Wladyslaw Jahl

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Władysław Adam Alojzy Jahl (born August 10, 1886 in Jarosław , † March 31, 1953 in Paris ) was a Polish painter and graphic artist who worked in Spain and Paris.


Jahl was the son of Władysław and Stanisława, b. Miączyńska. He studied law at Lviv University and art history at Jagiellonian University in Krakow . From 1912 to 1914 he then studied painting at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris. After the outbreak of the First World War he went to Spain, where he worked under Józef Pankiewicz from 1917 . In 1918 he had his first solo exhibition in Madrid .

From 1920 he lived again in Paris, at times with Moise Kisling . His pictures were shown frequently. He exhibited several times at the Paris autumn salons (1919, 1947–1949 and 1951) and at the Salon des Indépendants (1920). It was exhibited in 1919 in the Musée des Arts décoratifs , in 1922 in the Galerie du Musée Crillon , in 1933 at the Art he Artiste Polonais and in 1934 in the Galerie des Beaux-Arts . He had solo exhibitions in Paris at Castel (1934), Zak (1934), Carrefour (1935), Zborowski and Bernheim. He belonged to the “Group of Polish Artists in Paris” (Polish: Grupa paryska plastyków polskich ) and the “Association of Polish Artists in France” (Polish: Związek Artystów Polskich we Francji ). In 1923, 1925, 1926 and 1929 he repeatedly returned to Spain; Among other things, he worked in Madrid as the artistic director of the magazines "Revista de Occidente", "Ultra" and "Indice". He also published in the magazine "Ley" by Juan Ramón Jiménez and worked as a set designer at the "Odeon" theater. Along with a few other foreigners, such as the Uruguayan Rafael Barradas and the Argentine Norah Borges , he was very active in the Madrid artist movement “ Ultraismo ” . He exhibited works in Poland ( Poznan 1929, Krakow 1930, Warsaw 1931 and Lemberg) as well as abroad (Madrid 1926, New York 1939, Rome 1950, London , Grenoble and Bilbao ). In 1937 he visited Lviv. During the Second World War he stayed in Voiron near Grenoble. After the war he moved back to Paris, where he worked in Mela Muter's studio in 1947 and 1948 .


Jahl painted figurative compositions, landscapes (including garden architecture and design details) and still lifes , and more rarely nudes and portraits. His work was influenced by Pankiewicz and his students, the post-impressionists of the École de Paris and the baroque painting of Spain - here especially by El Greco . A series of paintings on Don Quixote was very popular. These pictures, created in the early 1930s, were based on dark, bluish colors with gold- and silver-colored light effects to emphasize the figure. While the artist initially devoted himself a lot to landscape and garden painting, which was often held in light gray, from the mid-1930s, social motifs increasingly came into his focus. Paintings and graphics were created on topics such as political protests, unemployment, war and exile. Much of his work was destroyed in Paris during World War II.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b according to Jolanta Maurin Białostocka (ed.), Słownik artystów polskich i obcych w Polsce , Volume H-Ki , Instytut Sztuki, Polska Akademia Nauk (ed.), Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1979, p. 174
  2. according to Nigel Dennis, Perfume and poison. A study of the relationship between Jose Bergamin and Juan Ramon Jiminez , ISBN 3-923593-28-7 , Edition Reichenberger, Kassel 985, page 44 (in English)
  3. according to Aranzazu Ascunce Arenas, Barcelona and Madrid. Social networks of the avant-garde, ISBN 978-1-61148-424-3 , Bucknell University Press, Maryland 2011, p. 102 (in English)


  • Władysława Jaworska, Agnieszka Morawińska u. a., Malarstwo polskie w kolekcji Ewy i Wojciecha Fibakow (Polish painting in the Ewa and Wojtek Fibak Collection) , Auriga Verlag, ISBN 83-221-0623-8 , Warsaw 1992, p. 188 f.

Web links

  • Short curriculum vitae at Artlist.pl (accessed on September 12, 2012, in Polish)
  • CV at Artinfo.pl (accessed on September 12, 2012, in Polish)