Unicode block Latin-1, supplement

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The Unicode block Latin-1, supplement (Latin-1 Supplement, 0080 to 00FF) together with the Unicode block Basic Latin results in the code page "Latin1" ( ISO 8859-1 ).


The control characters

Unicode number Characters
category Bidirectional class Official name description
U + 0080 (128) <figment>[[& # x0080;]] Figment neutral limit PADDING CHARACTER (PAD) Figment
U + 0081 (129) <figment>[[& # x0081;]] Figment neutral limit HIGH OCTET PRESET (HOP) Figment
U + 0082 (130) <control>[[& # x0082;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit BREAK PERMITTED HERE (BPH) Control characters : Line break allowed at this point
U + 0083 (131) <control>[[& # x0083;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit NO BREAK HERE (NBH) Control characters : no line break at this point
U + 0084 (132) <control>[[& # x0084;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit INDEX (IND) (no longer used)
U + 0085 (133) <control>[[& # x0085;]] Tax (control) signs Section separator NEXT LINE (NEL) Control characters : next line
U + 0086 (134) <control>[[& # x0086;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit START OF SELECTED AREA (SSA) Control characters : start of the selected area
U + 0087 (135) <control>[[& # x0087;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit END OF SELECTED AREA (ESA) Control character : End of the selected range
U + 0088 (136) <control>[[& # x0088;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit CHARACTER TABULATION SET (HTS) Control characters : Set character tabulation
U + 0089 (137) <control>[[& # x0089;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit CHARACTER TABULATION WITH JUSTIFICATION (HTJ) Control characters : Character tabulation with alignment
U + 008A (138) <control>[[& # x008A;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit LINE TABULATION SET (VTS) Control characters : Set line tabulation
U + 008B (139) <control>[[& # x008B;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit PARTIAL LINE FORWARD (PLD) Control characters : partial line downwards
U + 008C (140) <control>[[& # x008C;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit PARTIAL LINE BACKWARD (PLU) Control characters : partial line upwards
U + 008D (141) <control>[[& # x008D;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit REVERSE LINE FEED (RI) Control characters : reverse line feed
U + 008E (142) <control>[[& # x008E;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit SINGLE SHIFT TWO (SS2) Control characters : individual switchover 2
U + 008F (143) <control>[[& # x008F;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit SINGLE SHIFT THREE (SS3) Control characters : individual switchover 3
U + 0090 (144) <control>[[& # x0090;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit DEVICE CONTROL STRING (DCS) Control characters : starts a character string for device control
U + 0091 (145) <control>[[& # x0091;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit PRIVATE USE ONE (PU1) Control characters : freely usable 1
U + 0092 (146) <control>[[& # x0092;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit PRIVATE USE TWO (PU2) Control characters : freely usable 2
U + 0093 (147) <control>[[& # x0093;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit SET TRANSMIT STATE (STS)
U + 0094 (148) <control>[[& # x0094;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit CANCEL CHARACTER (CCH) Control character: Abort
U + 0095 (149) <control>[[& # x0095;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit MESSAGE WAITING (MW) Control characters: waiting for message
U + 0096 (150) <control>[[& # x0096;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit START OF GUARDED AREA (SPA) Control characters: start of a monitored area
U + 0097 (151) <control>[[& # x0097;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit END OF GUARDED AREA (EPA) Control characters: End of a monitored area
U + 0098 (152) <control>[[& # x0098;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit START OF STRING (SOS) Control characters: start of a character string
U + 0099 (153) <figment>[[& # x0099;]] Figment neutral limit SINGLE GRAPHIC CHARACTER INTRODUCER (SGC) Figment
U + 009A (154) <control>[[& # x009A;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit SINGLE CHARACTER INTRODUCER (SCI) Control characters:
U + 009B (155) <control>[[& # x009B;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit CONTROL SEQUENCE INTRODUCER (CSI) Control characters:
U + 009C (156) <control>[[& # x009C;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit STRING TERMINATOR (ST) Control characters: End of a character string (for non-zero-terminated strings)
U + 009D (157) <control>[[& # x009D;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND (OSC) Control character: operating system command
U + 009E (158) <control>[[& # x009E;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit PRIVACY MESSAGE (PM) Control characters: Private message
U + 009F (159) <control>[[& # x009F;]] Tax (control) signs neutral limit APPLICATION PROGRAM COMMAND (APC) Control character: application command
U + 00A0 (160)  [[]] Separator (space) characters general separator NO-BREAK SPACE Non-breaking space
U + 00A1 (161) ¡¡ other punctuation other neutral sign INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK Inverted exclamation mark
U + 00A2 (162) ¢¢ Currency symbol European
closing bell
CENT SIGN Cent sign
U + 00A3 (163) ££ Currency symbol European
closing bell
POUND SIGN Pound sign
U + 00A4 (164) ¤¤ Currency symbol European
closing bell
CURRENCY SIGN General currency symbol
U + 00A5 (165) ¥¥ Currency symbol European
closing bell
YEN SIGN Yen sign
U + 00A6 (166) ¦¦ different symbol other neutral sign BROKEN BAR Broken line
U + 00A7 (167) §§ other punctuation other neutral sign SECTION SIGN Paragraph mark
U + 00A8 (168) ¨¨ modifying symbol other neutral sign DIAERESIS Trema
U + 00A9 (169) ©© different symbol other neutral sign COPYRIGHT SIGN Copyright sign
U + 00AA (170) ªª other letter, syllable or ideogram from left to right FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR Ordinal-a , feminine ordinal sign
U + 00AB (171) «« Start punctuation other neutral sign LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK Left-pointing double pointed quotation mark
U + 00AC (172) ¬¬ math symbol other neutral sign NOT SIGN No sign
U + 00AD (173) <format>­ Formatting characters neutral limit SOFT HYPHENS Conditional hyphen
U + 00AE (174) ®® different symbol other neutral sign REGISTERED SIGN Mark for a registered trademark
U + 00AF (175) ¯¯ modifying symbol other neutral sign MACRON Macron
U + 00B0 (176) °° different symbol European
closing bell
DEGREE SIGN Degree sign
U + 00B1 (177) ±± math symbol European
closing bell
PLUS-MINUS SIGN Plus minus sign
U + 00B2 (178) ²² other numeral European digit SUPERSCRIPT TWO Superscript two
U + 00B3 (179) ³³ other numeral European digit SUPERSCRIPT THREE Superscript three
U + 00B4 (180) ´´ modifying symbol other neutral sign ACUTE ACCENT Acute
U + 00B5 (181) µµ Lowercase letter from left to right MICRO SIGN Micro signs
U + 00B6 (182) other punctuation other neutral sign PILCROW SIGN Paragraph mark
U + 00B7 (183) ·· other punctuation other neutral sign MIDDLE DOT Focus
U + 00B8 (184) ¸¸ modifying symbol other neutral sign CEDILLA Cedilla
U + 00B9 (185) ¹¹ other numeral European digit SUPERSCRIPT ONE Superscript one
U + 00BA (186) ºº other letter, syllable or ideogram from left to right MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR Ordinal-o , masculine ordinal sign
U + 00BB (187) »» End punctuation other neutral sign RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK Right-pointing double pointed quotation mark
U + 00BC (188) ¼¼ other numeral other neutral sign VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER Ordinary fraction a quarter
U + 00BD (189) ½½ other numeral other neutral sign VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF Ordinary fraction and a half
U + 00BE (190) ¾¾ other numeral other neutral sign VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS Common fraction three quarters
U + 00BF (191) ¿¿ other punctuation other neutral sign INVERTED QUESTION MARK Inverted question mark
U + 00C0 (192) ÀÀ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE Latin capital letter A with grave accent
U + 00C1 (193) ÁÁ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE Latin Capital Letter A with Acute
U + 00C2 (194) ÂÂ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin capital letter A with circumflex
U + 00C3 (195) ÃÃ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE Latin capital letter A with tilde
U + 00C4 (196) ÄÄ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS Latin Capital Letter A with Trema
U + 00C5 (197) ÅÅ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE Latin capital letter A with ring
U + 00C6 (198) ÆÆ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE LIGATURE
U + 00C7 (199) ÇÇ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA Latin capital letter C with cedilla
U + 00C8 (200) ÈÈ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE Latin capital letter E with grave accent
U + 00C9 (201) ÉÉ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE Latin Capital Letter E with Acute
U + 00CA (202) ÊÊ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin capital letter E with circumflex
U + 00CB (203) ËË Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS Latin Capital Letter E with Trema
U + 00CC (204) ÌÌ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE Latin capital letter I with grave accent
U + 00CD (205) ÍÍ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE Latin Capital Letter I with Acute
U + 00CE (206) ÎÎ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin capital letter I with circumflex
U + 00CF (207) ÏÏ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS Latin Capital Letter I with Trema
U + 00D0 (208) ÐÐ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH Latin capital letter Eth
U + 00D1 (209) ÑÑ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE Latin capital letter N with tilde
U + 00D2 (210) OO Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE Latin capital letter O with grave accent
U + 00D3 (211) OO Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE Latin Capital Letter O with Acute
U + 00D4 (212) OO Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin capital letter O with circumflex
U + 00D5 (213) OO Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE Latin capital letter O with tilde
U + 00D6 (214) ÖÖ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS Latin capital letter O with trema
U + 00D7 (215) ×× math symbol other neutral sign MULTIPLICATION SIGN Paint cross
U + 00D8 (216) OO Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE Latin capital letter O with a line through it
U + 00D9 (217) ÙÙ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE Latin capital letter U with grave accent
U + 00DA (218) ÚÚ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE Latin Capital Letter U with Acute
U + 00DB (219) ÛÛ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin capital letter U with circumflex
U + 00DC (220) ÜÜ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS Latin Capital Letter U with Trema
U + 00DD (221) ÝÝ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE Latin Capital Letter Y with Acute
U + 00DE (222) ÞÞ Capital letter from left to right LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
U + 00DF (223) ßß Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S Latin Small Letter Sharp S
U + 00E0 (224) àà Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE Latin small letter a with grave accent
U + 00E1 (225) áá Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE Latin Small Letter A with Acute
U + 00E2 (226) ââ Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex
U + 00E3 (227) ãã Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE Latin Small Letter A with Tilde
U + 00E4 (228) ÄÄ Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS Latin Small Letter A with Trema
U + 00E5 (229) åå Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE Latin Small Letter A with Ring
U + 00E6 (230) ææ Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER AE LATIN SMALL LETTER AE LIGATURE
U + 00E7 (231) çç Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla
U + 00E8 (232) èè Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE Latin small letter e with grave accent
U + 00E9 (233) éé Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE Latin Small Letter E with Acute
U + 00EA (234) êê Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex
U + 00EB (235) ëë Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS Latin Small Letter E with Trema
U + 00EC (236) ìì Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE Latin Small Letter I with Grave Accent
U + 00ED (237) íí Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE Latin Small Letter I with Acute
U + 00EE (238) îî Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex
U + 00EF (239) ïï Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS Latin Small Letter I with Trema
U + 00F0 (240) ðð Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH Latin Small Letter Eth
U + 00F1 (241) ññ Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE Latin Small Letter N with Tilde
U + 00F2 (242) OO Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE Latin small letter o with grave accent
U + 00F3 (243) OO Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE Latin Small Letter O with Acute
U + 00F4 (244) OO Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex
U + 00F5 (245) OO Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE Latin Small Letter O with Tilde
U + 00F6 (246) öö Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS Latin Small Letter O with Trema
U + 00F7 (247) ÷÷ math symbol other neutral sign DIVISION SIGN Division sign
U + 00F8 (248) OO Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE Latin Small Letter O with Stroke
U + 00F9 (249) ùù Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE Latin small letter u with grave accent
U + 00FA (250) úú Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE Latin Small Letter U with Acute
U + 00FB (251) ûû Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex
U + 00FC (252) üü Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS Latin Small Letter U with Trema
U + 00FD (253) ýý Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE Latin Small Letter Y with Acute
U + 00FE (254) þþ Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
U + 00FF (255) ÿÿ Lowercase letter from left to right LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS Latin Small Letter Y with Trema
  1. a b c This control character was intended as part of a data architecture, but was never implemented. There is no standardization on this and it is therefore not used anywhere.

Graphic board

UCB Latin-1 Supplement.png
Representation of the characters as graphics, hatched fields are control characters.

Web links