Sharks on board

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Original title Sharks on board
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1971
length 100 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Arthur Maria Rabenalt
script Rolf Olsen
August Rieger
production Reginald Puhl
music Karl Geithner
Walter Heyer
camera Dieter Wedekind
cut Klaus Dudenhöfer

Haie ab Bord is a German crime film by Arthur Maria Rabenalt from 1971. An alternative title is Freddy - Die Fahrt ins Abenteuer .


In Sardinia , the Hamburg seaman and diver Fred Norman is looking for his friend Luigi with the help of his friend Heinz. He had once persuaded him to do a little border smuggling, for which Fred made his truck available. The little smuggling turned out to be a big gold robbery, in which Fred unsuspectingly participated. The gang was jailed for three years, Fred was able to escape and Luigi also disappeared with the two suitcases full of gold. Fred now hopes to find him in Sardinia so that he can rehabilitate him. He is contacted by Andrea Jacobs and Harry Lang. Both of them participated in the robbery at the time, served their time in prison and are now looking for the suitcases that Luigi sank in a speedboat in the sea. Luigi himself is dead. Andrea and Harry blackmail Fred, who could be betrayed by them and handed over to the police. He should help them with the recovery of the suitcase. For this he would receive 100,000 marks and the cutter that they will use to go to sea and that he has wanted for a long time. Out of necessity, Fred agrees, but takes Heinz on board.

The crook Paul Barko, who hired the diver Marko, is also after the suitcase. Both follow Fred, Heinz, Andrea and Harry, who begin to dive at the presumed location of the suitcase. Paul secretly goes aboard the cutter with Marko and takes over the management of the diving operations by gun violence. However, numerous dives bring no result. The attractive Andrea on board soon causes trouble, so Marko tries to offend her, which Fred prevents. He fell in love with Andrea, but Paul succeeds in sowing discord by claiming that the cutter bought for Fred by the duo was paid for with a bad check.

In a violent storm, Heinz breaks his arm and can no longer stand by the others. During a dive, Fred finds the boat and also the suitcases. Harry kills Paul and has long since joined forces with Marko against the others. The suitcases are recovered. Fred plans to hand the suitcases over to the police on land because it could rehabilitate himself, but Harry and Marko kidnap Andrea and drive away with the suitcases in a motorboat. Before that, they tied Fred up and lit a dynamite fuse on board. Heinz, who remained on board, shoots the fugitives; he succeeds in killing Harry, but Andrea is also hit in the exchange of fire. Heinz can render the dynamite harmless, but falls to his death in the process. The suitcases are taken ashore by the police and Marko is arrested. Fred is rehabilitated and can return to Hamburg. When he wants to give the cutter back to its owner, because the check has burst, the latter says that Harry and Andrea had actually bought the cutter. Fred now wants to go to Hamburg with Andrea, who was admitted to the hospital seriously injured. However, he learns that she passed away shortly after her testimony, which Fred exonerated.


Haie ab Bord is based on the novel Leichte Beute by Rolf O. Becker-Riepen , which was published in 1970. The film was shot on the Costa Smeralda in Italy , among other places . Heinz Ihme was responsible for the cloakroom . The film premiered on April 15, 1971 in the Hamburg Passage Theater. The film was released on DVD in 2010.

Freddy Quinn sings the songs Die Fahrt ins Abenteuer , Auf ein Seemannsgrab and La Paloma (original text) in the film. It was the last movie in which Freddy Quinn played the lead role.


The film service called Haie on board a “naively constructed and undemanding crime adventure”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sharks on board. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used