Walter Krickeberg

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Walter Krickeberg (born June 27, 1885 in Schwiebus ( Neumark ), † July 15, 1962 in Berlin ) was a German Americanist and ethnologist . His main focus was the indigenous North and Mesoamerican cultures and religions and the ancient American studies . His teacher was Paul Ehrenreich . From 1939 to 1954 he was director of the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin, but also co-editor of the Nazi magazine for racial studies .

He became known to a broader public through his collections of Indian tales from North America as well as tales of the Aztecs and Inca Peruvians , Maya and Muisca in the series Die Märchen der Weltliteratur published by Friedrich von der Leyen .

He worked on two popular and very widespread works: the Illustrierte Völkerkunde by Georg Buschan , whose America-Africa volume of the second edition he designed together with Richard Lasch and Arthur Haberlandt , and the Große Völkerkunde published by Hugo A. Bernatzik , where he together designed the Australia-America volume with Herbert Tischner and Bernatzik. He was also a member of the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory and received its Rudolf Virchow plaque in 1955.

During his studies he became a member of the Association of German Students in Berlin .


  • Georg Buschan (ed.): Illustrated ethnology. Strecker & Schröder, Stuttgart 1910. (Contributions by Walter Krickeberg (American primitive peoples), Georg Buschan (Australia), W. Volz and A. Byhan (Asia) and Felix von Luschan (Africa)).
  • (Georg Buschan) Illustrated ethnology in two volumes. Volume I. Comparative Ethnology: America - Africa. From Dr. Richard Lasch , Dr. Walter Krickeberg, Dr. Artur Haberlandt. 2nd completely revised and significantly increased edition, Strecker and Schröder, Stuttgart 1922.
  • Walter Krickeberg: Indian tales from North America. Diederichs, Jena 1924
  • Walter Krickeberg: Tales of the Aztecs and Inca Peruvians, Maya and Muisca . Diederichs, Jena 1928
  • Hugo A. Bernatzik (ed.): The great ethnology. Volume 3: Australia, America . edit by Herbert Tischner , Walter Krickeberg, Hugo Adolf Bernatzik. Bibliographical Institute, Leipzig 1939
  • Rock sculptures and rock carvings among the civilized peoples of ancient America with special attention to Mexico. 2 volumes, Palmen-Verlag vorm. Reimer, Berlin 1949–1969
    • Volume 1 1. The Andean countries. 2. The rock temples in Mexico (1949)
    • Volume 2 Rock Art Mexico: As Historical, Religious and Art Monuments (1969)
  • Central American monuments . 1950
  • Older ethnographica from North America in the Berlin Museum of Ethnology. Reimer, Berlin 1954
  • Ancient Mexican cultures. Safari-Verlag, Berlin 1956
  • (together with Hermann Trimborn ; Werner Müller and Otto Zerries ): The religions of old America. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1961 (The Religions of Mankind, Volume 7; Contents: Walter Krickeberg: The Religions of the Cultivated Peoples of Mesoamerica (Mexico, Maya) - Hermann Trimborn: The Religions of the Peoples of Southern Central America and the Northern and Central Andean Region (Costa Rica , Panama, Colombia, Ecuador - Peru, Bolivia) - Werner Müller: The religions of the Indian peoples of North America - Otto Zerries: The religions of the indigenous peoples of South America and West India.)


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Klee : The culture lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 339.
  2. Louis Lange (Ed.): Kyffhäuser Association of German Student Associations. Address book 1931. Berlin 1931, p. 122.