Vasily Michailowitsch Andrianow

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Vasily Mikhailovich Andrianov ( Russian Василий Михайлович Андрианов ; born March 8 jul. / 21st March  1902 greg. In the village Pessotschnja, Ujesd Zhizdra , Gouvernement Kaluga , Russian Empire ; † 3. October 1978 in Moscow ) was a Soviet politician and functionary of Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), who was, among other things, First Secretary of the CPSU in Sverdlovsk Oblast between 1938 and 1946 and later between 1949 and 1953 First Secretary of the CPSU in Leningrad Oblast and briefly as a member of the Politburo of the CPSU from October 1952 to March 1953 belonged to the top governing body of the party.


Vocational training, party functionary and World War II

After finishing school in 1915, Andrianow began training as a tailor, but later also worked as a farm and railroad worker before he joined the Red Army in 1924 and served there as a bookbinder on the 16th train. After completing his military service, he acted as chairman of a credit union in the Bryansk Oblast between 1925 and 1928 and was also a member of the auditing commission of this oblast during this time.

Andrianow, who became a member of the CPSU in 1926, studied between 1928 and 1930 at the workers' faculty at the Karl Liebknecht Institute in Moscow. After completing his studies, he first became deputy head of a district committee of the CPSU in Moscow and then deputy chairman of a district committee of the CPSU in Moscow Oblast , before he was instructor of the railways, waterways and public transport department of the CPSU city committee in Moscow from 1932 to 1934 was.

After studying for three years at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University , Andrianov resumed his work as a party official in November 1937 and was initially first secretary of the Kovrov city ​​committee and then from May to November 1938 second secretary of the CPSU of Stalingrad Oblast . In November 1938 he returned to Moscow and was for a short time deputy head of the department for leading party organs of the Central Committee of the CPSU and thus a representative of Georgi Maximilianowitsch Malenkow . In 1938 Andrianow was also a graduate of the Higher Party School of the Central Committee.

By decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee, however, he was formally confirmed on December 30, 1938 as the successor of Konstantin Nikolayevich Waluchin as First Secretary of the CPSU of Sverdlovsk Oblast and on January 10, 1939 by the plenum of the Oblast Committee. He held this office until his replacement by Viktor Ivanovich Nedosekin on March 21, 1946. At the same time he was also formally First Secretary of the CPSU City Committee of Sverdlovsk , although this office was formally held by the respective Second Secretary of the City Committee. During the German-Soviet war from 1941 to 1945, he led processes to accommodate evacuated factories and to increase armaments production.

Post-war period, first party secretary of Leningrad and member of the Politburo

On March 18, 1946, Andrianow became a member of the organizational office of the Central Committee of the CPSU and at the same time deputy head of the administration for partisan examinations at the Central Committee and deputy chairman of the council for collective farms at the Council of Ministers.

With the support of Malenkov, he succeeded Pyotr Sergejewitsch Popkow and became First Secretary of the Regional and City Committee of the CPSU in Leningrad on February 22, 1949, and held this office until he was replaced by Frol Romanowitsch Kozlov on November 25, 1953.

On October 16, 1952, he finally also became a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee and was thus a member of the highest management body of the CPSU. However, he lost this office on March 6, 1953, one day after the death of Josef Stalin . He also lost his membership in the Central Committee of the CPSU some time later and was finally dismissed on November 25, 1953 as First Secretary of the Regional and City Committee of the CPSU in Leningrad. His last position was from December 1953 until his retirement in August 1956, Vice Minister for State Control.

For his many years of service he was honored four times with the Order of Lenin , namely in July 1942, January 1943, 1944 and March 1945. He was also awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War (February 1945), the medal “For heroic Work in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 ” , the anniversary medal“ In memory of the 100th birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ”in 1969 and the medal“ 30. Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 “ 1975 awarded.

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  • Entry in (page accessed on June 18, 2014)