Walo from May

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Walo von May (born December 25, 1879 in Bern , † February 27, 1928 in Stuttgart ) was a Swiss book illustrator and artist.


Walo von May came from the Bernese patrician family von May . He grew up in Bern and attended school there. When he was not yet nineteen, he went to Vienna, where he attended the arts and crafts school from 1898 to 1901, which primarily provided him with the necessary technical equipment. In 1902 he traveled to Paris for a short period of study, but soon returned and stayed in his home country until 1904, in 1904 he moved to Munich , from 1905 to 1906 he worked in a lithography company in Hanau . He then returned to Munich, where he made contact with publishers, in particular Hans von Weber and Georg Müller . In 1908 he went to Berlin, where he lived in Wilmersdorf, but returned to Munich in 1909. Here he married the singer Amalie Weibel , they had a son, Hans Helmut. After staying in Salzburg , he and his family moved to Arlesheim near Basel in 1914 , where he belonged to the anthroposphere and worked on the first Goethean conversion . Most of his book illustrations were created during this time . His wife and son moved to Stuttgart in 1925, and he followed suit in 1926.


Von May exhibited only rarely, in 1914 in Munich, in 1916 in Basel and at the Kunstmuseum Bern and several times at the Kunsthaus Zürich . His drawings can be described as imaginative, often humorous, sometimes sarcastic , and they become understandable in the context of the literature they are working on.


  • Hans Graber: Walo von May.Schwabe, Basel 1928.

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Individual evidence

  1. Hans Graber: Walo von May.Schwabe, Basel 1928, p. 4.