Unicode block Ottoman Siyaq numerals

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The Unicode block Ottoman Siyaq Numbers (English Ottoman Siyaq Numbers, U + 1ED00 to U + 1ED4F) contains the special numerals of the Arabic script , which were used in accounting in the Ottoman language .


All characters have the bidirectional class “Arabic letters”.

Unicode number Characters
category Official name description
U + 1ED01 (126209) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER ONE Ottoman Siyaq numeral one
U + 1ED02 (126210) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER TWO Ottoman Siyaq Number Two
U + 1ED03 (126211) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER THREE Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Three
U + 1ED04 (126212) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FOUR Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Four
U + 1ED05 (126213) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FIVE Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Five
U + 1ED06 (126214) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SIX Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Six
U + 1ED07 (126215) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SEVEN Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Seven
U + 1ED08 (126216) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER EIGHT Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Eight
U + 1ED09 (126217) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER NINE Ottoman Siyaq numeral nine
U + 1ED0A (126218) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER TEN Ottoman Siyaq numeral ten
U + 1ED0B (126219) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER TWENTY Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Twenty
U + 1ED0C (126220) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER THIRTY Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Thirty
U + 1ED0D (126221) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FORTY Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Forty
U + 1ED0E (126222) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FIFTY Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Fifty
U + 1ED0F (126223) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SIXTY Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Sixty
U + 1ED10 (126224) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SEVENTY Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Seventy
U + 1ED11 (126225) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER EIGHTY Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Eighty
U + 1ED12 (126226) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER NINETY Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Ninety
U + 1ED13 (126227) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER ONE HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq numeral one hundred
U + 1ED14 (126228) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER TWO HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Two Hundred
U + 1ED15 (126229) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER THREE HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq numeral three hundred
U + 1ED16 (126230) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FOUR HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq numeral four hundred
U + 1ED17 (126231) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FIVE HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Five Hundred
U + 1ED18 (126232) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SIX HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq Number Six Hundred
U + 1ED19 (126233) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SEVEN HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Seven Hundred
U + 1ED1A (126234) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER EIGHT HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq numeral eight hundred
U + 1ED1B (126235) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER NINE HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq numeral nine hundred
U + 1ED1C (126236) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER ONE THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral one thousand
U + 1ED1D (126237) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER TWO THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral two thousand
U + 1ED1E (126238) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER THREE THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral three thousand
U + 1ED1F (126239) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FOUR THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral four thousand
U + 1ED20 (126240) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FIVE THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral five thousand
U + 1ED21 (126241) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SIX THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral six thousand
U + 1ED22 (126242) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SEVEN THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral seven thousand
U + 1ED23 (126243) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER EIGHT THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral eight thousand
U + 1ED24 (126244) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER NINE THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral nine thousand
U + 1ED25 (126245) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER TEN THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral ten thousand
U + 1ED26 (126246) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER TWENTY THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral twenty thousand
U + 1ED27 (126247) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER THIRTY THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral thirty thousand
U + 1ED28 (126248) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FORTY THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral forty thousand
U + 1ED29 (126249) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER FIFTY THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Fifty Thousand
U + 1ED2A (126250) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SIXTY THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq Numeral Sixty Thousand
U + 1ED2B (126251) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER SEVENTY THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral seventy thousand
U + 1ED2C (126252) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER EIGHTY THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral eighty thousand
U + 1ED2D (126253) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ NUMBER NINETY THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral ninety thousand
U + 1ED2E (126254) ?? different symbol OTTOMAN SIYAQ MARRATAN Ottoman Siyaq Sign Marratan
U + 1ED2F (126255) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER TWO Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative two
U + 1ED30 (126256) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER THREE Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative three
U + 1ED31 (126257) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER FOUR Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative four
U + 1ED32 (126258) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER FIVE Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative five
U + 1ED33 (126259) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER SIX Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative six
U + 1ED34 (126260) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER SEVEN Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative seven
U + 1ED35 (126261) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER EIGHT Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative eight
U + 1ED36 (126262) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER NINE Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative nine
U + 1ED37 (126263) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER TEN Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative ten
U + 1ED38 (126264) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER FOUR HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative four hundred
U + 1ED39 (126265) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER SIX HUNDRED Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative six hundred
U + 1ED3A (126266) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER TWO THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative two thousand
U + 1ED3B (126267) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ ALTERNATE NUMBER TEN THOUSAND Ottoman Siyaq numeral alternative ten thousand
U + 1ED3C (126268) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ FRACTION ONE HALF Ottoman Siyaq Fractional One Half
U + 1ED3D (126269) ?? other numeral OTTOMAN SIYAQ FRACTION ONE SIXTH Ottoman Siyaq Fractional One Sixth

Web links

  • Unicode Consortium : Ottoman Siyaq Numbers . Range: 1ED00-1ED4F. Ed .: Unicode Consortium. Mountain View , California , United States , p. 1–3 (English, 3 pp., Unicode.org [PDF; 97 kB ; accessed on April 15, 2019] English: Ottoman Siyaq Numbers . Mountain View, California, United States. Translated by Unicode Consortium, first edition: Unicode Consortium, Mountain View, California, United States).