Walter Schuhmann

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Walter Schuhmann

Walter Schuhmann (born April 3, 1898 in Berlin , † December 2, 1956 in Berlin-Neukölln ) was head of the National Socialist Company Cell Organization (NSBO) and a member of the Reichstag ( NSDAP ).


Schuhmann, the son of a toolmaker, first attended elementary school and then advanced training school in Berlin before working in agriculture. He completed his agricultural training in the Heimland settlement developed by Theodor Fritsch . During the First World War Schuhmann fought in Russia and also in France , where he was wounded in 1917. From 1922 he finally worked as a fitter for high antennas and lightning rods. From 1921 to 1925 Schuhmann was a member of the Bund Oberland . He joined the NSDAP and SA in 1925 and was section leader in Berlin-Neukölln from 1926 to 1929. From 1929 to 1933 Schuhmann was also active as a city councilor and until 1930 he was the second chairman of the NSDAP city council group.

From 1930 Schuhmann was organizational leader of the Gaues Berlin and Reichsobmann of the NSBO ​​and from 1931 head of the Reich operating cell department in the NSDAP as well as head of the general union of workers within the DAF . In 1932 he became a member of the Reich Economic Council of the NSDAP for social policy issues and from 1933 to 1938 - on leave from 1934 - head of the NSBO ​​of the NSDAP. He was the leader of the General Union of German Workers and was a member of the Academy for German Law . From 1933 to 1943 he was a Prussian State Councilor . Schuhmann was together with Robert Ley instrumental in the DC circuit involved the unions. On March 1, 1936 he became Reich trustee for work for Silesia and in 1941 in the same function for Lower Silesia . In 1942 he became President of the Lower Silesian State Labor Office. Schuhmann later switched from the SA to the SS and in 1943 received the rank of SS standard leader . From 1943 on, he acted as chief office manager of the NSDAP and ministerial director of the general plenipotentiary for labor deployment and was also chairman of the honorary committee of the “Führerstiftung” for victims of labor. In 1943 he also became head of the Reich Main Office of the NSDAP. In 1930 he was elected to the Reichstag for the first time, to which he was a permanent member of the NSDAP until 1945. First it was until 1932 for constituency II ( Potsdam ) and then for constituency 3 (Berlin) in the Reichstag.

After the end of the war, Schuhmann's writings were We Help the Farm Workers! (Mayr, Miesbach 1932) and We break Marxism! (Arendt, Sulzbach / Oberpfalz 1932) and the work Social Policy in the New State (Rink & Krause, Berlin 1934) , written with Ludwig Brucker , were placed on the list of literature to be segregated in the Soviet occupation zone .


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