Walter Obermaier

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Walter Obermaier (born September 13, 1942 in Vienna ) is an Austrian literary scholar and librarian in Vienna. From 1999 to 2004 he was director of the Vienna City and State Library .

Obermaier completed his studies in German and history in 1967 with a dissertation on The Vienna Hofburg in the Late Middle Ages . From 1975 Obermaier was head of the manuscript collection of the Vienna City and State Library for many years, from 1998 to 2004 he took over its management.

He is one of the editors of the historically critical Nestroy edition .


  • 1977 Letters from Johann Nestroy (amended and revised new edition 2005)
  • 1978 letters to Frieda Zerny from Hugo Wolf
  • 1979 letter to friends = letter to his friends: facsimile by Franz Schubert
  • 1982 Johann Nestroy. All works: historical-critical edition, pieces; 12, An apartment is to be rented [among others]
  • 1984 Selected letters from Franz Schmidt's Viennese public collections
  • 1986 Viennese walks by Daniel Spitzer
  • 1988 Franz Schmidt and his time: Symposium 1985
  • 1991 Grillparzer , or, The Reality of Reality
  • 1996 Johann Nestroy. All works: historical-critical edition, pieces; 8 / I, The Zwirn, Knieriem and Leim families [among others]
  • 1997 Johann Nestroy's Dutch farmer
  • 1998 Caricature Charivari with marriage purpose by Johann Nestroy
  • 1999 Wiener Strauss caricatures in the 19th century
  • 1999 Everything wants to see the Prophet'n by Johann Nestroy
  • 2000 Johann Nestroy. All works: historical-critical edition, pieces; 24 / I, Two Eternal Jews and None
  • 2001 The world is definitely no longer standing: Johann Nestroy for the 200th birthday of Johann Nestroy
  • 2003 Johann Strauss de-aryanizes the Strauss-Meyszner Collection: Impulses for research and interpretation (exhibition catalog)
  • 2004 Johann Nestroy. All works: historical-critical edition, pieces; 3, Zampa the day thief or The Bride of Gyps [among others]
  • 2005 All letters from Johann Nestroy
  • 2009 documents from Johann Nestroy

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New head of the Vienna City and State Library. July 15, 1999, accessed April 17, 2020 .
  2. ^ The Vienna Hofburg in the late Middle Ages . Diss. Univ. Vienna. 1967 ( bibliographical reference ).