Walter Partsch

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Walter Partsch (born July 9, 1923 in Vienna ; † July 26, 2001 there ) was an Austrian cameraman .

He came to film as a trainee in 1938 and was camera assistant and simple cameraman at Wien-Film from 1941 to 1945 . After the end of the war he worked for the newsreel , and in 1950 he began making short documentaries as head cameraman.

From 1951 he photographed feature films for German and Austrian clients, mainly comedies and homeland films . He was also used several times for productions with an erotic background. 1970 ended Partsch his career as a feature film cinematographer and made his own . He made tourism and documentary films . For television he worked, among other things, in the SFB series Actors Tell Big Stories .

Partsch was buried at the Mauer cemetery in Vienna.


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