Val Bormida

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Coordinates: 44 ° 24 ′ 0 ″  N , 8 ° 16 ′ 0 ″  E

Map: Italy
Val Bormida

The Val Bormida is a valley in the northern Italian regions of Liguria and Piedmont . It is located in the Ligurian Apennines and extends from Savona to southern Piedmont, where the Bormida River flows into the Tanaro .

In fact, the Bormida river consists of two sibling rivers, the Bormida di Millesimo and the Bormida di Spigno , which flow together at the level of the municipality of Bistagno , in the province of Alessandria , and then flow into the Tanaro. The Tanaro, in turn, is a tributary of the Po .

The most important urban center in Val Bormida is Cairo Montenotte , which is also the largest municipality in the province of Savona . Other important cities in the valley are Carcare , Altare , Cengio , Bardineto , Calizzano , Murialdo , Plodio , Cosseria and Millesimo .

After the Second World War , numerous industrial sites emerged in the valley, which have been displaced in recent years by small-scale industry and crafts .

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