Werner Strothmann

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Werner Strothmann (born February 23, 1907 in Dortmund , † June 19, 1996 in Göttingen ) was a German Protestant theologian and syrologist . He was the first to hold the chair for Syrian church history at the University of Göttingen .


As the son of a pastor from Dortmund, Werner Strothmann studied Protestant theology and oriental linguistics at the universities of Gießen , Tübingen , Halle and Göttingen. During his studies he became a member of the Giessener and Tübingen Wingolf . He was the founder of the Wingolfs connection Nibelungen zu Tübingen. After the Second World War he also became the old man of the Braunschweig and Göttingen Wingolf . He completed his studies in 1931 with the first theological exam and at the same time with a doctorate at the Philosophical Faculty of Tübingen. After his doctorate as Dr. phil in oriental studies, he obtained the theological licentiate with a thesis prepared by Hermann Dörries in Göttingen and became an employee of the Septuagint company of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences .

The second theological exam took Strothmann to the Braunschweig Evangelical Lutheran Church , in whose service he served as parish pastor , provost and church councilor for almost thirty years . During this time he remained connected to academic life as a member of his church's examination board. The final way back to the university was indicated by a teaching position at the theological faculty of the University of Göttingen for "Syrian church history, especially introduction to the reading of the Syrian Bible text." In 1964 Werner Strothmann completed his habilitation with the Subject "Johannes von Apamea" for the subject of Syrian church history, and one year later he returned to Göttingen from church service as a scientific adviser and professor.

The establishment of the Chair for Syrian Church History, of which Strothmann was the first representative, ties in with the Göttingen scientific tradition , which was originally associated with Johann David Michaelis and Paul de Lagarde .


Strothmann brought his subject in Syrian church history to international renown. Even after his retirement in 1972, his work on Syrian manuscripts and his numerous publications on Syrian literature and church history contributed to this.

As the initiator of a Göttingen working group for Syrian church history , he introduced the Christian Orient as part of a sub-project he led himself in the special research area on Oriental Studies supported by the German Research Foundation at the University of Göttingen and thus introduced him to the lively scientific discussion with the representatives of the history of religion, Egyptology , Iranian Studies and Oriental Studies .

Werner Strothmann initiated the first Symposium Syriacum on an international level in the presence of Patriarch Mor Ignatius Yakob III. , together with the then Archbishop of Baghdad, Patriarch Mor Ignatius Zakka Iwas , and the Archbishops Mor Athanasius Yeshue Samuel and Mor Gregorius Saliba Shemun in Göttingen in 1971.

In 1972 Strothmann became the German founding member of a permanent executive committee for the implementation of international syrologist congresses, the so-called "Symposium Syriacum". In the same way, Werner Strothmann initiated the Makarios symposia organized by a German-Finnish working group, the first of which was in the year 1980 was carried out.

For more than twenty years until the last day of his life he worked on the project he led, "Concordance on the Syrian Bible" and edited the entire Old Testament , as well as the task of a critical edition of the Harklensis text of the Syrian New Testament that he was unable to complete with his death.


Publications (selection)

  • The Arab Makarius Tradition, A Contribution to the History of Monasticism , 1934 (theol. Diss.)
  • The Beginnings of Syrian Studies in Europe , 1971
  • The Wolfenbütteler Tetraevangelium Syriacum, readings a. Readings , 1971
  • Codex Syriacus Secundus, Bible Palimpsestaus d. 6./7. Century , 1977
  • Makarios Symposium on Evil , 1983 (ed.)
  • Concordance with the Syrian Bible: The Prophets , 4 volumes, 1984; The Pentateuch , 4 volumes, 1986; The Mautbe , 6 volumes, 1995
  • Commentary on Kohelet by Dionysius bar Salibi, interpretation of the Septuagint text , 1988


  • Gabriel Rabo: The publications of Prof. Dr. Werner Strothmann (1907-1996) . In: Oriens Christianus 87, 2003, pp. 220-23.
  • Gabriel Rabo, Werner Strothmann. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL), Volume XXIV (2005) columns 1426-1430.
  • Estate: Evangelical Faculty of the University of Göttingen.

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