Walther Tritsch

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Walther Tritsch (born November 23, 1892 in Vienna , † January 1961 in Ascona ) was an Austrian writer , translator and historian .

Tritsch studied in Graz , Heidelberg , Jena and Strasbourg . In 1916 he was promoted to Dr. phil. and to the Dr. jur. PhD. He then worked as a freelance writer and translator in Berlin . 1929–33 he taught at the College of Europe in Bruges near Bordeaux . In 1935 he returned to Austria , in 1938 he fled the Nazis to Paris , where he worked as a professor at the Institut Catholique (Catholic Institute) and organized the League for Spiritual Austria . Briefly imprisoned in a French internment camp in 1941 , Tritsch took part in the French resistance during World War II by helping communist refugees hide in the countryside.

From 1946 Tritsch taught again at the Catholic Institute in Paris, but gave up his professorship in 1952 and since then has lived as a freelance journalist and translator in Ascona .


  • Renewal of a nation. The Germans and their State (1931)
  • Europe in Twilight (1931)
  • Metternich. Glamor and Failure (1934)
  • Wallenstein. Lord of Fate, Servant of the Stars (1936)
  • Europe and the Nations (1953)
  • The heirs of the bourgeois world (1954)
  • Dionysios Areopagita , The Hierarchies of Angels and the Church . Translated by Hugo Ball and Walther Tritsch (1955)
  • Dionysios Areopagita , Mystical Theology and other writings . Translated by Walther Tritsch (1956)
  • Christian Spiritual World (2 vols., 1957)
  • The Economic Dynamics of Our Time (1959)

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