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The letter Ø (lower case ø ) occurs in Danish , Norwegian , Faroese , South Sami , Old Swedish and Old Icelandic . The letter and its pronunciation correspond to the " Ö " in German , Swedish and Icelandic . Ø can be transcribed as "Ö" (eg into German or Swedish), " Œ " (eg into French ) or " O E " (eg into English ) .

Alphabetical sorting

In Danish, Norwegian and Faroese, the "Ø" is placed at the end of the alphabet after the "Z" (in Faroese "Ý"), with the Danish and Norwegian alphabet ending in "Æ", "Ø", "Å". The Faroese alphabet ends in "Æ", "Ø".

Like the Icelandic and Swedish "Ö", the "Ø" is not sorted into "O". This has to do with the fact that the "international Ö" (the German Ö) is perceived as a ligature " Œ " from "O" and "E" and is sorted accordingly, while the "Nordic Ø" is an independent letter.

Use as a replacement character

For technical reasons, the large Ø is sometimes used instead of the similar looking symbols for diameter or average (arithmetic mean) and empty quantity (∅) . However, this is typographically incorrect and should generally be avoided. In addition to writing out the intended description, a possible solution is to use the respective symbol provided .

Representation on computer systems

In ASCII - character set , the characters are not included, which is why many older computer systems they could not represent. However, the ASCII extension ISO 8859-1 (also known as "Latin-1") in 1986 contained the two Scandinavian letters "Ø" and "ø". Almost all modern computers use the Unicode standard introduced in 1991 and can thus process and display the characters without any problems.

Standard / System Capitals (Ø) Minuscule (ø)
Character encoding
Unicode Codepoint U + 00D8 U + 00F8
UTF-8 C3 98 C3 B8
ISO 8859-1 D8 hex F8 hex
HTML entity Ø ø
XML / XHTML decimal Ø ø
hexadecimal Ø ø
TeX / LaTeX Text mode \O \o
Mathem. mode \O \o
Input methods 1
German standard
keyboard layouts
E1 Keyboard Symbol for German Layout E1 C04-3.svg - O Keyboard Symbol for German Layout E1 C04-3.svg - o
Windows CP850 ( TUI ) Alt+ 1572 Alt+ 1552
CP1252 ( GUI ) Alt+ 02162 Alt+ 02482
macintosh alt/+ Shift+O alt/+O
Linux (with newer versions of X11 ) Alt Gr+ Shift+ Oor
Compose, Shift+7O
Alt Gr+ Oor
Compose, Shift+ 7,O
Neo Mod3+ *, Shift+ O 4 Mod3+ *, O 4
Apache OpenOffice variants - -
Microsoft Word Keyboard shortcut Strg+ Shift+ 7, Shift+O Strg+ Shift+ 7,O
Unicode input D, 8, Alt+C F, 8, Alt+C
Vim Digraph 3 Strg+ K, Shift+70 Strg+ K, Shift+ 7,O
Unicode input Strg+ V, U, 0, 0, D,8 Strg+ V, U, 0, 0, F,8
1Key information related to a German QWERTY - keyboard layout . Many systems also offer specific options for entering a Unicode character directly.
2Enter numbers via the numeric keypad . Hold the Alt key down permanently.
3Digraph support based on RFC 1354 in insert mode according to documentation .
4thThe Mod3 keys correspond to the CAPS LOCK and hash keys. Neo has on the 3rd level of the position of the QWERTY *key to "Stroke" directly as a dead key . Generation via Compose support is also possible (Mod3 + Tab or ♫) and must be installed on some systems .
Letter Ø / ø and similar characters
character Unicode
code point links to the Unicode block
Name / description Decimal
Latex Keyboard entry
with assignment E1
O U + 00D8 latin capital letter o with stroke Scandinavian capital letter Ø 0216 & Oslash; \O Keyboard Symbol for German Layout E1 C04-3.svg - O
O U + 00F8 latin small letter o with stroke Scandinavian Small Letter ø 0248 & oslash; \o Keyboard Symbol for German Layout E1 C04-3.svg - o
U + 2300 diameter sign Diameter sign 8960 \diameter Keyboard Symbol for German Layout E1 C04-3.svg - 7
U + 2205 empty set Empty crowd sign 8709 ? \varnothing Keyboard Symbol for German Layout E1 C04-3.svg - =
U + 2298 circled division slash Circled divided line 8856 & osol; (HTML5) \oslash
(HTML5)This entity is only generally defined as of HTML5 .

Web links

Commons : Ø  - collection of images, videos and audio files

  1. W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium ): Character entity references in HTML 4
  2. Scott Pakin: The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List. (PDF, 8.7 MB) January 19, 2017, archived from the original on September 28, 2017 ; Retrieved on September 28, 2017 (English, linking the original results in a mirror of CTAN , the archive link compare file: Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol list.pdf ).
  3. ^ W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium ): Character entity reference chart