Wilfred Chikpa Anagbe

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Wilfred Chikpa Anagbe CMF (born April 2, 1965 in Aondona Village , Raav-Udem , Nigeria ) is a Nigerian religious and Roman Catholic bishop of Makurdi .


Wilfred Chikpa Anagbe joined the Claretian Order and made his first profession on September 8, 1987 . He was ordained a priest on August 6, 1994 in Makurdi Cathedral . Subsequently he was responsible for the vocational ministry of his order in Nigeria. He was active in pastoral care in several parishes and from 2000 to 2004 he headed a Claretian farm project in Utonkon. In 2004 he went to the University of Salamanca for further theological studies , from where he returned in 2005 as an economist in the Nigerian Order of the Claretians. Since 2009 he was also active as a military chaplain.

Pope Francis appointed him coadjutor bishop of Makurdi on July 8, 2014 . The Apostolic Nuncio in Nigeria, Archbishop Augustine Kasujja , donated him episcopal ordination on October 4th of the same year . Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Gboko , William Amove Avenya , and the Bishop of Otukpo , Michael Ekwoy Apochi .

With the acceptance by the Pope of the age-related resignation of his predecessor Athanasius Atule Usuh , he followed him on March 28, 2015 as Bishop of Makurdi.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nomina del Coadiutore di Makurdi (Nigeria) , in: Holy See Press Office, Daily Bulletin, July 8, 2014
  2. ^ Rinuncia e successione del Vescovo di Makurdi (Nigeria). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, March 28, 2015, accessed March 28, 2015 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Athanasius Atule Usuh Bishop of Makurdi
since 2015