , June 28, 2013.
  23. ^ A b c Hendrik Ankenbrand: Christian alternative for Germany . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , March 10, 2014.
  24. Hendrik Ankenbrank: Against the rights of gays and Muslims: Christian alternative for Germany. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung , March 10, 2014; The parties to the European elections. In: , April 25, 2014; Konrad Litschko: Result of the AfD in the European elections: The populism of the newbies. In: taz , May 26, 2014, accessed on May 30, 2016.
  25. ^ A message from the board of directors of the Hayek Society in relation to Ms. Beatrix von Storch's membership in the Hayek Society. In: Friedrich A. von Hayek Gesellschaft eV November 29, 2016, accessed December 10, 2019 (German).
  26. Philip Plickert: Buying back what once belonged to you. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , August 12, 2013. Retrieved September 16, 2013.
  27. Helene Walterskirchen: Aristocrats. Life between tradition and modernity. Ueberreuter, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-8000-3778-5 , p. 126.
  28. a b Antje Sirleschtov: “Unsupportable burdens for the citizen”. In: Der Tagesspiegel , August 7, 2013.
  29. Who we are (The link is orphaned; as of January 26, 2016)
  30. AfD politician causes a stir - for Beatrix von Storch, other opinions are often “crazy”. RP Online, January 25, 2016
  31. at Lobbypedia
  32. ^ Günther Lachmann: German mass lawsuit against the ECB before the EU court. In: Die Welt , January 10, 2013.
  33. Angry citizens gather to attack the euro. In: Handelsblatt . May 29, 2012. Retrieved March 25, 2014 .
  34. Constantin Magnis: Your main job is protest. In: Cicero , June 12, 2013.
  35. Fabian Leber: The AfD's fear of an FDP 2.0. In: Der Tagesspiegel , January 23, 2014.
  36. Andreas Kemper: Anti Emancipatory networks and gender and family policy alternative for Germany. In: Alexander Häusler: The Alternative for Germany: Program, Development and Political Location. Springer, 2016, p. 95.
  37. Lars-Marten Nagel, Marc Neller: AfD politician: The riddle of a locker with 98,000 euros. In: Welt am Sonntag , September 15, 2013, accessed on September 15, 2013; Cordula Eubel: Did an AfD politician use donations privately? In: Der Tagesspiegel , September 15, 2013. Retrieved September 16, 2013.
  38. ^ A b Justus Bender: candidacy for the European list. AfD politician Storch rejects allegations of infidelity. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , January 24, 2014.
  39. ^ Dpa report: Beatrix von Storch: AfD politician rejects allegation. In: Berliner Zeitung , September 16, 2013.
  40. Lars-Marten Nagel, Marc Neller: AfD candidate: Beatrix von Storch was now at the notary. In: Welt Online , September 16, 2013.
  41. ^ Homepage of the Citizens' Convention. Retrieved August 8, 2015 .
  42. ^ Georg Meck: Conservative Platform - The Citizens' Convention is at an end . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . August 8, 2015, ISSN  0174-4909 .
  43. Tobias Heimbach: Von Storch's FDP episode: “I didn't go to a single meeting” . In: The world . 15th February 2018
  44. Alternative option 2013 : Founder and main draftsman. Archived from the original on February 12, 2013 ; accessed on February 17, 2015 .
  45. Beatrix von Storch is the new AfD state chairman. In: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg . January 16, 2016, archived from the original on January 16, 2016 ; accessed on January 16, 2016 .
  46. Sigrid Kneist: Quarrels about fraud allegations in board elections . In: Tagesspiegel . February 23, 2016.
  47. Split and a little further to the right . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . 3rd December 2017.
  48. Beatrix von Storch: The cat is now out of the bag. The gendarme loses its mask. In: , April 3, 2014.
  49. ^ Norbert Blech: Homophobic Lecture. Beatrix von Storch: I organize the “Demos for Everyone”. In:
  50. Kristiana Ludwig: Demo of the anti-abortion opponents in Berlin: Entirely patriarchal worldview . In: taz , September 21, 2014, accessed on September 28, 2014.
  51. ^ Markus Wehner : The protest entrepreneur . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . 29th August 2015.
  52. Final result (PDF, p. 8)
  53. ↑ An open letter from Beatrix von Storch, quoted from: You are abusing your office to warn against us! In: , August 9, 2013. Retrieved September 16, 2013.
  54. Günther Lachmann: Why the AfD comes to the bishop with gay marriage. In: Welt Online , August 16, 2013.
  55. From the radio studio to the state stage. In: , September 5, 2016, accessed on February 27, 2017
  56. Castle and squad. In: , September 4, 2016, accessed on February 27, 2017
  57. Kai Biermann, Philip Faigle, Astrid Geisler, Karsten Polke-Majewski, Max Schörm, Tilman Steffen, Sascha Venohr: Rechts bis extrem . In: , September 5, 2016, accessed on January 2, 2018
  58. Kathrin Haimerl: AfD party conference: Lucke takes anti-course on Europe. In: , January 25, 2014.
  59. Melanie Amann: Arch Conservatives in the AfD: Catching votes with homophobes. In: Spiegel Online , January 18, 2014; Konrad Litschko: AfD discusses program: Right to Brussels. In: , January 24, 2014.
  60. Alphabetical list of elected parties by party: AfD. ( Memento from May 27, 2014 in the web archive ) In:
  61. ↑ The Women's Committee in the EU Parliament rejects Beatrix von Storch. In: Zeit Online , July 8, 2014.
  62. ^ AfD in the EU Parliament: Von Storch voted out of office as managing director . In: Young Freedom . May 27, 2015.
  63. ^ AfD boss Meuthen becomes an EU parliamentarian . In: Spiegel Online . 7th November 2017.
  64. Beatrix von Storch wants to stop women and children at the border by force of arms. In: , January 31, 2016, accessed on February 5, 2016.
  65. "Women are different from children". In: , February 1, 2016, accessed on February 5, 2016.
  66. AfD deputy chief even wants the police to shoot children. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , January 31, 2016, accessed on January 17, 2017.
  67. Beatrix von Storch doesn't want to shoot children. In: Zeit online , January 31, 2016, accessed February 4, 2016.
  68. Melanie Amann, Matthias Bartsch, Jan Friedmann, Nils Minkmar , Michael Sauga, Steffen Winter: In the trench . In: Der Spiegel . 6/2016 [digital edition] of February 8, 2016, pp. 1–15 (6, 10).
  69. Justification for comment - "That is just too stupid": AfD Vice Storch denies "Mouse slide statement". In: , February 10, 2016.
  70. ↑ Use of firearms at the border? - “The refugee is in no way an attacker”. In: Deutschlandfunk . February 2, 2016, accessed February 6, 2016 .
  71. LKA officials protect AfD politician von Storch around the clock. In: Focus . May 1, 2016, accessed May 5, 2016 .
  72. Harald Tittel: Europese christelijke partij schrapt AfD'er Von Storch . In: Reformatory Dagblad . March 24, 2016 2:31 pm (Dutch).
  73. Screenshot of the press release of the parliamentary group of the European Conservatives and Reformers on the request to leave in the tweet to go voluntarily or expulsion: # AFD MPs should leave the ECR group in the # EU Parliament by 31.3 @tagesschau by WDR journalist Markus Preiß . March 8, 2016, accessed April 9, 2016.
    European Parliament: Group wants to get rid of AfD MPs. In: Spiegel Online , March 8, 2016 7:31 pm, accessed on April 10, 2016.
    Dispute in the EU Parliament. AfD MPs should leave the parliamentary group. In: . North German Radio A. d. Publicly, March 8, 2016 9:35 pm, accessed and received on April 9, 2016.
    Sebastian Schöbel: Von Storch on the threat of exclusion from the EU parliamentary group. “We have no reason to go”. In: . North German Radio A. d. public, March 9, 2016 2:42 p.m., accessed and received on April 9, 2016.
  74. ^ Severin Weiland, Christoph Titz, Melanie Amann: Leaving the parliamentary group: AfD politician Storch wants to switch to EU opponents. In: Spiegel Online , April 8, 2016, 4:48 p.m., accessed on April 10, 2016.
    AfD Vice Beatrix von Storch breaks with her parliamentary group. In: Die Welt , April 8, 2016, accessed on April 8, 2016.
    Before being expelled. Von Storch changes to Farage faction. In: . North German Radio A. d. publicly, April 8, 2016 3:35 pm, accessed and received on April 9, 2016.
    Malte Pieper: Europa-AfD. On the way to the right wing. In: . North German Radio A. d. publicly, April 8, 2016, 8:45 p.m., accessed on April 9, 2016; in a similar form as Audio Europa-AfD on the way to the far right. April 8, 2016 5:26 pm.
    After a dispute over the use of firearms. AfD MEP von Storch changes faction. ( Memento of August 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
    Membership page of Beatrix von Storch ( Memento of April 9, 2016 in the web archive ) in the parliamentary group Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy, accessed on April 9, 2016 (English).
    Posting by Beatrix von Storch about joining the parliamentary group. ( Memento from April 9, 2016 in the web archive ) Website of the parliamentary group on Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy, accessed on April 9, 2016 (English; the posting consists of a welcome statement marked as a quote, the author of which is not named, about it the logo of the Alternative für Deutschland , although her AfD colleague Marcus Pretzell was still a member of the group of European Conservatives and Reformers at the time and remained so until his expulsion on April 12, 2016).
  75. Jump up vote: Leif-Erik Holm new vice-chairman of the AfD parliamentary group. In: October 5, 2017, accessed October 6, 2017 .
  76. polizei_nrw_k on
  77. Twitter temporarily blocks the account of AfD politician von Storch. In: , accessed on January 1, 2018.
  78. Controversy over New Year's tweet: Police report criminal charges against Beatrix von Storch. In: Spiegel Online. January 1, 2018, accessed January 2, 2018 .
  79. a b Hundreds of criminal charges: AfD politician von Storch defends her New Year's tweet. In: , accessed on January 2, 2018.
  80. Twitter puts von Storch in handcuffs. In: . January 2, 2018, accessed January 1, 2018.
  81. Wolfgang Janisch: Law professor: Von Storch tweet "no case for criminal law". In: . 2018, accessed January 4, 2018 .
  82. No charges against Beatrix von Storch Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, February 16, 2018
  83. Heinrich Detering: What does “we” mean here? On the rhetoric of the parliamentary right. Reclam, Ditzingen 2019 (3rd edition), p. 12
  84. Verfassungsschutz report on the AfD. January 28, 2019, accessed November 6, 2019 .
  85. AfD working group finds signs of anti-constitutionality . In: Focus . 20th September 2019.
  86. ^ Oskar Niedermayer : A new competitor in the party system? The alternative for Germany. In: ders. (Ed.): The parties after the federal election 2013 . Springer, Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 978-3-658-02852-7 . Pp. 175–207, here: p. 204.
  87. ^ David Bebnowski: Beatrix von Storch: Restorative Networker . In: The alternative for Germany. Rise and social representation of a right-wing populist party . Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-08285-7 , pp. 25-27, here: 27.
  88. ^ David Bebnowski: Beatrix von Storch: Restorative Networker . In: The alternative for Germany. Rise and social representation of a right-wing populist party . Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-08285-7 , pp. 25-27, here: 26.
  89. Alexander Häusler, Rainer Roeser: The »Alternative for Germany« - an answer to the right-wing populist loophole? . In: Stephan Braun , Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster (eds.): Strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers . 2nd updated and expanded edition, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-01983-9 , p. 109.
  90. Kathrin Haimerl: AfD in the European election campaign: There is still room to the right of the Union. In: March 14, 2014, accessed March 26, 2014 .
  91. Daniel Müller: In the name of the people. In: Die Zeit , December 17, 2015, p. 52.
  92. Press release of the Berlin Justice of December 15, 2015
  93. a b Hubert Burda Media Holding Kommanditgesellschaft (Hrsg.): AfD woman von Storch offends VfL Osnabrück - third division team reacts first class. In: Focus Online. April 2, 2018, accessed April 3, 2018 .
  94. ^ A b Justus Bender: Faster than the AfD allows . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . April 9, 2018.
  95. Amok run in Münster: Police confirmed - No right-wing extremist background. In: tz . April 26, 2018. Retrieved May 22, 2018 .
  96. Because of tweet about the rampage: CSU General Secretary demands Storch resign. In: Spiegel Online . April 9, 2018, accessed April 11, 2018 .
  97. WORLD: Amok drive from Münster: Von Storch apologizes for tweet and immediately reloads . In: THE WORLD . April 12, 2018 ( [accessed April 13, 2018]).
  98. Beatrix von Storch calls her Münster tweet "a mistake". In: Spiegel Online. April 12, 2018, accessed April 13, 2018 . ; Von Storch apologizes for the Munster testimony. In: The world. April 12, 2018, accessed April 13, 2018 .