Walther Bergt

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Walther Adolf Bergt (born June 16, 1864 in Burgstädt ; † February 28, 1941 in Leipzig ) was a mineralogist and geologist who taught at the University of Leipzig and the Dresden University of Technology .

Bergt received his doctorate from the University of Leipzig in 1888 and completed his habilitation in Dresden in 1899. He taught alongside Ernst Kalkowsky from 1899 to 1905 at the TH Dresden as ao. Professor, lecturer at the University of Leipzig from 1905 to 1914. From 1906 he headed the department for comparative regional studies at the Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig , which in 1907 became independent as the museum for regional studies . In its exhibitions it was dedicated to supporting German colonialism . He worked closely with the Africa explorer Hans Meyer . In November 1933, Bergt signed the German professors' confession of Adolf Hitler . Bergt described in his works the geology a. a. from Colombia as well as Madeira and the Cape Verde Islands .


  • Contribution to the petrography of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Sierra de Perijá in South America , Diss. Leipzig 1888
  • with Richard Küch : Geological studies in the Republic of Colombia , Berlin 1892/3
  • The older mass rocks, crystalline slate and sediments , geological studies in the Republic of Columbia, Berlin 1899 (= Habil.)
  • with Alphons Stübel : Vesuvius: a volcanological study for everyone , Leipzig 1909


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