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Villa Waldeshöh (June 2015)
Farm building of Villa Waldeshöh (2015)
Solitüder Strasse 10 to 8 (2015)
The Kate Solitüder Straße 83 (January 2015)

Waldeshöh is an area of ​​the city of Flensburg in the northeast of the Mürwik district , above the actual Soltüdes . Waldeshöh belongs with Fahrensodde , Twedter Holz as well as Twedter Mark and the Cäcilienschlucht to the municipality of Solitüde .


Waldeshöh begins at the intersection of Solitüder Straße / Schöne Aussicht and ends roughly at the eastern end of Solitüder Straße. The few houses north of this street section as well as those south of this section belong to the Waldeshöh area. In recent times, parts of the Schöne Aussicht area have been called Waldeshöh from time to time . According to the various statements, this “new” Waldeshöh would obviously lie between Solitüde and Fahrensodde and Twedter Holz.



How old the name of the area is is unclear. Waldeshöh is listed by name on a map from 1933. The name Waldeshöh refers to the location at the height of the forest. The area used to belong to Twedter Holz and later to Twedt . On the eastern edge of the area, in the adjacent Solitüde street, a large and a small thatched-roof house were built in the 18th century . The dates 1760–1960 are affixed to the gable of the large building, Solitüde 8. The smaller farm building, Solitüde 10, does not have a year. These two buildings may have belonged to the brickworks that were in the area. In the early 19th century, another cottage was built on the northeast corner of the intersection of Solitüder Straße / Schöne Aussicht, at Solitüder Straße 83, formerly Twedter Holz 79. 1906 followed in the Solitüder Straße 93-94, formerly Twedter Holz 94, the construction of the Villa Waldeshöh with the associated farm building. The villa served as an inn and had an orchard and vegetable garden as a pleasure garden . In 1910 Waldeshöh was incorporated into Flensburg together with Twedter Holz , Twedt , Fruerlund and Engelsby .

The street Schöne Aussicht was only laid out in 1911 . Not far from Waldeshöh, a summer house of the Schaberg merchant family was also built. The aforementioned half-timbered house in the style of a forester's house was built by master mason H. Höft . On April 20, the street was officially named Schöne Aussicht. However, the building apparently initially had the address Twedter Holz 91. The summer house was later given the address Schöne Aussicht 49. In 1919, a stable and a coach house were added to the north, right next to the cottage in Solitüder Straße 83 . Two other old houses on Schöne Aussicht are also house Schöne Aussicht 23 (formerly Schöne Aussicht 19), built in 1929, and villa Schöne Aussicht 29 from 1934/35.

Growth since the 1960s

Few houses continued to exist in the entire area in the 1960s. It was not until the 1970s and 1980s that building activity increased in the area. On October 19, 1978, the new road that branches off from Solitüder Strasse at the level of Villa Waldeshöh into the southern area of ​​Waldeshöh was named Solitüder Waldhöhe (Solitude Skovbakke) .

Todays situation

The individual houses mentioned above are considered cultural monuments , but none of them has so far been included in the public list of Mürwik's cultural monuments . The adjoining Schöne Aussicht area in particular is now a popular residential area, so that more well-heeled citizens live there today. The adjacent wooded part of the landscape with the fjord bank is one of the landscape protection areas of the city of Flensburg . In the area of ​​Waldeshöh and Schöne Aussicht (new Waldeshöh) there are still many trees today, despite the development. Nowadays, the Solitüder Waldhöhe bus stop is located on both sides of Solitüder Straße near Villa Waldeshöh.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ City districts, published by the City of Flensburg ( Memento from February 24, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  2. a b c d e Lutz Wilde : Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany, cultural monuments in Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 2, Flensburg, p. 550.
  3. See Falk City Map, 17th edition, 1991.
  4. ^ Cities-Verlag: Map of Flensburg, 14th edition. The city map was probably created around 2013.
  5. See Falk city map: Flensburg and the surrounding area from 2013 , 7th edition.
  6. ^ City map of Flensburg from the Eckmann Graphic Institute, 3rd supplemented edition, 2011.
  7. Cf. Lichen on the Flensburg Fjord and the North Frisian Coast , p. 2 u. 20th
  8. See map of the Fördeufer Mürwik-Solitüde part of the landscape (with Twedter Mark) .
  9. Flensburg Nord (1933) ( Memento from January 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  10. See Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 3-925856-50-1 , article "Solitüder Waldhöhe".
  11. The street there used to be called Twedterholz, cf. Lutz Wilde: Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany, cultural monuments in Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 2, Flensburg, p. 550. In addition, solitude apparently belonged to Twedter Holz for a while, cf. Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, article "Solitüde".
  12. Flensburg Atlas , Flensburg 1978, map no.16.
  13. ^ A b c d Lutz Wilde: Monument topography of the Federal Republic of Germany, cultural monuments in Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 2, Flensburg, p. 548.
  14. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, p. 413.
  15. In the 1980s, the family still owned the Schaberg toy store on the Holm , across from the Hertie department store , now Karstadt .
  16. Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, article “Beautiful View”.
  17. See City Archives Flensburg : Minutes of the negotiations ... 15th meeting of the council meeting on August 25, 1983 Agenda , accessed on: June 1, 2015
  18. Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, article "Solitüder Waldhöhe".
  19. See Lutz Wilde: Monument topography of the Federal Republic of Germany, cultural monuments in Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 2.
  20. See the best residential areas in Flensburg , accessed on May 12, 2015.
  21. See Flensburg Mobil - Solitüde / Waldhöhe bus stop (Direction: Solitüde) and Flensburg Mobil - Solitüde / Waldhöhe bus stop (Direction: Marienhölzung) , each accessed on May 12, 2015.

Web links

Commons : Waldeshöh  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 54 ° 49 ′ 10.1 ″  N , 9 ° 29 ′ 11.1 ″  E