Wilhelm Vossenkuhl

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Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (born December 11, 1945 in Engen ) is a German philosopher and emeritus professor of philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He is the author and editor of several publications, including popular scientific works such as Philosophy for the Pocket . In the academic field, Vossenkuhl emerged primarily through his work on Wilhelm von Ockham and Ludwig Wittgenstein , action theory and ethics . He also worked as a consultant on the redesign of the Reichstag building in Berlin with Norman Foster .


Vossenkuhl studied philosophy , modern history and political science in Munich from 1968 to 1972 . 1972 doctorate he became Dr. phil. at the University of Munich . From 1975 to 1977 he was on a research stay at Cambridge University . In 1980 he qualified as a Dr. phil. habil. In 1986 he became professor of philosophy at the University of Bayreuth . From 1993 to 2011 he taught at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich as a professor of philosophy I. The Catholic Church was involved in filling this chair.

When the universities of Duisburg and Essen merged to form the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2003, Vossenkuhl was offered the position of founding rector of the new university. However, after lengthy negotiations, he canceled. From the 2007/08 winter semester to the 2009 summer semester, Vossenkuhl was a member of the University Council of Bayreuth .

Vossenkuhl has also been the editor of the Philosophical Yearbook since 1996 .

Television appearances

Vossenkuhl became known to a wider audience primarily through popular science broadcasts on BR-alpha , the educational channel of the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation. Vossenkuhl is personally friends with Harald Lesch , with whom he not only made Lesch & Co. at irregular intervals , but also did the program Denker des Abendlandes , which was also broadcast by BR-alpha .

He also moderates the program philosophy on BR-alpha.

Vossenkuhl has promoted the public understanding of the topics and concerns of philosophy with a series of contributions. This also includes contributions in radio and television (among other things, what the philosophy asks. Heads-Problems-Solutions, lectures Südwestrundfunk 2013; DVDs of broadcasts Denker des Abendlandes, BR-Alpha).

Teaching and Research

Philosophy of language

Philosophy of language and rationality are early focal points in Vossenkuhl's thinking. He combines parts of the theory of speech acts with Wittgenstein into a coherent whole. He tries to combine approaches from the theory of rationality with ethical problems. Historically, Vossenkuhl has dealt with the pioneering importance of Wilhelm von Ockham 's linguistic thinking for modern times . He shows that only the analytical tradition ties in with this thinking.

Works on Kant

He wrote a series of articles on Kant's theoretical and practical philosophy , on transcendental argumentation, on the categorical imperative and on the philosophy of religion . More recently, the distance to Kant's thinking has grown, both in terms of his theoretical and practical philosophy. Vossenkuhl doubts that Kant succeeded in applying validity theory.

Working on Wittgenstein

Vossenkuhl's concern with Ludwig Wittgenstein's linguistic thinking is central . Above all , he has made new proposals for the meaning of solipsism and following the rules . For him, Wittgenstein's two insights are essential: On the one hand, that showing, in contrast to saying, has a fundamental meaning for human thinking. Second, that following the rules can only be understood as practice, not in the form of a theory.


Vossenkuhl has published numerous articles on ethics and so-called applied ethics. In his book “The Possibility of the Good”, Vossenkuhl develops a model of ethics as a conflict science that is intended to solve current bioethical problems and a new model of the distribution of goods that can enable justice even when resources are becoming scarcer. One of the theses of the extensive book is that the basic methodological problem of ethics is the connection and mutual complementation of qualitative and quantitative goods. As he argues, only this connection can make a good life possible. The method he proposes to solve this problem is the maxim method. It combines three maxims (scarcity, norms, integration maxims) into a coherent whole.

Validity theory

Currently (as of 2018) Vossenkuhl is working on a critical analysis of validity claims and validity theories in epistemology , ethics and legal philosophy . To this end, he proposes a new conceptual understanding of what 'validity' means. What he understands by the standards of vision and perception is directly related to his understanding of validity.

Basics of design

Vossenkuhl has also dealt with the philosophical foundations of design, especially in his collaboration with Otl Aicher . The engagement with design was intensified and expanded to include architecture through the collaboration with Norman Foster . Before that, Vossenkuhl worked on design initiatives, including a. at the design exhibition in Aspen.


Fonts (excerpt)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Curriculum Vitae on uni-muenchen.de
  2. Most of the civilizations discovered have lost ( memento from November 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) on heise.de
  3. ^ Professor by the grace of the bishop
  4. Setback: founding rector of the University of Duisburg-Essen throws in the towel in the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
  5. Jürgen Abel MA: Change in the Bayreuth University Council: Vossenkuhl leaves - Kohler comes. University of Bayreuth, press release from August 22, 2005 at the Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw-online.de), accessed on September 15, 2015.
  6. W.Vossenkuhl: Philosophy, Basics, Munich: Piper 2004, 2011
  7. ^ W. Vossenkuhl and H. Lesch, The Great Thinkers. Philosophy in Dialogue, Munich: Heyne 2015
  8. W. Vossenkuhl: Anatomie des Sprachgebrauchs. On the rules, intentions and conventions of human understanding, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 1982
  9. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Colors in Carnap's Logischem Structure, in: Science and Subjectivity. The Vienna Circle and the Philosophy of the 20th Century, ed. v. D. Bell, W. Vossenkuhl, Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1992, 153-168
  10. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Sensible choice, rational dilemmas and moral conflicts, in: Moralische Wahl und rationale Wahl, ed. v. M. Hollis, W. Vossenkuhl, Munich: Oldenbourg 1992, 153-173
  11. W.Vossenkuhl: William of Ockham, figure and work, in: O. Aicher, G. Dalberg, W. Vossenkuhl, William of Ockham: the risk to think modern, Munich: Callwey 1986, 1987, 104-187
  12. W. v. Ockham, R. Schönberger, W. Vossenkuhl: The presence of Ockhams, ed. v. W. Vossenkuhl, R. Schönberger, Weinheim: Acta humaniora 1990
  13. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Reading Kant. New Perspectives on Transcendental Arguments and Critical Philosophy, ed. By E. Schaper, W. Vossenkuhl, Oxford: Blackwell 1989
  14. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: The Paradox in Kant's Religionsschrift and the Claims of Moral Belief, in: F. Ricken, F. Marty (eds.), Kant on Religion, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1992, 168-180
  15. W. Vossenkuhl: Whom does the categorical imperative orientate ?, in: Orienting oneself in thinking, ed. H. Hastedt, G. Keil, A. Thyen, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1996, 263-287
  16. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: "Kant and the happiness of metaphysics", in: Why metaphysics? Historical-systematic perspectives, ed. v. C. Erhard, D. Meißner, J. Noller, Freiburg / Munich: Karl Alber 2017, 309–327
  17. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Munich: CH Beck 2003
  18. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Commentary on: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus, ed. v. W. Vossenkuhl, Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2001
  19. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Solipsism and language criticism. Contributions to Wittgenstein, Berlin: Parerga 2009
  20. W. Vossenkuhl: The Practice of Following Rules, in: Wittgensteinstudien, Vol. 8 (2017), 137–158
  21. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: The possibility of the good. Ethics in the 21st Century, Munich: CH Beck 2006
  22. W. Vossenkuhl: Justice, Paternalism and Trust, in: Limits of Paternalism, ed. B. Fateh-Moghadam, S. Sellmaier, W. Vossenkuhl, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2010, 163-181
  23. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: The validity of moral attitudes, in: Moralpsychologie. Transdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by J. Sautermeister, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2017, 406–425
  24. Validity, in: New Handbook of Basic Philosophical Concepts, ed. P. Kolmer, A. Wildfeuer, Freiburg: Karl Alber 2011, 904–919
  25. W. Vossenkuhl: Gunst und Geltung, in: Areté 2 (2017), 77-94
  26. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Does art teach us to see? About aesthetic standards, in: Yearbook of the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich 2018
  27. Introduction to: otl aicher, analog and digital (analogous and digital), Berlin: Ernst & Sohn 2015, 8–20, and 9–21
  28. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Anarchy and Design, in: otl aicher, write and contradict, Berlin: Janus Press 1993, 37-44
  29. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: The Reichstag: Metamorphosis, in: Norman Foster, Rebuilding the Reichstag, London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson 2000, 232-240
  30. ^ W. Vossenkuhl: Births, Weddings, Deaths, Surprises, Visions of German Design - Aspen 1996, in: Szenewechsel. German Design goes Rocky Mountain High, ed. Design Center Munich, Verlag form 1997, 276–280