William Gamble

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William Gamble (born January 1, 1818 in Duross , County Tyrone , † December 20, 1866 in Nicaragua ) was an Irish-born American brigadier general in the US Army in the Civil War .


Battle of Malvern Hill

After attending school, Gamble studied civil engineering and then worked as a government engineer in Northern Ireland before emigrating to the United States in 1838, where he joined the US Army's 1st Dragoon Regiment as a soldier  . Immediately after starting his military service , he was deployed on the Western Front in the Second Seminole War , which lasted until 1842 , and was finally promoted to Sergeant Major . After the end of the war he settled in Chicago richly and worked there as a civil engineer.

At the beginning of the Civil War, he joined the 8th Cavalry Regiment of Illinois as a lieutenant colonel in  1861 , served after his promotion to colonel in the Army of the Potomac and was seriously wounded in the battle of Malvern Hill on July 1, 1862. After his recovery, he served two years as the commander of a brigade headquartered at Farixfax Court House in Virginia for the defense of Washington, DC , and also took part in the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863 . On September 25, 1865, he was promoted to Brigadier General of the Volunteer Forces.

On March 13, 1866, he was retired from service in the volunteer units, but on July 28, 1866, he accepted the position as a major in the 8th US Cavalry Regiment. A few months later he died on the way with his regiment to California of the consequences of cholera in Nicaragua.

In the 1993 movie Gettysburg by Ronald F. Maxwell William Gamble was portrayed by Buck Taylor .

See also


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