Vita Tom

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Vita Tom , also known as Chief Oorlog (born June 5, 1863 in Otjimbingwe ; † June 22, 1937 near Okahao , South West Africa ), was the first traditional leader of the Vita , a Herero clan in what is now Namibia .


Tom was during the Battle of Otjimbingwe ibid as a child of Kaitundu and Tom Bechuana from the Bechuanaland born. His mother was the daughter of the sister of Manasse Tyiseseta , the traditional leader of the White Flag . In 1871 he moved to Ondjiva with his father and Axel Wilhelm Eriksson in what is now Angola . There he met with Uukwanyama king Mweshipandeka sha Shaningika . Ten years later, his father and Vita joined the Dorsland trekkers . In the uprising of the Herero and Nama, they gave many fleeing Herero and Nama , including Wilhelm Katjisume , refuge.

Soldier life and leaders of the Kaokoveld

Vita Tom joined a Portuguese military unit under João de Almeida in the fight against the Kavango in 1909 . They were supported by Herero refugees from Bechuanaland, today's Botswana . Tom was active in the struggle of the Portuguese against the security force German South West Africa in 1914 at Naulila involved. A year later, Tom also fought on the Portuguese side against Mandume yaNdemufayo .

In 1916 Tom moved to the Kaokoveld for the first time , where he met Ovahimba chief Kasupi . A year later he moved there permanently. He was accompanied by his brother Edward Tjipepa , among others . A little later there were disputes with Ovatjimba chief Muhona Katiti , which were mediated by the South African Union . For this Tom traveled to Windhoek . Finally, Commissioner Charles Nicholas Manning (1877–1944) took over the mediation talks at Otjivero on August 24, 1917 . The peace only lasted two years before Mannig had to travel to the Kaokoveld again. He recognized Vita as the leader of the area. In 1923 the peace was again disturbed, so that Manning had to travel again at the request of the Commissioner for Ovamboland , Cocky Hahn . The result of his visit was the decision to divide the Kaokoveld into three areas. An area under the leadership of Muhona Katiti (around Epembe and Ehomba ), one under Tom Vita (west of Epembe including, among others, Ombakaha ) and one under Kahewa-Nawa , the successor of Kasupi, around Ombepera .

Vita Tom first met Hahn on April 13, 1923. From 1925 there were clashes between Tom and Herero, who were moving north. There were also internal disputes between Kahewa-Nawa and his nephew Weripaka. The former finally asked Vita Tom for help.

In July 1936, Tom met with South West African Governor David Conradie . Tom's poor health led to the establishment of a council (Ombongarero yomuhoko) to ensure the future of the clan. At that time, the Kaokoveld was divided again. Territory and leadership claims were only granted to Tom and Karuvapa .

Tom's successor was Moses Ndjai .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f [1] Klaus Dierks : Biographies of Namibian Personalities, T. Retrieved May 28, 2020.
predecessor Office successor
Traditional leader of the Vita
( Traditional leaders of the Herero )
Moses Ndjai