Wilhelm II. (Apulia)

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Wilhelm II (* 1095 or 1097; † July 28, 1127 in Salerno ) was Duke of Apulia from 1111 .


Wilhelm was a son of Roger Borsa and Adela von Flanders , the daughter of Count Robert the Friesian , and thus on his father's side a member of the Norman Hauteville family . After the death of his father in 1111, his mother Adela reigned for Wilhelm until 1114.

1114 Wilhelm was invested in Ceprano by Pope Paschalis II as a duke ; this ceremony was repeated by Gelasius II. 1118 and Calixt II. 1120. The greater dependence on the papal liege lord was also expressed by the depiction of the Apostle Prince Peter on the coins minted on behalf of Wilhelm.

In 1114 he married Gaitelgrima von Airola . Since the marriage remained childless, he appointed his uncle Roger II as heir of the Duchy of Apulia in 1125 .



  • Ferdinand Chalandon : Histoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sicile . Paris 1907.
  • Josef Deér : Papacy and Normans. Investigations into their feudal and church political relationships. [Studies and sources on the world of Emperor Friedrich II., 1] Cologne a. Vienna 1972, p. 127 f. and passim .
  • Hubert Houben : Il "libro del capitolo" del monastero della SS.Trinità di Venosa (Cod. Casin.334): una testimonianza del Mezzogiorno normanno . Galatina 1984, p. 134 f.
  • Hubert Houben: Roger II of Sicily. Ruler between Orient and Occident . Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 1997.
  • John Julius Norwich : The Normans in the South (1016-1130) . London 1967.

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Individual evidence

  1. “accepit uxorem nomine Gaitelgrimam filiam comitis Roberti de Airola”, Romuald von Salerno, Chronicon , pp. 207-208, on 1116; Gaitelgrima is documented as his wife in 1114.
predecessor Office successor
Roger Borsa Duke of Apulia
Roger, King of Sicily