Wismar hill cinquefoil

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Wismar hill cinquefoil
Wismar hill cinquefoil (Potentilla wismariensis)

Wismar hill cinquefoil ( Potentilla wismariensis )

Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Rosoideae
Genre : Finger herbs ( potentilla )
Type : Wismar hill cinquefoil
Scientific name
Potentilla wismariensis
T.Gregor & Executioner

The Wismar hill cinquefoil ( Potentilla wismariensis ) is a plant species from the genus of cinquefoil ( Potentilla ) in the rose family (Rosaceae) that was newly described in 2001 . It belongs to the Potentilla collina agg. ( Hill cinquefoil ) group.


Basal leaf of the Wismar hill cinquefoil

Vegetative characteristics

The Wismar Hill cinquefoil is a perennial , herbaceous plant , a Pleiokormstaude whose renewal buds are in the range of the root collar. Characteristic of the Wismar hill cinquefoil are the shoots that do not bloom during the flowering period .

The five- to seven-row basal and stem leaves are stalked and have hairs 0.6 millimeters long on the top. On the underside, on the nerves and on the edge, the hair is 0.7 millimeters long, between the nerves about 0.2 millimeters long and curled, not felty. The leaf stalks are slightly tomentose and sparsely covered with hairs up to 1 millimeter long. The terminal obovate terminal leaflets of the basal leaves have a wedge-shaped base. They are sawn in the upper quarter to third with usually five teeth, whereby the middle tooth usually does not protrude (see illustration). The side sheet -Öhrchen the base sheets are linear, that of the middle and upper obliquely stretched ovoid. The upper stem leaves are in three parts. The wedge-shaped, oblong obovate, slightly tomentose-haired end leaflets are undivided in the lower area, above they have three teeth.

Generative characteristics

The flowering period extends from May to October. The flowering shoots of the Wismar hill cinquefoil grow upright and are branched from the middle. They have fur felt and longer straight hair. the flower stalks are 10 to 25 millimeters long. The hermaphrodite flowers are about 13 millimeters in diameter and are radially symmetrical and five-fold. The calyx is densely hairy and these hairs are up to 1 millimeter long and curled. The outer sepals are elliptical, the inner triangular. The petals , which protrude far beyond the calyx, are about 5 millimeters in length, obovate, edged and golden yellow. The stylus is about 1 millimeter long with a slightly thickened base.

The fruit base is hairy. The nuts are about 1.3 millimeters long and 0.9 millimeters wide.

Distribution, location and taxonomy

The Wismar hill cinquefoil has been known from around the Wismar Bay in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since the 1930s . There this species was first given the illegitimate name Potentilla sordida . Possible further, as yet unchecked deposits are in southern Sweden . The currently known occurrences in the Wismar Bay are on sandy-gravelly soils in grassland-like vegetation in the area of beach ridges , which have been changed by frequent disturbances such as sand mining or embankments. It has been observed that the plant reacts positively to moderate disturbances of the soil surface and appears to be promoted by extensive grazing.

supporting documents

  • T. Gregor, H. Henker: Potentilla wismariensis T. Gregor & Henker sp. nova, a cinquefoil from Wismar Bay (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany). In: Feddes Repertorium , Volume 112, 5-6, 2001, pp. 321-330.

Individual evidence

  1. Potentilla collina agg., Hill cinquefoil (species group). In: FloraWeb.de.
  2. ^ A. Kurtto, 2009: Rosaceae (pro parte majore). , 2011: In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. : Datasheet Potentilla collina aggr.

further reading

  • U. Voigtländer, H. Henker: Red List of Ferns and Flowering Plants Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 5th version, status November 2005. Ministry of Environment Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schwerin, 60 pp.

Web links

Commons : Wismarer Hügel- cinquefoil ( Potentilla wismariensis )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files