Wilhelm Trautschold

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Justus von Liebig's doctoral student in his Giessen laboratory , 1841, Liebig Museum
Justus von Liebig , around 1855
100 Reichsmark banknote showing the portrait

Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Trautschold , also William Trautschold (born June 2, 1815 in Berlin , † January 7, 1877 in Munich ), was a German portrait , genre and animal and landscape painter , lithographer and watercolorist .


He learned at the Academy of Arts in Berlin and in Düsseldorf . Karl Ferdinand Sohn and Wilhelm Schadow were his teachers at the Düsseldorf Art Academy , which he attended from 1833 to 1835 . In 1843 he was employed as a drawing teacher at the University of Giessen , which he held until 1846 and again from 1852. Hermann Trautschold , his younger brother, also studied mineralogy, crystallography and chemistry with Justus von Liebig at Giessen University . Wilhelm Trautschold had been friends with him for a long time. As early as 1840 he portrayed him in Gießen. During his time in Giessen, numerous other portraits were created, especially portraits of professors and students.

In 1846 Trautschold came to England . Exhibited in Liverpool from 1847 to 1850 . On July 18, 1850, he married Sophia Johnston (* 1827) in Everton near Liverpool. The couple had a daughter born in England in 1852 and a son born in Gießen in 1854 . This son, (Adolf) Manfred Trautschold, who emigrated to the United States in 1887 and died there in 1921, also became a painter. In 1851 Trauschold traveled to Italy (Florence, Rome), from 1860 he lived in London . Health problems plagued him for the last twenty years. On a last trip to Germany, which he had made for medical reasons, he died at the age of 61 in Munich.

Trautschold's works are preserved in the collections of the National Portrait Gallery and the Royal Society of Chemistry in London and in the Liebig Museum in Giessen. One of his portraits of Justus von Liebig was used on the German 100 Reichsmark banknote from 1935.


Web links

Commons : Wilhelm Trautschold  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Explore Wilhelm Trautschold . RKD. Retrieved July 8, 2015.
  2. ^ Museum Kunstpalast : Artists from the Düsseldorf School of Painting (selection, as of November 2016, PDF )
  3. ^ Wilhelm Trautschold . In: Jane Turner (Ed.): Dictionary of Art . Macmillan, London 1996, volume 31
  4. Manfred Adolf Trauschold , genealogical data sheet in the portal gw.geneanet.org , accessed on March 25, 2020
  5. ^ Friedrich Noack : The Germanness in Rome since the end of the Middle Ages . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1927, Volume 2, p. 600 f.
  6. a b person - Wilhelm Trautschold . National Portrait Gallery . Retrieved July 8, 2015.
  7. The Late Herr Trautschold . In: The Illustrated London News , February 3, 1877, p. 118 ( Google Books )