Villa Ingenohl

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Bonn, Villa Ingenohl and Villa Heckmann , aerial photo (2017)
Villa Ingenohl, view from Raiffeisenstrasse (2013)

The Villa Ingenohl is a villa in the Bonn district of Gronau , which was built in 1895/96. It is located above the banks of the Rhine (Wilhelm-Spiritus-Ufer) with the address Raiffeisenstraße 5 in the immediate vicinity of Villa Heckmann . The villa stands as a monument under monument protection .


The villa was built for the client Carl Ingenohl based on a design by the Bonn architect and government master builder Anton Zengeler (1847–1913) in the southeastern part of the newly parceled plot of Villa Krantz (built in 1850; demolished). In response to the building application from April 1895, the building permit was granted in May , the final acceptance took place in February 1897. The villa was accessed via a newly built private road (today Raiffeisenstrasse). Stylistically , it can be assigned to the pictureque Italian Renaissance .

In 1919 the property passed into the possession of Mrs. Ingenohl. In that year she had an interior renovation carried out on the ground floor according to plans by the Bonn architect and government master builder Julius Rolff . In order to adapt it to the standard of living at the time, the entrance hall was reduced in size in favor of a vestibule (separated by a rabitz wall ), a cloakroom , a toilet and a WC. For a new owner, the Corps Saxonia , further modifications were made in 1927. During the National Socialist era , the villa was used as a quarters for the SS leadership corps . Later it housed the main customs office .

After Bonn had become the seat of government of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949 , the office of the Federal Chancellery for Foreign Affairs was established in the villa by the summer of 1950 . This was the forerunner of the Foreign Office founded in 1951 , the first seat of which was the villa. In the course of a settlement in the context of a restitution suit , it came into the possession of the federal government. The building comprised 22 office rooms and was also the home of the liaison between the Ministry and the Allied High Commission . In 1954/55 the Foreign Office moved its headquarters to a newly built office building . The property was last used by the ministry as a daycare center before the government moved to Berlin (1999) .

The loggia on the ground floor, which was closed to form an interior, was particularly affected by the changes in the original state of the villa . The original garden area has not been preserved either. Since it was sold by the Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks , the villa has belonged to the Carl Richard Montag Förderstiftung and was temporarily used for events and art exhibitions by the Montag Foundation Art and Society from 2008 onwards, when it was mostly empty (status: 2009). In 2017, the Montag Förderstiftung submitted a demolition application for the villa in order to create an open space for use as an outdoor area for the neighboring Villa Heckmann; the application was initially rejected by the city.


  • Olga Sonntag : Villas on the banks of the Rhine in Bonn. 1819–1914 , Bouvier Verlag, Bonn 1998, ISBN 3-416-02618-7 , Volume 3, Catalog (2), pp. 86–87. (also dissertation University of Bonn, 1994)

Web links

Commons : Raiffeisenstrasse 5 (Bonn)  - Collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. formerly Koblenzer Straße 125
  2. List of monuments of the city of Bonn (as of March 15, 2019), number A 3407
  3. ^ Olga Sonntag: Villas on the banks of the Rhine in Bonn: 1819–1914. Bouvier Verlag, Bonn 1998, ISBN 3-416-02618-7 , Volume 1, p. 292.
  4. ^ City of Bonn, City Archives (ed.); Helmut Vogt : “The Minister lives in a company car on platform 4”: The beginnings of the federal government in Bonn 1949/50 , Bonn 1999, ISBN 3-922832-21-0 , pp. 172–175.
  5. Up to 100 apartments planned for students in Bonn , General-Anzeiger , August 9, 2016
  6. Villa Ingenohl in Bonn brought back to life , General-Anzeiger , August 1, 2008
  7. Bonn Villa Ingenohl is transformed into "A Cave for Plato" , General-Anzeiger , April 25, 2009
  8. City rejects demolition request for Villa Ingenohl , General-Anzeiger , May 10, 2017

Coordinates: 50 ° 43 '28.7 "  N , 7 ° 6' 57.8"  E