Werner Trutwin

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Werner Trutwin (2013)

Werner Trutwin (born March 6, 1929 in Essen ; † February 12, 2019 in Bonn ) was a German philosopher , theologian , philologist and religious scholar . He has made a name for himself as the editor and author of several textbooks and textbooks for Catholic religious instruction. For decades he was active in Christian-Jewish conversation.


Childhood - youth - education

Werner Trutwin was born as the son of the businessman Alfons Trutwin and his wife Änne in Essen. He grew up in Krefeld , where he attended an elementary school and the traditional Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium. Towards the end of the Second World War in 1944/45 he was evacuated from his grandparents in Wroclaw for about a year . Before the city was fought for as a fortress for weeks , he was barely able to leave Breslau. He witnessed the invasion of the American troops in April 1945 in Friedberg near Göttingen . Shortly after the end of the Second World War, he returned to Krefeld. In 1947 he graduated from the classical Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium in Krefeld. He studied philosophy, Catholic theology and classical philology from 1947 to 1949 in Frankfurt am Main , from 1949 to 1951 in Innsbruck and from 1951 to 1954 in Bonn. There he passed his state examination in philosophy and Catholic theology in 1953 and in Latin in 1954. Studies in religious studies and art history followed in Bonn. His most important university teachers were the theologian Karl Rahner SJ in Innsbruck and the church historian Hubert Jedin in Bonn.


Werner Trutwin had been married to Hildburg Trutwin, a doctor specializing in oncology and naturopathy, since 1958. The couple had four children, a daughter and three sons, including the visual artist Tobias Trutwin .

Career history

After completing his training as a trainee lawyer at grammar schools in Cologne and Bonn, Werner Trutwin was from 1954 to 1963 a teacher and senior teacher at the municipal Ernst Moritz Arndt grammar school in Bonn . There he taught philosophy, Catholic religion and Latin. From 1963 to 1972 he was director of studies at the Helmholtz high school in Bonn-Duisdorf . From 1966 to 1972 he was also head of philosophy at the state study seminar in Bonn. His job was to train young colleagues and take them to the 2nd state examination. During this time he was also a member of the state guideline commissions of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for the subject of Catholic religion in secondary levels I and II. He was also a member of an episcopal committee for religious instruction for several years. From 1972 to 1992 he was senior director of the Heinrich-Hertz-Gymnasium in Bonn- Bad Godesberg .

Trutwin had been living in Bonn in retirement since 1992, but continued to teach classes, worked with trainee lawyers and held conferences with teaching staff.

He died in February 2019, three weeks before his 90th birthday.

further activities

Christian-Jewish cooperation

In addition to his family and school duties, Werner Trutwin carried out numerous other activities. From 1970 to 1994 he was a member of the working group for questions of Judaism at the Ecumenical Commission of the German Bishops' Conference . Since the founding of the working group Jews and Christians at the Central Committee of German Catholics in 1971, he has been a member of this body, which, among other things, reflects theological priorities in the Christian-Jewish dialogue, publishes joint statements on current problems, holds public academy conferences, trips to Jewish communities in various countries, among others to Israel and is responsible for the Christian-Jewish program at Catholic Days and Ecumenical Church Days.

Science-oriented travel

In order to deepen his scientific and educational activities, he traveled to Israel, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Italy, France, Greece, Turkey and Spain. He drove to countries with a focus on Islam such as Egypt, Iran, Uzbekistan and Cappadocia as well as in East Asian countries with a focus on Hinduism / Buddhism such as India, Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, Nepal and China.

honors and awards

In 1993 Werner Trutwin was awarded the Papal New Year's Eve for his services to religious instruction and for contemporary school books. For the same reason and for his activities in the Christian-Jewish dialogue, he received an honorary doctorate from the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn on January 30, 2009 .


  • The Good News (or other title) Memory and Hope: An Introduction to the World of the Bible; Bonn and Düsseldorf 1970 a. ö.
  • Light from light; Religions in our world; Bonn and Düsseldorf 1976 a. ö.
  • Messiah Master Son of Man; A book of Jesus; Düsseldorf 1978 a. ö.
  • Ways to light; The world religions; Düsseldorf 1996, 2004.
  • Requests to speak; Religion in Dialogue with Time, (edited by Roman Mensing); Düsseldorf 2009.

Works currently in use in schools

Religion lower secondary level: Gymnasium, 5–10

  • Time of joy; Grades 5 and 6; Düsseldorf 2000 a. ö.
  • Ways of faith; Grades 7 and 8; Düsseldorf 2001 a. ö.
  • Signs of hope; Grades 9 and 10; Düsseldorf 2002 a. ö.

An extensive revision of the textbook was published in 2014–2015. It relates to the five-year secondary level I (G 8) and is consistently competence-oriented. The basic version, designed for 6 school years, has also been edited in a competence-oriented manner and was newly published in 2016–2018. The three titles have been preserved. Teacher comments by Werner Trutwin with the collaboration of Rolf H. Erbenkindt, Christoph Menn-Hilger, Paul Petzel, and Gunnar Schubert are available for all newly edited volumes of the grammar school edition as well as the basic version.

Religion-lower secondary level: basic version, 5–10

  • Time of joy; Grades 5 and 6; Düsseldorf 2006 a. ö.
  • Ways of faith; Grades 7 and 8; Düsseldorf 2007 a. ö.
  • Signs of hope; Grades 9 and 10; Düsseldorf 2007 a. ö.

Treasure trove text collections

  • Treasure trove - time of joy; Grades 5 and 6; Düsseldorf 2002 a. ö.
  • Treasure Trove - Ways of Faith; Grades 7 and 8; Düsseldorf 2003 a. ö.
  • Treasure Trove - Signs of Hope; Grades 9 and 10; Düsseldorf 2004 a. ö.

Impulse music for the teaching work Religion SI

The “Impulse Music” each contain a workbook and a CD for the teaching books “Time of Joy” (5/6), “Paths of Faith” (7/8) and “Signs of Hope” (9/10). They were developed by Hubert Wißkirchen , Agnes Steinmetz, Werner Trutwin and Ilsetraut Ix. Düsseldorf 2003-2006

Workbooks for the teaching material SI

The five workbooks on “The Time of Joy” (5 and 6), “Paths of Faith” (7 and 8) and “Signs of Hope” (9/10) were written by Christoph Menn-Hilger. Düsseldorf 2006–2009.

They have been re-published in 2014–2016 in line with the G 8 revision of the teaching material.

New forum religion workbooks for grades 10–12

  • New Forum Religion 1 - God (Theology); Düsseldorf, 2008
  • New Forum Religion 2 - Jesus (Christology); Düsseldorf, 2008
  • New Forum Religion 3 - Humans (anthropology); Düsseldorf, 2009
  • New Forum Religion 4 - Life (Ethics); Düsseldorf, 2009
  • New Forum Religion 5 - Church (ecclesiology); Munich 2010
  • New Forum Religion 6 - Hope (eschatology); Munich 2010

World religion workbooks secondary level II


  • Judaism, Munich 2011
  • Christianity, Munich 2012
  • Islam, Munich 2010
  • Hinduism, Munich 2011
  • Buddhism, Munich 2011

Older works

A teaching work on the Bible

  • Law and prophets; History and revelation of the old covenant; Düsseldorf 1967 a. ö.
  • Gospel of Jesus Christ; History and proclamation of the new covenant; Düsseldorf 1969 a. ö.

A teaching work for the lower secondary level

  • Time of Joy (with Klaus Breuning and Roman Mensing)
  • Teaching work for Catholic religious instruction in grades 5/6; Düsseldorf 1980 a. ö.
  • Ways of faith (with Klaus Breuning); Teaching material for Catholic religious instruction in grade 7/8; Düsseldorf 1979 a. ö.
  • Sign of Hope (with Klaus Breuning and Roman Mensing); Teaching work for Catholic religious instruction in grade 9/10: Düsseldorf 1978 a. ö.
  • Various special editions have been published for the textbook for grades 5 to 10, e. B. for secondary and secondary school or for Baden-Württemberg

Lesson series and source collections

The world religions ; Work books for upper secondary level; Religion - philosophy - ethics; 1997–1999, Düsseldorf

1. Judaism; 2. Christianity; 3. Islam; 4. Hinduism; 5. Buddhism

Forum religion ; Workbooks for religious education in upper secondary level; (various editions from 1983, together with other employees)

1 Accountability of the Faith Introductory Course; 2 Let's Make Man - Anthropology Course; 3 Knowing Christ - Christology course; 4 signs of God - ecclesiology course; 5 Believing in God - Theology course; 6 Loving Your Neighbor - Ethics Course; 7 Eternal Life - Eschatology Course

Theological forum ; Text collections for religious instruction in the SII; (several editions from 1970, together with other employees)

1 conversation about atheism; 2 speeches of God; 3 The claim of Jesus; 4 religion science worldview; 5 peace on earth; 6 Responsible Sexuality; 7 Jews and Christians; 8 world religions; 9 Political Ethics; 10 The future world; 11 Church and Democracy; 12 ways to the Bible; 13 happiness and salvation, 14 new consciousness - new religiosity; 15 images of people; 16 The Church; 17 prayer and meditation; 18 Eucharist

Commentary volumes have been published on some issues

Reference books

  • World religions - world problems (with H. Schultze); A workbook for study and teaching; Düsseldorf Göttingen 1973.
  • Religion - secondary level II (with W. Bierbaum, H. Gahlen, E. Menne and R. Mensing); A workbook for class teaching; Düsseldorf 1974.
  • Religion - lower secondary level (with K. Breuning and R. Mensing); Teacher's Comment on “Time of Joy”, “Paths of Faith” and “Time of Joy”; Düsseldorf 1993.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Obituary notice. In: General-Anzeiger . February 16, 2019, accessed February 18, 2019 . (only to be found in the cache)