Wildfire Games

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Wildfire Games

legal form unincorporated association
founding 2002
Seat unknown
management Nicolas Auvray (Project Leader)
Erik Johansson (Administration)
Omri Lahav (Music)
Enrique Keykens (Art)
Number of employees fluctuating, core team plus community
Branch Computer and video games , computer game mods
Website wildfiregames.com

Wildfire Games , formerly Wildfire Studios , is an independent game development studio founded in 2002 by modding teams . It began with work on a stand-alone title ( 0 AD ) in the real-time strategy game genre, the code, artwork and engine of which was freely released in 2009 . Ultimately, a group of mostly voluntary game developers was formed, who worked with a community of volunteers to complete the game and improve its engine. The logo shows the kanji for "fire".


The Wildfire Studios emerged in early 2001 as a modding team for Age of Empires II . The modification Rome At War for the second part of the game series was released in May of the same year.

Originally, total conversions should follow from 2002 - not just a change (modification), but an extensive revision of a game - which resulted in ideas for The Last Alliance and 0 AD . It was decided to develop a stand-alone real-time strategy game with an associated game engine. We are still working on it today. In 2002 it was renamed Wildfire Games , as a game developer of the same name already existed.

The “development studio” became a development community. This consists of volunteers from all over the world. She takes on tasks from all areas of game development, so that new people with different talents can participate.

Rome at War

The popular Rome at War - Modification of 2001 requires Age of Empires II: Age of Kings and Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion . It is available as freeware in a scenario version and a multiplayer version and can be integrated with the installed Mod Pack Studio (Lite) in version 2.0 or higher.

The Mesoamerican civilizations of the Aztecs and Maya are replaced by the Romans and Greeks . The Rhine, the Mediterranean, North Africa or Hadrian's Wall , as well as Greek city-states (see Pólis ) form the areas for scenarios. New units were created, as well as buildings and suitable artwork for the surroundings. Further adaptations were made to surfaces, graphics and audio output.


The specially created game engine called Pyrogenesis (from Greek Pyr , "fire" and Génesis , "origin, beginning") was created to use it as the basis for 0 AD and other games or derivatives such as The Last Alliance , BYZEN - 1811 and 0BC Time Machine .

Initially called Prometheus based on Greek mythology , a new name was found in 2004 because the name had been given elsewhere. The engine makes projects based on it portable and can run under Windows, GNU / Linux, Mac OS X and Android. It will be developed along with the game and is freely available.

Projects that use the Pyrogenesis Engine are or were:

Game title Type of game Game genre Game Status
0 AD , Part I - Empires Ascendant standalone game Real-time strategy in constant development, Alpha 23
0 AD, part II Extension ( add-on ) Real-time strategy Concept, in planning
Millennium AD Modification ( conversion ) Real-time strategy A23 Mod released
0 AD Terra Magna modification Real-time strategy A23 Mod released
Aristeia modification Real-time strategy A23 Mod released
0 AD Delenda Est modification Real-time strategy A23 mod in progress
BYZEN - 1811 Cleavage ( Fork ) Real-time strategy Game released in 2016
0BC Time Machine Spin-off Real-time strategy in development
The Last Alliance Spin-off Real-time strategy Concept, dormant

0 AD

0 AD - Empires Ascendant is a real-time strategy game for the Windows, Mac OS X and GNU / Linux platforms, developed by Wildfire Games .

A concept for a game like 0 AD has been considered since 2000 . Work on it started as a collaboration between different groups with different ideas. A group of players called Tonto Clan suggested a new edition of the first Age of Empires part (The Rise of Rome), which should be forwarded to Ensemble Studios . However, they thought of a game in this time frame, but with mythological instead of historical content, not a remake - later Age of Mythology emerged from it.

The modding team behind Rome at War , Wildfire Studios , started another project in late 2001 with a playable timeframe of 500 BC. BC to 500 AD (roughly the ancient era in the Iron Age ). This was originally just a mod idea, but this time as a total conversion . Due to the limitations of the Age of Empires series, the step was then dared to create an independent game with 0 AD . A fantasy mod team also wanted to go beyond modifying / converting the original games and began to be interested in a game with its own engine, the later The Last Alliance Project (TLA).

Finally, in early 2002, the concept of an independent game engine for 0 AD and TLA emerged , and in mid-2003 a joint game design was decided. From 2003 to 2009 both were worked as closed source and closed development projects. In the end, they should have been offered as proprietary freeware , i.e. free of charge, and moreover should have been easy to modify. Contributions to 0 AD came steadily over the years, but interest in TLA decreased over time. Work on The Last Alliance has been suspended since September 2012 .

It was difficult to get enough programmers interested in 0 AD over the years , so that the code development made progress. Therefore, a switch to an open source project was considered in 2008 . In July 2009, such a release was finally brought out, the program code was placed under GPL Version 2 , the artistic content was offered as CC-BY-SA , also to attract new contributors. We also started to release alpha versions every few months in order to test new features, advance translations and collect ideas and suggestions from the community.

In March 2010, for example, around a dozen people worked regularly on the game, and around 100 had already contributed something since development began. In September 2013, a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo raised over $ 33,000, and a programmer was hired to accelerate development.

0 AD is easily expandable, so a modding scene has established itself. The work is driven by parts of the community. As the Council of Modders, you would like to support those interested who want to participate in getting started and work together on expansions independent of the development of the main game. There are modifications that promise more authenticity or should bring in other time periods, cultures or improvements to the existing (e.g. for Egypt during the Pharaonic era or the Roman Empire). In addition to the "fun mod" 0 AD Ponies Ascendant ( My Little Pony -oriented), map packs, scenarios ( March of the Roman Empire ) and the like are also created. A common repository was created on GitHub .

Millennium AD

Millennium AD chooses a later time frame (the Middle Ages ) and makes other fractions accordingly, e.g. Vikings , Anglo-Saxons , Byzantines , Carolingian Francs playable. In the sense of a total conversion , scenarios and content are exchanged, the game mechanics and game engine are based on 0 AD, the main game. The centuries around 1000 are divided into two periods: on the one hand 500–1000 AD (roughly the early Middle Ages), on the other hand 1000–1500 AD (high to late Middle Ages). Development follows 0 AD , and release titles are also given for published mod versions. Analogous to the main game, Alpha 23 is the current mod with Xýlo (meaning “wood” in Byzantine Greek, reminiscent of a deceased co-founder, Ken Wood).


Aristeia (" Aristie " in the sense of excellence) focuses on an earlier period from around 2,000 to 500 BC. BC (around the end of the Bronze Age ) and is intended to make other factions, in this case of ancient times , playable. The total conversion with other scenarios and content is based on the game mechanics and game engine on the main game. Release titles were occasionally given for published versions. With the introduction of the Egyptians in alpha version 16, e.g. Amāna-Ḥātpa , the name of a pharaoh better known under the Greek variant Amenhotep III. , chosen. Development is progressing more slowly, a mod update to alpha version 23 from 0 AD is available.

0 AD Terra Magna

With 0 AD Terra Magna ("Terra Magna", big earth in the sense of worldwide) cultures from other parts of the world are brought to the fore. The focus of the total conversion is currently on fractions from two regions, the Han dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD) in the Empire of China and the Xiongnu equestrian nomads in eastern Central Asia (approx. 3rd century BC). BC to 1st century AD) with maps for Asian locations, as well as on the Mesoamerican Zapotecs (from around 300 BC to 900 AD) as a further people with corresponding maps. As the name suggests, civilizations from several continents are to be added.

Each started independently with the Han-Mod ( 0 AD Rise of the East ) and a Mesoamerican Mod from the community forum. Later it was decided to merge and further develop under a new name. Other races and regions already contained in 0 AD can also be chosen. Release titles were given for published versions, for example in Alpha 19 for Rise of the East this was Jīngzhì , which can be translated as "refinement". A mod update to alpha version 23 of the main game with the introduction of the Xiongnu is available.

0 AD Delenda Est

0 AD Delenda Est should serve as a test environment for ideas that might later make it into the main game: changes to the balancing of units, new functions (e.g. fame and cults as influencing factors) as well as expanded technology trees. They wanted to focus more on authenticity, with characteristic buildings and furnishings such as clothing, everyday objects and surroundings, e.g. in the form of new playable maps. New playable cultures (currently Thebans, Epiroten, Scythen, the Rome of the imperial era and the empire of Kush ) should be created, the Kushites have meanwhile been adopted in 0 AD . Races and areas contained in the main game and in other modifications could also be selected, provided that they were integrated or adapted in the mod. The further development is progressing more slowly, Alpha 22 is still up to date as a mod version.

BYZEN - 1811

BYZEN - 1811 is a real-time strategy that should run on the Windows, GNU / Linux and Android platforms. It has been developed since 2011 by EG-Games , an independent game studio from Paysandú , Uruguay. The total conversion and spin-off have a similar game mechanics, the game engine is largely retained. A demo version was released in 2015, the download of the final game has been available since the end of June 2016.

The course of the Revolución Oriental (the Eastern Revolution) from around 1810 forms the historical background. At that time, independent states formed from the Spanish viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata for the first time (see Banda Oriental , Spanish for "eastern bank / band"). In the role of a simple person from the people who took part in the rebellion, one arrives at places like Montevideo , mostly in the area of ​​today's Uruguay . The play figure meets characters and historical persons, such as Francisco Javier de Elío , and will act with or against them.

0BC Time Machine

0BC Time Machine is a real-time strategy that strives for realism (according to its own name Realistic Sim ), for the platforms Windows, Mac OS X, GNU / Linux and Android. It is developed by the Magic Philosophers , a group with a weakness for history and fantasy .

The game not only takes a time frame as its starting point, but the entire history of mankind from early to the present. The idea is to create a virtual time machine with continuities (over the course of the centuries) and thus bring the history of mankind closer in a playful way. Features that distinguish it from 0 AD include realistic features such as the passage of time (over the centuries, but also seasons and day-night cycles), the establishment and merging of civilizations and a developing system of skills.

It should contain a mixture of real-time strategy and computer role-playing elements with cooperation and a system of rule, although much is still in the planning phase to date. Furthermore, fantasy or magical / mythological scenarios are considered, as the group e.g. also includes Tolkien fans. The total conversion should, as a spin-off, receive a different game mechanics and an adapted game engine.

The Last Alliance

The game The Last Alliance was to be a real-time strategy based on the mythical Arda , Tolkien's world . In addition to the program code, the concept included articles about the works of Tolkien and the illustrations and graphics inspired by them as artwork.

Due to the interest in JRR Tolkien's work ( inter alia through the films for The Lord of the Rings ), members of Wildfire Studios came up with ideas in 2001 that would lead to the Mod The Last Alliance (TLA). At the beginning of 2002 TLA became the first project of the (meanwhile renamed) Wildfire Games , soon afterwards 0 AD started , which developed further independently. In 2002 a concept for the game design was created, graphics and program code worked on, although the project management changed in the summer. New people came in, and by December 2002, over a dozen people were working on the game. As a "sister project" of 0 AD , it should use the same game engine. In the spring of 2003, however, the team had to clarify legal issues, which it ultimately had to use for orientation. The development continued until 2007, but then came to a standstill. In September 2012 it was announced that the work would be suspended until further notice. The project has been archived for those interested.

Reception and awards

The Age of Empires II modification Rome at War was very successful in its time.

  • The Rome at War mod has been downloaded several 1,000 times since 2001 and is still available today.
  • It came as a supplement in the magazines PC Powerplay (from Australia) and GameStar (Germany).

Although still in the alpha stage, 0 AD has been well received so far.

  • In 2008 and 2009 the game was chosen (by the Mod DB and Indie DB community) among the Top 100 Best Upcoming Mods and Indies .
  • In 2009 it was awarded third place in the Player's Choice Upcoming Indie Game of the Year poll, and in 2012 it was awarded second place. 2010 and 2013 an "honorable mention".
  • In 2012, 0 AD SourceForge Project of the Month June, 2013 and 2015 was voted Open Source Game of the Year by LinuxQuestions.org .

Web links

Commons : 0 AD  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b 0 AD: Organization . play0ad.com. February 19, 2017. Retrieved June 5, 2017.
  2. a b WildfireGames forum: Contributors . wildfiregames.com. September 6, 2014. Retrieved October 11, 2014.
  3. WildfireGames.com - About Us (English)
  4. a b About The Last Alliance - Wildfire Games . WildfireGames.com. Archived from the original on August 8, 2013. Retrieved August 8, 2013. (English)
  5. 0 AD Open Source Release - WildfireGames.com (German, translation)
  6. Rome at War - Modification for Age of Empires II: The Conquerors - Mod DB (English)
  7. a b Wildfire Games: Rome at War. WildfireGames, accessed May 29, 2016 .
  8. Pyrogenesis Introduction (English)
  9. Pyrogenesis Game Engine - Mod DB . ModDB.com. Retrieved October 12, 2014. (English)
  10. a b 0 AD Mods and Forks - Mod DB (English)
  11. 0 AD - Mod DB-Weblink (English), 0 AD - Overview (English)
  12. ^ 0 AD: The Story of 0 AD . play0AD.com. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  13. Does everyone like the Revision Log? . WildfireGames.com forum. November 25, 2008. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  14. 0 AD Now Open Source . FreeGamer.Blogspot.com. July 13, 2009. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  15. ^ RTS Game 0 AD Needs You . TheVarGuy.com. March 23, 2010. Archived from the original on March 30, 2012. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 12, 2014. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.thevarguy.com
  16. New release of the real-time strategy game 0 AD . Heise.de. September 5, 2013. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  17. Council of Modders - WildfireGames.com (English)
  18. 0ADMods · GitHub (English)
  19. 0ADMods / Millennium AD GitHub (English)
  20. Millennium AD Mod - Mod DB (English)
  21. 0ADMods / Aristeia · GitHub (English)
  22. Aristeia: Civilization Bronze Pack Mod - Mod DB (English)
  23. 0ADMods / Terra Magna GitHub (English)
  24. 0 AD Rise of the East Mod - Mod DB (English)
  25. Zapotecs Mod - Wildfire Games Forum (English)
  26. JustusAvramenko / Delenda Est · GitHub (English)
  27. 0 AD Delenda Est Mod - Mod DB (English)
  28. Delenda Est Release 22 - Mod DB (English)
  29. EG-Games Studio-Homepage (Spanish)
  30. BYZEN - 1811 Windows, Mac, Linux, Android Game - Mod DB (English)
  31. Byzen is out! (finally) - Mod DB (English)
  32. BYZEN - 1811, MobyGames (English)
  33. 0BC Time Machine Windows, Mac, Linux, Android game - Mod DB (English)
  34. Wildfire Games-Weblink (English) ( Memento from May 31, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  35. 8 Awesome Free Open-Source Games You Can Enjoy On Windows, Mac and Linux . MakeUseOf.com. October 25, 2010. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  36. ^ 0 AD: Awards and Acclaim . play0AD.com. Retrieved October 12, 2014. (English)
  37. 2008 Mod of the Year Awards event - Mod DB . Moddb.com. January 18, 2009. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  38. 2009 Mod of the Year Awards event - Mod DB . Moddb.com. January 6, 2010. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  39. 2009 Players Choice - Indie Game of the Year feature - Mod DB . Moddb.com. February 5, 2010. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  40. 2012 IOTY Players Choice Upcoming feature - 0 AD Game - Mod DB . Moddb.com. December 23, 2010. Retrieved July 14, 2017.
  41. 2010 Players Choice - Indie Game of the Year - Upcoming Indie . Indiedb.com. December 23, 2010. Retrieved July 14, 2017.
  42. 2013 Players Choice - Indie Game of the Year - Upcoming Indie . Indiedb.com. December 23, 2013. Accessed July 14, 2017.
  43. 2012 0 AD: Project Of The Month June . SourceForge.net. June 4, 2012. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  44. 2013 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Award Winners . LinuxQuestions.org. February 5, 2014. Retrieved July 14, 2017.
  45. 2015 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Award Winners . LinuxQuestions.org. February 10, 2016. Retrieved July 14, 2017.