Victor Stern

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Victor Stern (born October 29, 1885 in Triesch , Moravia ; † March 27, 1958 in Potsdam-Babelsberg ) was a communist philosopher. He was one of the leading figures of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KPČ) in the 1920s and 1930s . After the Second World War, he taught as dean of the philosophy faculty at the Karl Marx party college in Liebenwalde and Kleinmachnow .


Born the son of a rabbi , Victor Stern attended elementary school and grammar school from 1891 to 1904. He then went to Vienna , where he studied until 1908 and completed his studies with a doctorate to become a Dr. Phil finished. At the beginning of his studies, Stern joined the Social Democratic Party of Austria . Within this he was particularly enthusiastic about Austromarxism , a tendency that from 1904 onwards, under the leadership of Otto Bauer , gained more and more influence in the Austrian social democracy. After completing his studies, Stern first earned his living as a private middle school teacher for mathematics, physics, logic and psychology. During the First World War , Stern participated in the war and as an officer during the war. After the end of the war he moved to Berlin, where he joined the USPD in 1919 before switching to the KPD in 1920 . Stern took part in the battles against the Ruhr in 1920/21 and was then expelled as an Austrian because of left-wing political press work.

After staying illegally in Germany for some time, he returned to Vienna and was editor-in-chief of the Vienna edition of the newspaper “ Die Rote Fahne ” in 1921/22 . At the same time he became a member of the political office of the KPÖ , which he represented in November 1922 as a delegate at the 4th World Congress of the Communist International (KI). In 1923, Stern moved to Czechoslovakia and became a member of the KPČ , to whose Politburo of the Central Committee he was elected in 1924. For the KPČ he sat from 1925 to 1932 as a member of the Czechoslovak National Assembly . In 1925 and 1926 he was also the representative of his party at the Communist International in Moscow, where he emigrated in 1935 and stayed until 1945. During this time, Stern was hired as a teacher at the International Lenin School and also worked as a publicist and propagandist in the AI ​​apparatus, including as editor-in-chief of its Christian radio station. For this work he was honored in 1945 with the "Red Star" order .

Stern returned to Czechoslovakia and continued to work in Prague and Moscow until 1946. In 1946, Stern moved to the Soviet occupation zone and was taken over by the KPČ into the SED . In 1947 the party leadership offered him the head of the philosophy faculty and the chair for dialectical and historical materialism at the Karl Marx party college . There he became professor in 1952 by decision of the Central Committee of the SED. After a long illness he was retired in 1955. Until his death he published some philosophical writings.

Victor Stern's urn was in the grave conditioning Pergolenweg the memorial of the socialists at the Berlin Central Cemetery Friedrichsfelde buried.


Fonts (selection)

  • Introduction to the problems of ethics. Vienna 1911
  • Basic features of dialectical and historical materialism. Berlin 1947
  • Stalin as a philosopher. Berlin 1949
  • Epistemological problems in modern physics. Berlin 1952
  • On some questions of Marxist philosophy. Berlin 1954


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mende, Hans-Jürgen: Lexicon of Berlin tombs. Haude and Spener, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-7759-0476-X , p. 432.