
Sagittal plane of the human oral cavity , oro pharynx and Laryno pharynx . Articulation locations (active and passive): 1 exolabial (outer part of the lip) 2 endolabial (inner part of the lip) 3 dental (teeth) 4 alveolar (front part of the dental dam) 5 postalveolar (rear part of the dental dam and a little behind it) 6 prepalatally (front part of the hard palate) 7 palatal (hard palate) 8 velar (soft palate) 9 uvular (also postvelar; uvula) 10 pharyngeal (pharynx) 11 glottal (also laryngeal ; vocal cords) 12 epiglottal (epiglottis) 13 radical (tongue root) 14 posterodorsal (rear part of the tongue) 15 anterodorsal (front part of the tongue) 16 laminal (tongue leaf ) 17 apical (tip of the tongue) 18 sublaminal (also subapical; underside of the tongue)
Velar or velar sound (German also Gaumensegellaut or back palate sound ) is the name in phonetics for a sound that is formed by the back of the tongue
- the soft palate , the soft palate , a complete closure forms (letters ⟨ k ⟩, ⟨ ck ⟩, ⟨ g ⟩ = in IPA -Schrift [k] or [ɡ]),
- to the soft palate only strong approaches (combination of letters ⟨ ch ⟩ = IPA font [x]).
The formation of vowels is also marked according to the highest point on the back of the tongue and the direction in which it is oriented.
The "i", in which the back of the tongue approaches the palatum (the hard, anterior palate ), is called a palatal vowel, while the "u", in which the back of the tongue approaches the velum, is called a velar vowel .
In older representations there is also the wrong designation of guttural sound according to today's agreement .
- John Clark, Collin Yallop, Janet Fletcher: An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology. 3rd edition. Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics, Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.
- T. Alan Hall: Phonology: An Introduction. De Gruyter Study Book, de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2000, ISBN 3-1101-5641-5 .
- Peter Ladefoged , Ian Maddieson: The Sounds of the World's Languages. Blackwell, Oxford 1996, ISBN 0-631-19814-8 .
Web links
Wiktionary: Velar - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Individual evidence
- ^ Christian Ebert: Phonetics & Phonology. Articulatory Phonetics. (Hall, Chapters 1.1 - 1.5; Clark & Yallop, Chapters 2 & 3) Bielefeld University. Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies. WS 2005/2006
- ^ Christian Ebert: Phonetics & Phonology. Articulatory Phonetics. Bielefeld University. Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies. WS 2005/2006 (Clark & Yallop, Chapter 2 & 6)
- ^ Christian Ebert: Phonetics & Phonology. Articulatory Phonetics. (Hall, Chapters 1.1 - 1.5; Clark & Yallop, Chapters 2 & 3) Exercises & Solutions, Bielefeld University. Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies. WS 2005/2006