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The pilot Chic Kung was only in Nuremberg patricians spread since the 15th century form, with the family estate as a condominium should be preserved permanently under the administration of family elders.


The Nuremberg patricians had acquired numerous town houses and rural manors in the surrounding area since the late Middle Ages . Since these possessions were mostly sold again soon, some families had switched to bringing them into family foundations (called “Vorickung” in Nuremberg), which were mostly administered by the family elders and, when the family died out, were taken over by administrators from related sexes. In these cases the steward's position sometimes changes between two or three families for life.

The advance payment was agreed in the will and included rights to use property (namely real estate), combined with rights to live in mansions and townhouses. As a rule, the oldest heir was the administrator and beneficiary of the transfer. This often served as a permanent safeguard for cultural property .

Bavaria abolished the family foundations in 1808, which led to numerous sales. Later, however, he managed the remaining foundation possession in the form of Fideikommiss continue. These in turn were abolished in 1919. Once again, some foundations managed to survive in private law to this day, although the centuries-old regulations on administration and usufruct are sometimes still in force today.


  • The merchant Paulus II. Praun (1548–1616) used the legal instrument of advance payment to keep his art collection, the Praunsche Kabinett , together, which, however, in 1801 was dissolved and sold.
  • For example, advance payments from the Tucher and Welser families still exist today .
  • It was not until 2000 that the Stromer non-profit family foundation was established with the Grünsberg Castle Foundation .
