Wilhelm von Redern

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Karl Hermann Friedrich Wilhelm von Redern (born June 28, 1867 in Hanover , † August 7, 1940 in Potsdam ) was a German administrative lawyer.


He came from Brandenburg nobility and was the second child of Lieutenant General Hermann von Redern (1819–1886). In 1889 he became court trainee , in 1892 government trainee and in 1895 government assessor with the district administrator in Tilsit , then with the chief president in Wroclaw . From 1901 to 1907 he was the royal Prussian district administrator in the Stallupönen district , East Prussia . He then became senior councilor and department head in the Allenstein government , then in Poznan . From 1914 to 1920 he was regional director in Waldeck-Pyrmontand representative of Waldeck to the Federal Council, later to the Reichsrat, until he was given leave of absence in 1920 for political reasons. From 1920 he served as the 1st Upper Government Councilor (Vice President) of the government in Wiesbaden , but was expelled in 1923. After serving as Vice President of the Government in Gumbinnen from 1924 to 1928 , he was given temporary retirement in 1928 .

See also


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