Wilhelm Uhthoff

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Wilhelm Uhthoff

Wilhelm Uhthoff (born July 31, 1853 in Klein-Warin , Mecklenburg ; † March 21, 1927 in Breslau ) was a German ophthalmologist and university professor .


Uhthoff studied medicine from 1873 at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen , the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen , the Universität Rostock and the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin . He received his doctorate in 1877 in Berlin to Dr. med. and turned to ophthalmology . After his license to practice medicine, he became an assistant to Heinrich Leopold Schoeler in Berlin in 1878 . In his habilitation he 1885. 1890 he followed the reputation of the University of Marburg to the Department of Ophthalmology and was the successor of Hermann Schmidt-Rimpler (1838-1915). In 1891 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina . In 1896 he switched to the chair in Breslau as the successor to Richard Förster . In the academic year 1908/09 he was rector of the university. In 1923 he retired .


Uhthoff mainly dealt with the connection between eye diseases and other diseases, concentrating on nervous diseases and poisoning . In 1890, for example, he first described the temporary deterioration in visual acuity in patients with multiple sclerosis that occurs after physical exertion . Today, deterioration in the condition of patients with demyelinating diseases due to heat or exertion is referred to as the Uhthoff phenomenon .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Klaus W. Ruprecht (Ed.): Wilhelm Uhthoff. From the estate. universaar Universitätsverlag des Saarlandes 2020. ISBN 978-3-86223-276-5 , online edition: 978-3-86233-033-4
  2. ^ Member entry by Wilhelm Uhthoff at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on June 18, 2016.
  3. Rector's speeches (HKM)
  4. Uhthoff W. Studies on the eye disorders occurring in multiple herbal sclerosis. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkrankh 1890; 21: 305-410. doi : 10.1007 / BF02226770