Wilhelm Jung (administrative lawyer)

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Wilhelm Jung (born March 17, 1903 in Frankenberg, † July 15, 1960 in Kassel ) was a German administrative lawyer; he officiated, among other things, as a Prussian district administrator .


After schooling studied young to November 1924 law . He completed his studies with a doctorate to become a Dr. jur. and was in the following years 1924/1925 court and government trainee . In 1928 the big state examination followed. In the years 1928 to 1933 he was employed as a government assessor at the district offices in Marburg , Flensburg and Halle an der Saale .

On September 4, 1933 Jung became the successor of Julius Wehr as Acting District Administrator of the district Torgau in the administrative district of Merseburg of the Province of Saxony appointed before he held this position from February 1 to October 25, 1934 as a regular district. In his capacity as district administrator, Jung was involved in the arrest of the SA Obersturmbannführer Kurt Mosert during the Röhm affair in early summer 1934 . He summoned Mosert on the night of July 1, 1934, during which he was arrested by the SS. After his transfer to the Lichtenburg concentration camp , Mosert was shot there on July 3.

In November 1934, Jung was replaced in Torgau by the new provisional district administrator Werner Oberst and was then district administrator of the Merseburg district . In January 1938 he was transferred to the Reich Ministry of the Interior in Berlin .


  • Outline of German administrative history 1815-1945 , series A: Prussia, vol. 6: Province of Saxony, edit. by Thomas Klein, Marburg / Lahn, 1975, pp. 132 and 149.
  • Dietmar Schulze: The "Röhm Putsch" in the province of Saxony . In: Halle contributions to contemporary history , Issue 15, Halle 2005, p. 21.
  • Hermann-Josef Rupieper / Alexander Sperk (ed.): The situation reports of the Secret State Police on the Province of Saxony , Volume 2, Merseburg District, Halle (Saale) 2004, page 71. ( Excerpt )


  1. Cf. Dagmar Pöpping , Peter Beier: The Protocols of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany , Volume 7: 1953, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2009 (= Works on Contemporary Church History, Series A: Sources, Volume 16); P. 766.