The marriage of Dr. med. Danwitz

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Original title The marriage of Dr. med. Danwitz
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1956
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Arthur Maria Rabenalt
script Michael Mansfeld
production Real-Film GmbH (Hamburg)
Walter Koppel
Gyula Trebitsch
music Bert reason
camera Albert Benitz
cut Alice Ludwig-Rasch

The marriage of Dr. med. Danwitz is a German feature film directed by Arthur Maria Rabenalt in 1956 .


After the Second World War, Christa Hambach and her husband Fritz set up the “Fantasia” brand, a factory for synthetic fibers that he developed himself, and now runs the company's fashion salon. But their marriage only exists on paper, because the occupational stress has caused them to grow apart. Ms. Hambach tries to maintain the community anyway. But moral failure of the man destroys the final emotional bond. It is precisely in this difficult situation that she realizes that she is expecting a child. In her panic, Christa is determined to terminate the unwanted pregnancy - through an illegal procedure that would pay her well.

So she tries the young assistant doctor Dr. To persuade Hauser, who is still in training and has little financial means, to carry out the operation. His boss, Professor Schüddekopf, keeps Hauser and his colleague Dr. Danwitz stands for ingenious and stands behind the research project that they have set up together. The interns, however, work unpaid. And while Hauser laboriously finances his living with a part-time job as a taxi driver, Danwitz inevitably lets his wife Edith make ends meet. She has given up her own medical studies for her husband's career and works as a mannequin in Mrs. Hambach's fashion salon. Her job is exhausting too; she travels often, rarely sees her husband - and secretly dreams of having a child. Although Dr. Hauser urgently needs the money for the termination of pregnancy, he has doubts about the correctness of his plan and withdraws his promise to help Mrs. Hambach.

For Danwitz, the temptation is great to renovate yourself in this way. Because his wife Edith is also expecting a child and they urgently need the money. But he rejects the intervention on grounds of conscience. Finally, his colleague Dr. Then convince Hauser of the desperate Mrs. Hambach. The woman pays for the prohibited intervention with her life, the doctor with the final loss of his profession. The near future belongs to Dr. Danwitz with his wife and the expected child.


The marriage of Dr. med. Danwitz is a black and white film that premiered on March 29, 1956 at the Theater am Kröpcke in Hanover . The first performance in the GDR took place on August 11, 1956 on the open-air stage in Wuhlheide . On December 7, 1958, the film was broadcast for the first time in the GDR's DFF .



The lexicon of international films describes the film as a colossal drama that hardly seriously explores the actually miserable social situation of German interns in the 1950s.

The website writes about the film: “Unfortunately, he doesn't really know how to use his material, neither illuminates the miserable social situation of the West German interns of those years, nor does he find a concrete position on the problem of abortion. Marianne Koch and Karlheinz Böhm act convincingly as a married couple in the crisis. "

In the Berliner Zeitung you can read about HUE: “The film (moreover) has more than enough decorative accessories, of which at least some virtuoso shots from the fateful world of chrome-mirror-shining operating rooms are remarkable. Various inconsistencies and superficialities in the treatment of the core question should also be refrained from - so if some things are only apparently `` taken from the middle of life '', then in the `` marriage of Dr. Danwitz 'register one of the rare attempts to lead West German film away from the desolation of homeland, hurray, and bedbugs to new content. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung of August 11, 1956
  2. ^ New Germany of July 31, 1956
  3. The marriage of Dr. med. Danwitz. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. The marriage of Dr. med. Danwitz (1956)
  5. ^ Berliner Zeitung of August 26, 1956