Wolfgang Bleck

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Wolfgang Bleck (born May 8, 1951 in Duisburg ) is a German engineer , materials scientist and university professor .


Bleck studied 1970-1975 metallurgy at Clausthal Technical University as a fellow of the VDEh with graduate degrees. He stayed there at the Institute of Metallurgy and Metal Physics and in 1979 with his dissertation research on the recrystallization of Cu and AlMn 1 by means of volume and number distributions doctorate . In 1980 he became a research associate in research at Thyssen AG and then head of the research department, responsible for the development of sheet metal for the automotive industry . The focus was on improving the forming properties of the special steels and optimizing the manufacturing processes.

In 1994 Bleck became head of the Institute for Metallurgy at RWTH Aachen University as successor to Winfried Dahl . His previous areas of work with increased basic research formed an essential part of the institute's work. His work on cold-formable and high-strength steels, lightweight structures and the modeling of material properties and manufacturing processes are of particular importance .

Bleck was appointed to the extended board of the VDEh early on. In particular, he continuously worked on the VDEh materials committee and its sub-committees. From 2005–2012 Bleck was a member of the Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Bleck 65 years . In: steel and iron . tape 136 , no. 4 , 2016, p. 8 .
  2. ^ Institute for Metallurgy: Curriculum Vitae ( Memento from June 29, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on June 29, 2016).