Walter Heyer

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Walter Heyer (born December 7, 1914 in Leipzig , † September 19, 1989 in Hamburg ) was a German composer , conductor , arranger and lyricist .


Heyer grew up in a merchant family. From 1931 to 1932 he attended the State Conservatory in Leipzig and from 1937 the State Academy of Music in Berlin. There he made the Kapellmeister exam in 1939. In 1943 he headed a music corps with the rank of senior music master and was taken prisoner in Stalingrad .

From 1956 he worked as a freelance composer, conductor, arranger and lyricist, primarily for the record industry. From 1965 to 1982 he worked as a producer at Polydor (DGG). In this activity he was u. a. as a specialist in seaman's songs and produced a. a. Recordings with Freddy Quinn , Heidi Kabel and Rudi Schuricke . In addition to his arrangement of brass music works , some of which were commissioned by the NDR , he also wrote film music, e.g. B. for sharks on board and Der Junge von St. Pauli .

For twenty years he headed the Hamburg Police Choir from 1901 eV and the Lübeck Police Choir. For these choirs he arranged numerous choral movements, including the "hymn" of all German police choirs "Where joyful music sounds". Walter Heyer was buried in the Hamburg-Ohlsdorf cemetery.

Awards and honors


Approx. 200 compositions and arrangements for record and radio:

  • Light music
  • Concert pieces
  • Stage music
  • Film music (including sharks on board )
  • Choral music
  • numerous LPs

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Composers Lexicon Walter Heyer. Retrieved May 9, 2019 .
  2. a b Chronicle of the Hamburg Police Choir. Retrieved May 9, 2019 .