Warfolomey Gondarovsky

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Warfolomej Gondarowski , Russian Варфоломей Гондаровский , actually Nikolay Nikolaevich Gondarowski , Russian Николай Николаевич Гондаровский (* 27. October 1927 in Netschajewka , Belgorod Oblast , † 21st March 1988 in Oryol ) was a Russian Russian Orthodox priest. He was the Archbishop of Oryol and Brjansk (1987–1988) and between 1964 and 1966 Russian Orthodox Bishop of Vienna and Austria .


Varfolomei Gondarovsky entered the spiritual seminary in Moscow. In 1954 he was ordained a monk, on April 18, 1954, he was ordained a monk deacon and on November 30 of the same year he was ordained a monk priest .

In 1959 he graduated from the Spiritual Academy in Moscow with the title of candidate in theology .

After his abbot in 1960 by Patriarch Alexius I and his elevation to Archimandrite , he was appointed head of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem in October 1961.

On May 26, 1963, in the Cathedral Church of St. Feodor was ordained episcopal in Yaroslavl by the Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov Nikodim with the assistance of the Archbishop of Novosibirsk and Barnaul Kassian , the Bishops of Dmitrowsk Kiprian , Kostroma and Galitsch Nikodim and of Tallinn and Estonia Aleksij .

He initially worked as the (titular) bishop of Uglich in the Yaroslavl diocese. In the same year he became bishop of Saratov and Volgograd , on December 22, 1964, bishop of Vienna and Austria, on July 7, 1966, bishop of Tula and Beljow , on March 20, 1969, bishop of Chișinău and Moldova , on October 11, 1972 Bishop of Tashkent and Central Asia and finally after his elevation to Archbishop on September 10, 1987 Archbishop of Orel and Bryansk .

After leading a group of pilgrims to Mount Athos in 1976 , he headed a Russian Orthodox delegation to visit the Czechoslovak Orthodox Church in 1980 and from Jerusalem in 1985 .


  • Order of St. Sergius von Radonezh , 2nd class (1980)
  • Order of St. Apostle-like Grand Prince Vladimir (1987)