Vittorio Filippo Melano

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Vittorio Filippo Melano di Portula OP (born September 27, 1733 in Cuneo , † December 23, 1813 ) was an Italian clergyman, archbishop and bishop of Novara .


1773 he became master of theology at the University of Cagliari He was prior of the convent of San Domenico in Turin . The ordination for the Dominican Order received Vittorio Filippo Melano on 18 September 1756th

Pope Pius VI appointed him on June 1, 1778 Archbishop of Cagliari . He was ordained bishop on June 21, 1778 in the Abbey of San Benigno di Fruttuaria by Cardinal Carlo Vittorio Amedeo delle Lanze . On July 24, 1797, Vittorio Filippo Melano was appointed Bishop of Novara with the personal title of Archbishop .

His episcopate turned out to be difficult due to the circumstances of the time. He tried to defend the pastoral role of the church against external circumstances.


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predecessor Office successor
Carlo Luigi Buronzo del Signore Bishop of Novara
Giuseppe Cardinal Morozzo Della Rocca
Giuseppe Agostino Delbecchi Archbishop of Cagliari
Diego Gregorio Cadello