Valentin shopfitter

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Valentin Ladenbauer (born November 5, 1942 ; † October 27, 2006 ) was an Austrian sports shooter , pharmacist , state president of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists and local politician in Perg .


Ladenbauer studied after the middle school , which he in Linz graduated, pharmacy , and graduated in 1965 with the graduation to Mag. Pharm. from. He spent his time as an aspirant in the pharmacy of the then President of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists, Regional Office Upper Austria, Anton Kerschner, before moving to his parents' pharmacy, which has been family-owned since 1894, in 1967. After the death of his mother, Elsa Ladenbauer († 1983), he took over the parental pharmacy "Zur heiligen Dreifaltigkeit" in Perg and ran it together with his sister Elsa until his death. As of January 8, 1986, he was registered as a licensee with the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists.

In addition to his professional activity, he was a local politician, sports shooter in the Perg shooting club with successes at the federal level, a leading member in the professional representation, the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists, at the state and federal level, as well as the supervisory board of a pharmaceutical company (Herba Chemosan Apotheker-AG). He and his wife had a daughter and two sons.

He was a member of the Lionsclub Perg, singer in the church and chamber choir of Perg, chairman of the Perg Liedertafel from 1974 to 1985 and district hunter master from 2001 to 2006.

Sports shooter in the Perg shooting club

  • Junior Vice State Champion with the small bore rifle (1959)
  • Vice national champion in the KK team (1960)

Local politics

Shop fitter was active in the municipal politics of the city of Perg and made a special contribution to the construction of public buildings. In 1998 he was awarded the ring of honor of the city of Perg for this.

Functions within the framework of professional representation

From 1987 until his death, shopfitter was active in the professional representation at state and federal level, partly in a leading position in the bodies of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists and a member of various committees, working groups and commissions.

The shopfitter was the bearer of the Silver Medal of Merit of the Republic of Austria .

  • 1987 to 2006 board member of the Upper Austria regional office of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists
  • 1987 to 1997 delegate of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists
  • 1987 to 1992 delegate of the pharmaceutical salary fund
  • 1987 member of the visitation commission
  • 1988 member and chairman of the examination committee for pharmacy assistants
  • 1992 to 2006 board member of the pharmaceutical salary fund
  • 1996 to 2006 member of the examination committee for PCA apprentices
  • 1996 to 2004 PCA representative for Upper Austria
  • 1997 to 2006 board member of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists Vienna
  • 1997 to 2006 member of the Legal and Social Policy Committee (FA II)
  • 1997 to 2006 member of the rural pharmacists' committee at the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists in Vienna
  • 1998 to 2006 member of the working group on call duty / night duty compensation fund
  • 1999 to 2006 member of the examination committee of sworn judicial experts
  • 2001 to 2006 regional group leader of the Upper Austrian Pharmacists' Association
  • 2002 to 2006 President of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists
  • 2002 to 2006 chairman of the aspirant examination committee
  • 2002 to 2006 member of the working group for pharmacy regulations of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists, Vienna
  • 2002 to 2006 member of the work group visitations new, reshuffle and chamber representative
  • 2005 to 2006 member of the appeal panel at the independent finance panel
  • 2005 to 2006 member of the working group pandemic plan in the province of Upper Austria
  • 2006 member of the Upper Austrian Health Fund and the health platform
  • 2006 member of the working group delivery service and pharmacy law at the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists Vienna

Valentin shopfitter journalist award

Since 2007, the Journalist Prize named after the shopfitter has been awarded annually to journalists by the Upper Austria regional office of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists.



  • 1st prize: Sylvia Wörgstetter, deputy head of the domestic affairs department at Salzburger Nachrichten
  • 2nd Prize: Wolfgang Braun, Head of Politics at the Upper Austrian News
  • 3rd prize: Michael Kraml, journalist at Life Radio Upper Austria
  • Special award for institutions: Rainer Brunhofer, editor at AK Report


  • Category Print / National: Wolfgang Exel, Head of Health Department of the Kronze newspaper
  • Category: Electronic / Online: Regina Philipp from
  • Category Prince / Upper Austria: Michaela Ecklbauer-Niedermoser from the Neue Volksblatt
  • Special award for institutions: Günther Hosner, editor-in-chief of the "Upper Austrian Economy".


The award winners were the editorial teams from Upper Austria. Krone, Upper Austria. News and ORF regional studio Upper Austria. The special institutional award went to the editorial team of "visite3", the magazine for patients of the Gespag group of companies.


In 2011, Upper Austria's young journalists were awarded the prize for the first time. The first prize went to Katharina Kühn (formerly Gruber) (Seewalchen) for her text "A horde of goats for the Congo or: Finally smoke-free". Two further prizes went to Nina Lindschinger (Linz) for her report “Cough and headache, at half past three at night” and to Franz Staudinger (Kirchdorf) for his text “Postage stamps and baby care in the Wartberg herbal pharmacy”.


In 2012 there were two award winners. Ines Lindinger, editor of the Bezirksrundschau Wels, for her interview “Ordering medication online is like Harakiri” and Verena Schöberl, teaching editor at the “Upper Austrian Journalist Academy”, for her report “Ask your pharmacist about risks and interactions”.


In 2013 the award went to Andreas Jölli (Ö1) for his ongoing reporting on health policy issues and his journalistic commitment in the field of drug safety and new technologies in the health sector and to the young journalist Christoph Steiner (Neues Volksblatt) for his contribution "Customers trust their pharmacists".


  • Monika Heinrich: The functionaries of the federal states: Österr. Chamber of Pharmacists . In: ÖAZ Aktuell . No. 10/2002 . Österreichischer Apothekerverlag, 2002, see Upper Austria: Communication & Quality Management - Curriculum Vitae Mag. Ladenbauer ( ( Memento from August 29, 2002 in the Internet Archive ) [accessed on May 8, 2020]).
  • Österreichische Apothekerzeitung, Vienna, issues 23/2002 PDF , 24/2006 PDF

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Homepage of the Chamber of Pharmacists, keyword Valentin Ladenbauer Preis
  2. Valentin Ladenbauer-Journalistenpreis 2010. In: 2010, accessed February 5, 2020 .
  3. APA-OTS: Upper Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists awards the Valentin Ladenbauer Prize 2013