Unicode block Meroitic-demotic

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The Unicode block Meroitic-demotic (Meroitic Cursive, U + 109A0 to U + 109FF) contains the cursive characters of the Meroitic script derived from the Egyptian-demotic script .


All characters have the general category "Other Letter" and the bidirectional class "Right to Left".

Unicode number Characters
Official name description
U + 109A0 (68000) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER A Meroitic-demotic letter A
U + 109A1 (68001) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER E. Meroitic-demotic letter E
U + 109A2 (68002) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER I Meroitic-demotic letter I.
U + 109A3 (68003) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER O Meroitic-demotic letter O
U + 109A4 (68004) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER YA Meroitic-demotic letter Ya
U + 109A5 (68005) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER WA Meroitic-demotic letter Wa
U + 109A6 (68006) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER BA Meroitic-demotic letter Ba
U + 109A7 (68007) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER PA Meroitic-demotic letter Pa
U + 109A8 (68008) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER MA Meroitic-demotic letter Ma
U + 109A9 (68009) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER NA Meroitic-demotic letter Na
U + 109AA (68010) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER NE Meroitic-demotic letter Ne
U + 109AB (68011) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER RA Meroitic-demotic letter Ra
U + 109AC (68012) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER LA Meroitic-demotic letter La
U + 109AD (68013) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER KHA Meroitic-demotic letter Kha
U + 109AE (68014) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER HHA Meroitic-demotic letter Hha
U + 109AF (68015) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER SA Meroitic-demotic letter Sa
U + 109B0 (68016) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER ARCHAIC SA Meroitic-demotic letter old Sa
U + 109B1 (68017) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER SE Meroitic-demotic letter Se
U + 109B2 (68018) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER KA Meroitic-demotic letter Ka
U + 109B3 (68019) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER QA Meroitic-demotic letter Qa
U + 109B4 (68020) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER TA Meroitic-demotic letter Ta
U + 109B5 (68021) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER TE Meroitic-demotic letter Te
U + 109B6 (68022) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER TO Meroitic-demotic letter To
U + 109B7 (68023) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LETTER DA Meroitic-demotic letter Da
U + 109BE (68030) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LOGOGRAM RMT Meroitisch-demotic logogram Rmt
U + 109BF (68031) ?? MEROITIC CURSIVE LOGOGRAM IMN Meroitisch-demotic logogram Imn

Graphic board

UCB Meroitic Cursive.png
Representation of the characters as graphics

Web links