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The Viernsel was a measure of volume and grain in various small German states on the Upper Rhine . The deviations were small tolerable sizes.

Grand Duchy of Baden

Heidelberg ( Grand Duchy of Baden )

  • 1 quarter = 1404 3/16 Parisian cubic inches = 27.854 liters
  • 1 Malter = 4 quarters (smooth grain, such as wheat, rye, barley) = 4 ½ quarters (rough grain, such as oats and spelled) = 8 Simri / Simmer = 16 four of a kind = 32 Invel = 128 glasses = 5616 ¾ Parisian cubic inches = 11.416 Liters = 4 ½ quarters (rough grain such as oats and spelled) = 6319.84 Parisian cubic inches = 125.343 liters

Rhine Province of Bavaria

  • 1 quarter = 1260 3/10 Parisian cubic inches = 25 liters
  • 1 four-quarters = ½ hectoliters = 2 Simmers = 8 four- quarters

Grand Duchy of Hesse

  • 1 quarter = 1378 3/5 Parisian cubic inches = 27 1/3 liters
  • 1 quarter = 1 Simmer = 4 Kumpf = 16 Gescheid = 64 Mäßchen = 256 scrap

Wiesbaden ( Duchy of Nassau )

  • 1 quarter = 1378 2/3 Parisian cubic inches = 27 8/25 liters
  • 1 Malter = 4 quarters
  • 1 quarter = 4 members = 16 skills


  • Johann Friedrich Krüger: Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 363
  • Official journal of the royal Prussian government for the administrative district of Arnsberg. District government, Heinrich Friedrich Grote, Arnsberg 1830, p. 195
  • Christian Noback, Friedrich Noback: Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, the government papers, the exchange and banking system and the customs of all countries and trading places. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 358