Wilhelm von Mundy

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Wilhelm Mundy , also Mundi , actually Munthe , from 1789 Freiherr von Mundy , Czech Vilém Mundy (* 1742 probably in Montjoie ; † May 22, 1805 in Brno ) was an Austrian textile entrepreneur and pioneer of the Brno textile industry .


Munthe came from the cloth- making town of Montjoie in the Duchy of Jülich . After Johann Leopold Köffiller leased the Aryan cloth factory in Brno , which had a bad reputation, in 1768 , he was not very successful with it despite advance support. In order to improve the quality of the cloth , the director Johann Bartholomäus Seitter recruited German cloth makers to Brno. The specialists recruited from Montjoie included Wilhelm Munthe and Johann Heinrich Offermann . It is not known whether Munthe came to Brno in 1771 as a foreman or as a journeyman.

Coat of arms of the Barons von Mundy, awarded to Wilhelm von Mundy in 1789

Just four years later, Mundy left the Köffiller's fine cloth factory in order to open his own cloth factory with the support of his mother in Brno, which flourished within a short time. In 1780, Mundy looked in vain for an advance of 30,000 guilders from Emperor Joseph II to expand his company . In 1786 the company had grown to 60 looms . Mundy leased the building of the resolution in the same year the monastery Porta Coeli and built in a cloth manufactory with 200 workers. Mundy was elevated to the status of hereditary-Austrian baron on April 20, 1789 in Vienna by Emperor Joseph II . The ruler initials I (osephus) II in Mundy's baron coat of arms, which was awarded at the same time, indicate this.

In 1791 there were 120 looms in both Mundy's factories in Brno and Předklášteří . Wilhelm Freiherr von Mundy inherited the rule Porta Coeli with the town of Tišnov and numerous villages in 1799 . In 1802 he bought the Eichhorn - Ritschans estate and leased the Ratschitz estate . On the initiative of Duke Albert Casimir founded Mundy in the Silesian Cieszyn , a third textile mill that was shut down again after his death.

Wilhelm von Mundy was married to Josepha Freiin von Forgách for the first time. His second wife was Johanna Mikowini von Malowany. He had a son and a daughter. When Mundy died in 1805, he left his son Johann von Mundy a fortune of one and a half million guilders. At that time, 2000 people were employed in its three factories. Wilhelm von Mundy is the grandfather of Jaromír von Mundy .
