Ueli Seiler-Hugova

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Ueli Seiler-Hugova (Ulrich Seiler; born April 19, 1942 in Kleindietwil ) is a Swiss educator and author .

Life and work

Ueli Seiler-Hugova was born as the eldest of four children of Robert and Ruth Seiler-Schwab. Seiler's father was a teacher at a state comprehensive school in Reust in the Bernese Oberland . In 1953 the parents founded the Schlössli anthroposophical home school in Ins in the Bernese Seeland . Its task was to accommodate and train children and young people who, for whatever reason, could no longer be at home or in school. The father's parents were contract children and had a small home for children who had no real home or who failed in the usual school.

Ueli Seiler-Hugova attended the Rudolf Steiner School in Bern and the state-recognized Protestant teacher training college Muristalden , became a primary school teacher and then worked at a comprehensive school on Lake Brienz in Ebligen . He studied secondary teaching at the University of Bern . His training as a home manager took place at the Institute for Psychology in Zurich, and he completed various advanced training courses in Waldorf education in Stuttgart and at the Goetheanum in Dornach . He also continued his autodidactic training , for example in Goethe's theory of colors , in “integral astronomy”, in Jean Gebser'sstages of consciousness ” , in art and cultural history and in the sensory theory of Rudolf Steiner and Hugo Kükelhaus . He also dealt with the work of Erich Fromm .

He joined his parents' institution in 1963. The Schlössli Ins boarding school had over a hundred children and young people and just as many employees. Ueli Seiler was director of the institution from 1972 to 2006. In 1963, he and his father founded the “Free Home Education Seminar Schlössli Ins”, a three-year educational seminar that Seiler ran from 1972 until his dismissal in 2013. From 1994 to 2000 he was visiting professor for education at the Latvian University in Riga. Since 2002 he has been a lecturer at the Tabor Academy of Social Art in Prague.

He is the author of non-fiction books on colors, “integral astronomy” and the Grail myth Parzival .

Ueli Seiler-Hugova is married for the second time and has seven children.

Political activities

After he had campaigned for autonomous schools and refugees from the Eastern Bloc as a teenager, Seiler-Hugova launched a popular initiative for free school elections in the canton of Bern in 1980 with a collection of signatures (15,000) and a voting campaign, which in 1983 was approved by the Bernese voters with a three-quarters majority Was rejected. In 1983 he was co-founder and long-term vice-president of the Free List in the canton of Bern, in 1985 he was one of the first to sign the Federal People's Initiative “for a Switzerland without an army and for a comprehensive peace policy” , which was also rejected by the voters. In connection with the deportation of a Zairian refugee family, he refused to do military service and was punished in 1989 with 20 days in prison. He also campaigned for church asylum with his "Action for rejected asylum seekers" (AAA) . From the beginning of the 1990s he was a member of the “European Forum for Freedom in Education” (EFFE), which brought together educational reformers from different backgrounds.


In 2010, Ueli Seiler-Hugova received the “Wald Press Award” for his cultural activities in the Czech Republic.


As an author:

  • Seeing, experiencing, understanding. AT-Verlag, Aarau 2002, ISBN 978-3-03800-366-3 .
    • french Translation: Voir, vivre, comprendre les couleurs. Editions Triades, Laboissière-en-Thelle 2008, ISBN 978-2-85248-296-8 .
  • Astronomy integral. AT-Verlag, Aarau 2009, ISBN 978-3-03-800487-5 .
  • The great Parzival book. Wolfram von Eschenbach's «Parzival» as a modern initiation path that leads to integration and individuation. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2001, ISBN 978-3-8448-0263-4 ; 2nd edition: Schneider Editions, Hohengehren 2014, ISBN 978-3-943305-15-9 .
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, a forerunner of Rudolf Steiner's “Philosophy of Freedom”, Albert Steffen's “Pestalozzi” and C. Englert-Faye's essay “From Pestalozzi to Rudolf Steiner” (1930). Möllmann, Borchen 2015, ISBN 978-3-89979-217-1 , OCLC 915481725 .

As editor or publisher:

  • (Red.) 30 years of Schlössli Ins. Schlössli Ins Association, Ins 1983.
  • (Red.) 40 years of Schlössli Ins. Schlössli Ins Association, Ins 1993.
  • (Ed.) Become who you are. 50 years of Schlössli Ins home school. Schlössli Ins Association, Ins 2004.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Walter Däpp: Ueli Seiler is no longer comfortable in the Schlössli. In: The Bund . August 9, 2003, accessed January 29, 2017.
  2. ^ Ueli Seiler-Hugova: Familie , Schlössli Ins website, accessed on January 29, 2017.