Wilhelm Hencke

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August Wilhelm Heinrich Hencke (born May 4, 1797 in Neustettin ; † April 21, 1860 in Berlin ) was a Prussian major general .



Wilhelm was the son of the city ​​surgeon Daniel Gottfried Hencke and his wife Johanna Wilhelmine Charlotte, née Dummann.

Military career

Hencke joined the hunter detachment of the Guard Regiment of the Prussian Army as a volunteer hunter during the Wars of Liberation in 1813 . He took part in the campaign against France in 1813/14 and was transferred to the 7th Garrison Battalion as a second lieutenant on June 8, 1815 . On August 3, 1816 he was first aggregated to the 21st , August 28th, 1816, the 14th and May 7th, 1817 of the 20th Infantry Regiment , before he left the army on April 3, 1820 with inactivity salary.

On November 28, 1820, Hencke rejoined the army, was employed as a second lieutenant in the 20th Infantry Regiment and was promoted to captain and company commander by mid-May 1838 . With a patent dated May 20, 1834, he was transferred to the 14th Infantry Regiment on March 30, 1840. Hencke was promoted to major on April 30, 1841 as commander of the 2nd battalion in the 10th Landwehr Regiment. From June 10, 1848, he was employed in the 10th Infantry Regiment in Breslau and here he rose to lieutenant colonel in mid-November 1849 . On September 22, 1851 Hencke was promoted to colonel and appointed commander of the 30th Infantry Regiment . In this position he received the Red Eagle Order IV class on June 30, 1852 . On November 10, 1855, Hencke took his leave as a major general with a pension . On July 5, 1859, he was put up for disposal with a pension . He died in Berlin on April 21, 1860 and was buried in the garrison cemetery on April 24, 1860 .


Hencke married Emma Barth (1808–1890) on May 8, 1830 in Martinskirchen ( Altbelgern ), the daughter of the Torgau merchant and ship owner Gottlieb Friedrich Barth.
