Wilhelm Ludwig Hosch

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Wilhelm Ludwig Hosch (born September 20, 1750 in Hornberg , † August 10, 1811 in Aidlingen ) was a German pietistic theologian and hymn poet .


Wilhelm Ludwig Hosch was born in Hornberg on September 20, 1750, the son of a pastor . He was trained at the Latin school in Bad Urach , after which he attended the schools of the monasteries Blaubeuren and Maulbronn . From 1768 he studied at the University of Tübingen and then returned to his hometown, where he became his father's vicar . Since then he has had correspondence with Pastor Johann Friedrich Flattich . After the father died, Hosch worked as a parish administrator from 1778 . In 1781 he was appointed pastor to Gächingen-Lonsingen . There he founded a citizens' association and a lending fund as a step against begging and pub life. He also spiritually renewed the church; he transformed her into a living, church-minded one. In 1800 he went to Aidlingen and worked there. He died there on August 10, 1811 at the age of 60.

Hosch belonged to the Bengel school. He changed his congregation through preaching in particular ; he preached, according to Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz, simply but forcefully. His sermons hit the language of the people exactly, using metaphors , sayings and parables. But he also took special care of the youth . He was also considered a skilled teacher. Hosch also composed hymns, some of which were printed in Christian Gottlob Pregizer's collection of sacred songs . One of his songs was also included in the Württemberger hymnal.


  • Catechism for reflective or unanswered questions about religious education. A gift for confirmands (1801)
  • Become good calculators and thinkers! or short lessons with questions and examples (Tübingen 1804; further edition Mannheim 1818)
  • I don't want all mornings
