Double piston engine

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Animation of a double piston engine based on Ralph Lucas
Animation of a double piston engine according to Arnold Zoller

A double piston engine is an internal combustion engine in which two working pistons running in the same direction have a common combustion chamber. The DC flushing used is the only variant in the two-stroke engine that allows the engine to be charged , since the outlet can be closed earlier than the inlet. The double piston engine was mainly used in motorcycles from 1913 to 1970 . Double-piston four-stroke engines are only of historical interest.

Technology and application

In double-piston engines with fork or articulation rods, one piston controls the exhaust process, the other controls the overflow process.
There are three types of double-piston engine:

Despite the two cylinder liners and pistons, the double-piston engine is one of the single-cylinder engines.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • fewer fresh gas losses than with countercurrent purging
  • the piston on the exhaust side is not coated with fresh gas, which makes cooling more difficult
  • Charging possible if the outlet closes before the inlet.

Manufacturers in motorcycles

  • Alberto Garelli (1913-1926)
  • Puch ; Developed by Giovanni Marcellino, the pistons run one behind the other (1923–1970)
  • Baier ; System Zoller (1927–1929)
  • DKW (with piston charging pump); System Zoller (1933-)
  • Triumph ; the pistons run side by side (1939 / 1946–1957)
  • Jawa 350.
  • Manet ; System Zoller (1947–1951)

Manufacturers in passenger cars

Manufacturer in trucks

  • Framo Motor U 500 , goes back to the designer Petersen from DKW. Installed in 1943–1951 in the Framo V 501 .



  • Richard van Basshuysen, Fred Schäfer: Handbook Internal Combustion Engine Basics, Components, Systems, Perspectives. 3rd edition, Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2005, ISBN 3-528-23933-6 .
  • Peter Gerigk, Detlev Bruhn, Dietmar Danner: Automotive engineering. 3rd edition, Westermann Schulbuchverlag GmbH, Braunschweig, 2000, ISBN 3-14-221500-X .

Web links

Commons : Double piston engine  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stefan Knittel: Motorcycle Lexicon. BLV Verlag Zürich, 1981, ISBN 3-405-12226-0 , p. 48
  2. a b c d double piston engine (accessed on May 11, 2013)
  3. Triumph (accessed on May 11, 2013)
  4. US patent 2014678
  5. MANET (accessed on January 4, 2016)
  6. (accessed on January 4, 2016)
  7. Arnold Zoller developed a 6-cylinder, two-stroke, double-piston engine for the racing car in 1934, which was built by the Röhr factory. → ( Memento from April 29, 2013 in the web archive ) (accessed on April 11, 2013)
  8. Carl-Hans Morgenstern: The two-cylinder two-stroke engine U 500 from Framo-Werke , unpublished manuscript, 1996, Peter Kirchberg