Association of Baden-Palatinate Carnival Associations

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House of the Baden-Palatinate Carnival, on the left the guard tower
House of the Baden-Palatinate Carnival, detail of the entrance
Fool sculpture at the house of the Badisch-Palatinate Carnival

The Association of Badisch-Palatinate Carnival Associations , founded on October 10, 1937, is the second largest association of carnival associations in Germany and, as a regional association, a member of the Federation of German Carnival .

The association maintains the Badisch-Palatinate Carnival in Speyer . This is in a former tower of the Landwehr von Speyer, i. H. the upstream city fortifications of the city, the watch tower , formerly Wormser Warte , and an extension to the tower. The house is the association's meeting point, museum and archive . A support group of 500 members and an endowment of 1.5 million euros provide the material basis for the work.

The house, Wormser Landstrasse 265, 67346 Speyer is at the northern end of the same and marked the northernmost point of the old Speyer Landwehr . The Landwehrstraße begins to the west across the intersection, the south-westerly course of which marks the former location of the Speyer Landwehr.

History of the Association

The idea of ​​founding the association was born in August 1937 while the carnival club "Fröhlich-Pfalz" from Mannheim was on a boat trip on the Rhine with other friendly carnival clubs to Worms .

On October 10, 1937, 16 of the 29 clubs invited met and 77 representatives made the decision to found a working group for Upper Rhine Carnival Associations . The founding and meeting of the association up to the outbreak of World War II took place under the umbrella of the Speyer Tourist Association, whose chairman of the Speyer SA - Standartenführer Karl Delobelle ensured that the associations functioned in the interests of the Nazi state . In the party newspaper NSZ Rheinfront it was said that the union should " bring future events on a common line ". Delobelle therefore gave, as it is called in the “ Pfälzer Anzeiger ”, “ a new version ” of the proposal submitted by the Great Carnival Society Mannheim-Lindenhof to found the association . In the Pfälzer Anzeiger it was explained which goals the carnival should serve. There was talk of the Fasnachts as " officers of humor " and that they wanted to "encourage laughter and happiness in the German people again ," in order to help the Führer again to make Germany more beautiful ".

After the war, as early as 1946, the seven Palatinate associations founded a working group again. The occupation border running along the Rhine prevented contacts with the Electoral Palatinate and Baden .

After the founding of sub-associations in 1949, however, they merged in 1951 under the current name.

In 1955 59 clubs belonged to the association, in 1956 already 75 clubs and despite the departure of the Saarland clubs in 1965 again 94 clubs and in 1972 even 116, in 1974 finally 134 clubs. This year in 2012 the association has 395 member associations with over 85,000 active members in 4 districts. The association consists of the districts of Mittelbaden, Nordbaden, Vorderpfalz and Westpfalz.

On November 11, 1975 at 11.11 a.m., the city of Speyer handed over the waiting tower, which had been freshly plastered inside and out, including new wooden stairs and heating, for an annual rent of DM 111.11. The contract is valid as long as the association has its seat in Speyer.

In 1976, the Badisch-Palatinate Carnival was created from the ruins of the waiting tower in Speyer.

Presidents were Georg Wilhelm Fleischmann (1937 until his death in 1974) and Dr. Werner Pfützer (1974 to 2003, since then Honorary President). Günter Hauck held the office from 2003 to 2009 before transferring responsibility to younger hands. At the annual general meeting in 2009, Jürgen Lesmeister from Ramstein was elected as the fourth president of the association and has since led the second largest regional association in the BDK.


In 2012, 395 member associations with a total of 85,000 members, divided into four districts, belong to the association.


As a preliminary stage to the "Golden Lion", the Badisch Palatinate Carnival Association awards the Association's "Order of Merit" after 8 years (a total of 4 points according to the Golden Lion counting system per year 1/2 point).

After a further 8 years (a total of 16 years equivalent to 8 points according to the counting system of the Golden Lion per year 1/2 point), the Association's "Great Order of Merit" can be awarded upon request. The awards will take place for each district around November 11th. or something beforehand in an honor matinee or an honor evening in an appropriate atmosphere.

Since 1958, the Association of Badisch-Palatinate Carnival Associations has awarded an Order of Merit, the Golden Lion , which four decades after the foundation was on the green flags of the association, in bronze in front of the Badisch-Palatinate Carnival in Speyer, on the front pages of brochures and programs Annual medals and sponsors' crosses and emblazoned on T-shirts, ties and bow ties.

The lion from the Palatinate, at times Electoral Palatinate coat of arms was used. But instead of the crown he wears a fool's cap . In one paw he holds a fool's mirror , in the other a bunch of grapes as "The symbol of Carnival in a wine-happy landscape".

For at least 11 years in uninterrupted order, the volunteer active carnival must be either president , chairman or chairperson, meeting president of an association in order to meet the minimum requirements for years of service. All other functions in the club receive 1/2 point per year and therefore need 22 years to qualify for the Golden Lion. The Golden Lion with diamonds can be applied for at the earliest after a further 22 years of uninterrupted active activity after the award of the Golden Lion.

Exhibition of the Fasnachtsmuseum Speyer

The Fasnachtsmuseum Speyer preserves and shows certificates, documents, photographs on the history of the carnival and the member associations, song texts and song books, event programs and train programs on four levels in the tower. B. Speyer 1831, Landau in der Pfalz and Eberbach 1862, Kaiserslautern 1901, Mannheim .

Particularly noteworthy is the original edition of Lehman's Chronicle from 1662, which in its history documents the mischief of the Carnival as early as 1296.

The humorous-satyrical Carneval-Almanac from 1848 documents the political Carnival in the days of the March Revolution .

Numerous medals, fool's hats , guard uniforms , costumes, z. B. the Perkeo from Heidelberg , Count Kuno von Bruchsal , the hunter from the Electoral Palatinate or the hottie witch of the fools' guild of Grötzingen .

History of the Wormser Warte

In 1451 the “Wormser Warte” was converted from a wooden structure into a stone structure as part of the Speyer Landwehr . A stone slab still preserved above the archway says that "Anno domini MCCCCLI (1451) the work is made (t); the citizen was the mayor. Conrad Wißhar and (d) Claus Rinckeberg, Buwemeist. (= Master builder) Jordan and Hans Kunc ". The fourth floor contained a guardroom. A hundred years later, the partially preserved surrounding wall was probably renewed.

In a hall plan from 1715 the control room is shown without a roof. The simple tent roof was presumably built in the 18th century. In 1803 the city forester was allowed to set up the control room as an apartment. At that time the loopholes were replaced by windows.

The watch tower was later used as a "Chausseehaus" for the street guards until it burned down after being shot at by tank shells in 1945 when Speyer was conquered by the Americans.

For decades, as a burned-out, roofless ruin that characterized the approach to Speyer-Nord , it was restored from 1971 to 1973 with funds from the city and the state in order to accommodate the carnival museum according to Georg Fleischmann's proposal. The building was officially handed over to the Fasnachtsvereinigung on November 11, 1975 at an annual rent of 111.11 Deutsche Mark. The rent applies as long as the association is based in Speyer.

See also


  • Joachim Hofmann: Ceremony for the 70th anniversary of the Association of Badisch-Palatinate Carnival Associations The idea was born during a boat trip , in Speyerer Morgenpost of October 11, 2007, page 1.
  • mp: Marvel at carnival masks from all over the world , in Speyerer Morgenpost from October 11, 2007, page 4.
  • Werner Hill: When the fools knew no borders , in Die Rheinpfalz of October 9, 2007, part: Speyerer Rundschau.

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Müller: From the southwest. "Officers of Humor". The Association of Badisch-Palatinate Carnival Associations was launched 75 years ago . in Die Rheinpfalz from October 19, 2012 ( Memento of the original from December 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Museum brochure 2006 "House of the Badisch-Palatinate Carnival" published by the foundation "House of the Badisch-Palatinate Carnival"
  3. Fasnachtsmuseum In:, accessed on February 5, 2020.
  4. ^ Foundation "House of the Badisch-Palatinate Carnival" (publisher), Werner Hill (Red.): House of the Badisch-Palatinate Carnival. A museum behind historical walls and a hoard for foolish props. Brochure, 2006, Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH, Berghausen

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