Werner Reiners-Kröncke

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Werner Reiners-Kröncke (born April 27, 1948 - † July 22, 2018 ) was a German social work scientist and former professor at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences. He was one of the pioneers of organizational theory within social work .


After training as an industrial clerk, Werner Reiners-Kröncke studied social work in Dortmund as well as education and sociology at the Philipps University of Marburg and the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University . He later received his doctorate as Dr. phil. at the University of Siegen . After completing his studies, he worked for several years in the home education for children and adolescents in a managerial position, later he worked in addiction help.

Reiners-Kröncke taught from 1982 to 2012 at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences in the Faculty of Social Work and Health as a professor for education and methods of social work / education and was Vice President of the university for 10 years.


His teaching areas are 'pedagogical references to social work', methodology and ' didactics of social work / social pedagogy ' as well as organizational theory. Further thematic focuses are addiction disorders , crime and juvenile delinquency and social management .

He and Mathias Stübinger became known with the text The Entry into Social Organizations , in which the organizational structure of social organizations and the planned action of the institutional analysis is described in the organizational model named after him; it has now become a standard work within social work theory.

He was involved in numerous associations, such as the German Association for Juvenile Courts and Youth Court Assistance (DVJJ) , the Federal Association for Accepting Drug Work and Humane Drug Policy, or the German Society for Social Work in Addiction Aid.


  • 2004 appointment as a member of the International Police Association (International Police Association - IPA).
  • Medal of Merit of the Heidenheim University of Cooperative Education
  • Medal of Honor from the Coburg University of Applied Sciences
  • State, Bavarian badge of honor on ribbon in gold for special services to the Red Cross
  • Golden badge of honor of the Bavarian Red Cross

Fonts (selection)

  • (with Witter): "It can't go on like this" - drug policy in the FRG . St. Augustin 1997.
  • (with broad meter): Work addiction - a controversial phenomenon . St. Augustin 1997.
  • Addiction and Ethics . In: Information service consumption and addiction . Hamm 1998.
  • (with Stübinger and Apfelbacher): Social management . Volume I - Goal Setting and Problem Solving . Cologne 1999.
  • (with Stübinger): The entry into social organizations - a jump into the deep end . Cologne 2000.
  • (with Stübinger and Apfelbacher): Social management . Volume II - Time management, planning and control of the execution of actions . Cologne 2000.
  • (with Stübinger and Apfelbacher): Social management . Volume III - Management of Organizational Structures . Cologne 2001.
  • (with Stübinger and Lieber): Social management . Volume IV - Human Resource Management . Cologne 2002.
  • (with Schneider): Judicial Social Service - merging probation and judicial assistance . In: DBH materials . No. 50 . Cologne 2003.
  • Networking is necessary . In: Journal for juvenile criminal law and youth welfare . No. 4 . DVJJ, Hanover 2005.
  • (with Bernd-Rüdeger Sonnen and Guder): Criminology for social work and juvenile criminal justice . Hanover 2007.
  • (with Röhrig and Hanna Specht) Burnout in social work . Augsburg 2003, 2nd expanded edition 2010
  • (with Dette and Haaas) Trauma and coping with trauma . Augsburg, 2013

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. HCS-Content GmbH: Mourning a thought leader . In: New Press Coburg . ( np-coburg.de [accessed on July 31, 2018]).